Booking flow and management
Hotel-X can return errors or warnings as the severity of these issues can vary. These errors or warnings may be directly generated by the Hotel-X API layer, or they could be transmitted from the Seller's system in cases where they encounter errors on their end.
Below, you will find the list of the possible values that you will receive.
Errors List​
Errors are situations where the service has been terminated for some reason. Each error returned by the Hotel-X API layer has an alphabetic code and a type. Here, you will find the various options and their explanations.
Code | Type | Description | Explanation |
ACCESS_ERROR | VALIDATION_ERROR | No valid accesses found | The access is not found or it has no permission, or you are using a test access and you need to add the testMode field to "true". |
MISSING_FIELD | VALIDATION_ERROR | Depending on the scenario | Some mandatory fields are missing in input. |
WRONG_FIELD | VALIDATION_ERROR | Depending on the scenario | A field or fields in the request are not correct. |
ALL_PROCESSES_FAILED | PROCESS_ERROR | See warnings for more information | This happens when our system has to make more than one request to the supplier's system. For example, in a search query, if we're checking availability for many hotels or suppliers, or in a booking query when we're asking about reservations for multiple bookings. If none of these requests get a successful response, we show this error. You can find more details about why it happened in the warning message. Sometimes, it can also happen if there's something wrong with the default settings. |
OPTION_NOT_FOUND | PROCESS_ERROR | Depending on the scenario | Option not found in quote. This occurs when the option's status has changed between the search response and the quote response. |
INTERNAL_ERROR | API_ERROR | Depending on the scenario | Covers any unexpected error or errors due to internal service. |
NOT_IMPLEMENTED | API_ERROR | Depending on the scenario | The requested operation is currently unavailable and has not been implemented for this supplier integration. |
TIMEOUT | CONNECTION_ERROR | Depending on the scenario | This occurs due to a connection timeout. |
INTERNAL_ERROR | REQUEST_CANCELED | Depending on the scenario | Request has been cancelled and connection has been cut. |
Warning List​
Warnings are potentially harmful situations or errors that do not require the service to be terminated. Warnings can originate from either the Hotel-X layer or the Seller's system. In the case of a warning from the Hotel-X layer, the code and type can be as follows:
Hotel-X warnings​
Code | Type | Description | Explanation |
WRONG_FIELD | PLUGIN_ERROR | Depending on the scenario | It occurs when the input of the plugin is misintroduced or misconstructed. |
BLACKLIST | PLUGIN_ERROR | Depending on the scenario | It occurs when the hotels or accesses are blacklisted. |
MAPPING_NOT_FOUND | MAPPING_ERROR | Depending on the scenario | The option couldn't be processed due to the absence of mapping codes for the supplier context. |
INTERNAL_ERROR | MAPPING_ERROR | Depending on the scenario | Internal error produced when mapping codes, it usually happens regarding hotel mapping. |
COMMISSION_NOT_FOUND | API_ERROR | Depending on the scenario | This occurs when the options are discarded because the supplier returns options with a negative commission that does not allow the calculation of the net price. You need to upload the commission file to solve it. |
EMPTY_PRICE | API_ERROR | Supplier hasn't returned a price, the price shown is got from Quote process. | The supplier hasn't provided the book price in its booking response, so we return the price they provided during the quote step. |
NOT_IMPLEMENTED | API_ERROR | Depending on the scenario | The requested operation is currently unavailable and has not been implemented for this supplier integration. |
REFERENCE_NOT_EXISTS | BOOKING_ERROR | Supplier has not returned any booking with this criteria | This occurs when the provided booking reference is not available in the supplier's system. |
Connection warnings​
If the errors originate from the connection with the Seller's system, you will receive the following codes and types:
Code | Type | Description |
Depends on the Seller | 101 | Unspecified Error (Exception not controlled or not classified as controlled error). This could be caused by an integration error or an unexpected supplier response. |
Depends on the Seller | 102 | Supplier Error. |
Depends on the Seller | 103 | Too many requests to the supplier. |
Depends on the Seller | 104 | Error indicating that the operation exceeded the allotted time for execution (refer to the common attribute timeout). |
Depends on the Seller | 105 | Communication Error. |
Depends on the Seller | 204 | Supplier returns 0 results in availability. |
Depends on the Seller | 205 | The Supplier doesn’t accept the occupations RQ. |
Depends on the Seller | 206 | The Supplier doesn’t accept the dates RQ. |
Depends on the Seller | 207 | The Supplier doesn’t accept the request RQ. |
Depends on the Seller | 301 | Option not found in policies. |
Depends on the Seller | 302 | Hotel Not Found in DescriptiveInfo. |
Depends on the Seller | 303 | Booking not confirmed in the supplier’s system. |