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Hotels Master

The hotelsMaster query returns a list of all the hotel masters created in Inventory. The returned fields include:

  • id
  • name
  • email
  • phones
  • fax
  • address
  • postalCode
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • externalCode
  • category
    • id
    • name
  • locality
    • id
    • name
    • countryCode
  • hotelCode
  • contextCode

Query Inputs

When building your hotelsMaster query, you have 1 input to fill based on your specific needs:

  1. Criteria

1. Criteria

This query offers 3 alternative ways of retrieving hotel masters:

  • By Hotel code and context
  • By country
  • By locality

Optional input

  • countryCodes

Requests Examples

Search for Hotel masters by their code

When searching by hotel code, it is important to know that the default value of the field contextCode will be "TGX_PUSH", so if the hotels to retrieve are from a supplier that works with native codes, their respective Inventory Context must be passed in the field contextCode.


The possible values for contextCode can be retrieved using the query Inventory Contexts.

Search for the full list of Hotel masters linked to a specific Inventory Context

Another possibility is to retrieve directly all the hotels linked to a specific Inventory Context. For that, fill in your input just the Inventory Context in the field contextCode.

Search for Hotel masters by country

When utilizing the Hotels Query, for more personalized results, filter specific hotels based on your interests. For example, to focus solely on hotels located in Spain, add the countryCode field with "ES" in your input:

Search for Hotel masters by locality

Similarly to the previous query, to filter the results and retrieve only hotels from a specific Locality, for example, Palma de Mallorca, set your query variables as follows:


The localityId value from the desired Locality, can be retrieved using the queries Localities or Search Localities.