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The Metadata Query returns a clear and summarized view of the Seller's main characteristics, as well as the methods implemented through their integration and the limitations and restrictions associated with their connection. The returned fields include:

  • maxNumberHotels (Maximum number of hotels that can be requested)
  • recommendedNumberHotels (Recommended number of hotels that can be requested)
  • allowsCurrency
  • release (Minimum days required in between booking date and checking date, if the value is zero then there is no limitation)
  • minimumStay (Minimum number of days required for booking, if the value is zero then there is no limitation)
  • maxStay (Maximum number of days allowed for booking)
  • maxNumberRoomCandidates (Maximum number of room candidates that can be requested in the same search request)
  • paxTypeRangeInRoomCandidates (Contains information about the age restrictions of the guests in a room)
  • maxPaxInRoomCandidates (Maximum number paxs in same room that can be requested in the same search request)
  • maxPaxInAllRooms (Maximum number of sum of paxs that can be requested in the same search request)
  • requiredRoomWithSamePaxConfiguration (Indicates whether all room must have the same configuration, same ages or same number of paxs)
  • rateRules
  • ageRange (The age range used by the supplier)
  • languages

Travelgate API specifications will always prevail over the Seller's specifications. For instance, nationality should always be sent in SearchRQ even though it may be optional for some Sellers.

Since Metadata information may not be updated by our Sellers frequently (they update it whenever there is a major update on their APIs), we suggest you confirm directly with them whether the information is up to date.

Query Overview

When creating your metadata query, you have 1 input to fill based on your specific needs:

  1. Criteria

1. Criteria

This query has a single criteria, which is marked as mandatory (supplierCodes).

Mandatory criteria

  • supplierCodes

Query Inputs

HotelXMetadataQueryInput (INPUT_OBJECT)

supplierCodes  *  (ID)
Indicates the supplier code

Returned Fields

MetadataConnection (OBJECT)
Metadata definition

edges (MetadataEdge)
contains informations of each metadata requested

node (Metadata)
contain information of each metadata requested

code  *  (ID)
Metadata supplier ID

metadataData (MetadataData)
Metadata data

supplierCode  *  (ID)
Requested supplier code

search  *  (MetadataSearch)
Search metadata

destinations  *  (MetadataSearchDestinations)
Contains information regarding the destinations

maxNumberHotels  *  (ReviewedInt)
Maximum number of hotels that can be requested.

reviewDate  *  (Date)
Last reviewed date

value  *  (Int)

recommendedNumberHotels  *  (undefined)
Recomended number of hotels.

maxNumberCities  *  (undefined)
Maximum number of cities that can be requested.

recommendedNumberCities  *  (undefined)
Recomended number of cities.

maxNumberZones  *  (undefined)
Maximum number of zones that can be requested.

recommendedNumberZones  *  (undefined)
Recomended number of zones.

hotelSameDestinationRestriction  *  (ReviewedBool)
Required all hotels from same destination

reviewDate  *  (Date)
Last reviewed date

value  *  (Boolean)

allowsCurrency  *  (undefined)
If true, it is possible to request the currency.

implementsCombination  *  (undefined)
Informs whether the integration allows room combination or not.

release  *  (undefined)
Minimum days required in between booking date and checking date ( days in advance ). If the value is zero then there is no limitation.

minimumStay  *  (undefined)
Minimum number of days required for booking. If the value is zero then there is no limitation.

maxStay  *  (undefined)
Maximum number of days allowed for booking.

roomCandidates  *  (MetadataRoomCandidates)
Contains information about the restrictions of the rooms.

maxNumberRoomCandidates  *  (undefined)
Maximum number of room candidates that can be requested in the same search request.

paxTypeRangeInRoomCandidates (ReviwedPaxTypeRangeInRoomCandidates)
Contains information about the age restrictions of the guests in a room.

reviewDate  *  (Date)
Last reviewed date

candidates  *  (MetadataCandidate)
Guest restrictions for each candidate type in a room.

min  *  (Int)
Minimum required number of guest of this type.

max  *  (Int)
Maximum number of guest of this type allowed.

type  *  (Enum of HotelPaxType)
Candidate classification type.(Adult, Child, Infant)
Possible values:

maxPaxInRoomCandidates  *  (undefined)
Maximum number paxs in same room that can be requested in the same search request.

maxPaxInAllRooms  *  (undefined)
Total amount of paxs that can be requested in the same search request.

requiredRoomWithSamePaxConfiguration  *  (RequiredRoomWithSamePaxConfiguration)
Indicates whether all of the distributions must have the same configuration.

samePaxNumber  *  (undefined)
Indicates whether it is necessary that the number of guests be the same in all of the configurations.

samePaxAge  *  (undefined)
Indicates whether all of the guests in a particular distribution must be the same age.

rateRules  *  (ReviewedRateRule)
List of rate rule types supported by the supplie

reviewDate  *  (Date)
Informs of the date when the field was last reviewed.

value  *  (Enum of RateRulesType)

Possible values:

beds  *  (MetadataBeds)
Information about beds.

informNumberOfUnits  *  (undefined)
Indicates the number of units available per room.

informSharedBed  *  (undefined)
Informs in Search response if beds in the room are shared.

informBedType  *  (undefined)
Informs if the supplier returns the beds types.

informNumberOfBeds  *  (undefined)
Informs if the supplier returns the number of beds for each room.

ageRange  *  (ReviewedAgeRanges)
The age range used by the supplier.

reviewDate  *  (Date)
Last reviewed date

ages  *  (AgeRange)
list of type of passenger with the age range

min  *  (Int)
min age allowed

max  *  (Int)
max age allowed

type  *  (undefined)

informBindingPrice  *  (undefined)
Supplier returns binding PVPs.

informCancelPolicies  *  (undefined)
Returns cancellation policies at search step

informRoomCancelPolicies  *  (undefined)
Returns cancellation policies at room level.

timeZone  *  (ReviewedTimeZone)
Specifies the timezone in UTC in which the cancellation policies are located.

reviewDate  *  (Date)
Last reviewed date

value  *  (Enum of TimeZoneType)

Possible values:

informRemarks  *  (undefined)
Space available for any remarks or comments aimed at the client.

paymentTypes  *  (ReviewedPaymentType)
List of payment types accepted by the supplier with their reviewed date

reviewDate  *  (Date)
Last reviewed date

value  *  (Enum of PaymentType)
Indicates the types of payment suppoted
Possible values:

languages  *  (ReviewedText)
List of languages supported

reviewDate  *  (Date)

value  *  (String)

informDailyPrice  *  (undefined)
Informs if the supplier returns the daily price

informDailyRatePlan  *  (undefined)
Informs if the supplier returns the daily rate.

informPromotions  *  (undefined)
If true, the supplier returns the promotions(offers) applied.

informNRFRateByRoom  *  (undefined)
The supplier can inform in Search if the room is non-refundable.

informSurcharges  *  (undefined)
Informs if the supplier returns surcharges.

informRoomSurcharges  *  (undefined)
Returns surcharges at room level.

informHotelName  *  (undefined)
inform Hotel name at search step

quote  *  (MetadataQuote)
Quote metadata

informBindingPrice  *  (undefined)
Informs if the price is binding in Quote response.

informNRFRate  *  (undefined)
The supplier can inform in Quote if the rate is non-refundable.

informRemarks  *  (undefined)
Returns remarks.

informCancelPolicies  *  (undefined)
Informs cancellation policies.

informCancelPoliciesDescription  *  (undefined)
Specifies if the supplier informs the cancel policies in free text.

timeZone  *  (undefined)
Specifies if the supplier inform the cancel policies in free text

informSurcharges  *  (undefined)
Informs if the supplier returns surcharges.

book  *  (MetadataBook)
Book metadata

allowsDeltaPrice  *  (undefined)
Allows a margin stipulated by the client for booking with a higher price (delta).

requiredAllPassengers  *  (undefined)
Required data for all passengers (names and surnames).

allowsRemarks  *  (undefined)
Informs if the supplier allows send remarks.

informBillingSupplier  *  (undefined)
Informs if the supplier billing code.

informHotelReference  *  (undefined)
Informs if the supplier returns the hotel reference number.

informPrice  *  (undefined)
The supplier informs the book price.

booking  *  (MetadataBooking)
Booking metadata

queryableBySupplierReference  *  (undefined)
Specifies if booking can be performed using supplier reference.

queryableByClientReference  *  (undefined)
Specifies if booking can be performed using client reference.

queryableByCreationDate  *  (undefined)
Specifies if booking can be performed using creation dates.

queryableByCheckinDate  *  (undefined)
Specifies if booking can be performed using check in dates.

requiresCheckInDateInReferences  *  (undefined)
Specifies if the supplier requires check-in date in reference.

requiresCheckOutDateInReferences  *  (undefined)
Specifies if the supplier requires check-out date in reference.

requiresReservationDateInReferences  *  (undefined)
Specifies if the supplier requires the reservation date in reference.

timeZone  *  (undefined)
Specifies the timezone in UTC in which the cancellation policies are located.

cancel  *  (MetadataCancel)
Cancel metadata

mutableBySupplierReference  *  (undefined)
The supplier allows cancellation with supplier reference.

mutableByClientReference  *  (undefined)
The supplier allows cancellation with client reference.

amendBoard (MetadataAmendBoard)
Amend Board metadata

allowsAmendBoard  *  (undefined)

amendDates (MetadataAmendDates)
Amend Dates metadata

allowsAmendCheckIn  *  (undefined)

allowsAmendCheckOut  *  (undefined)

amendPaxes (MetadataAmendPaxes)
Amend Paxes metadata

allowsDeletePaxes  *  (undefined)

allowsAmendAge  *  (undefined)

allowsAddPaxes  *  (undefined)

allowsAmendPersonalTitle  *  (undefined)

allowsAmendName  *  (undefined)

allowsAmendSurname  *  (undefined)

amendRemarks (MetadataAmendRemarks)
Amend Remarks metadata

allowsAmendRemarks  *  (undefined)

amendRooms (MetadataAmendRooms)
Amend Rooms metadata

implementsAmendRoom  *  (undefined)

requireSameGuestsInAllOccupancies  *  (undefined)

requireSameRooms  *  (undefined)

allowsAddRooms  *  (undefined)

allowsDeleteRooms  *  (undefined)

allowsAmendSurname  *  (undefined)

hotels (MetadataContent)
Contains information regarding Hotels, Hotels returns a list of hotels all information available (code, name, address, phone, etc.) for each hotel. Return null is not implemented

languages  *  (undefined)

adviseMessage  *  (AdviseMessage)
List of messages

code  *  (ID)
AM code: The following codes can be returned:

description  *  (String)
Error description

level  *  (Enum of AdviseMessageLevel)
Indicates the level of importance of the message. Possible values: ERROR, WARN, INFO.
Possible values:

external (ExternalMessage)
Specify the external message.

code (String)
External code.

message  *  (String)
External message.

correlationID  *  (ID)
Identifier to investigate the cause of the error.

createdAt  *  (DateTime)
Date created

updatedAt  *  (DateTime)
Date updated

cursor  *  (String)
cursor to the next item, used for pagination

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of messages, contain error message, such as invalid input, connection error


Complete Metadata information from a specific supplier