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Query Overview

The mealplans query returns a list of all the possible meal plans that a rate can have included in Inventory. The returned fields include:

  • code
  • name

1. Criteria

This query retrieves all available meal plans without requiring specific input parameters.

2. Settings

The query does not require any mandatory input fields, as it retrieves all available meal plans in Inventory.

"input": {}

Response Considerations

The query returns a collection of meal plans along with success status and possible advise messages.

GetMealPlansRs (OBJECT)

  • mealPlans (InventoryMealPlan) - A collection of retrieved meal plans.
    • code (Int) - Unique identifier for the meal plan.
    • name (String) - Name of the meal plan.
  • success (Boolean) - Indicates whether the operation was successful.
  • adviseMessages (AdviseMessage) - Messages related to the operation.
    • code (ID) - AM code.
    • type (String) - Error type.
    • description (String) - Error description.
    • level (Enum of AdviseMessageLevel) - Importance level (ERROR, WARN, INFO).
    • external (ExternalMessage) - External message details.
    • correlationID (ID) - Identifier for debugging.

Returned Fields

GetMealPlansRs (OBJECT)
Represents the response data for retrieving meal plans.

adviseMessages (AdviseMessage)
Collection of advise messages.

code  *  (ID)
AM code: The following codes can be returned:

description  *  (String)
Error description

level  *  (Enum of AdviseMessageLevel)
Indicates the level of importance of the message. Possible values: ERROR, WARN, INFO.
Possible values:

external (ExternalMessage)
Specify the external message.

code (String)
External code.

message  *  (String)
External message.

correlationID  *  (ID)
Identifier to investigate the cause of the error.

mealPlans (InventoryMealPlan)
Collection of meal plans.

code  *  (Int)
Code of the meal plan.

name (String)
Name of the meal plan.

success  *  (Boolean)
Indicates whether the response was successful based on the absence of advise messages.


Retrieve all Mealplans