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Deprecated API

The Legacy Pull Buyers API, our initial Buyers API launched in 2012, is now deprecated and should not be further developed. Instead, we introduced the Hotel-X Buyers API in 2017, which serves as the sole API for new Buyers looking to integrate and participate in our Marketplace.

Legacy Buyers Common Elements

There are certain elements that need to be included in every request, namely common elements. These common elements include timeoutMilliseconds, languageCode, registerTransactions, and the supplier's Configuration.

<ContinuationToken expectedRange = "1000"></ContinuationToken>
<Parameter key = "UrlListHotels" value = ""></Parameter>
<Parameter key = "Access" value = "22334"></Parameter>
echoToken0..1StringEcho token to be returned in response (used for test purposes only).
timeoutMilliseconds1IntegerMaximum time for a response from the supplier’s system.
source/languageCode1StringLanguage code (ISO 639-1 lowercase) format lowercase.
filterAuditData1Activates transaction data sent & received in the supplier’s native format.
filterAuditData/registerTransactions1BooleanReturns all the transactions (XMLs) exchanged with the supplier.
ContinuationToken0..1StringTo paginate the response of HotelList and RoomList content calls.
@expectedRange0..1IntegerTo paginate the response of HotelList and RoomList content calls.
optionsQuota0..1IntegerTo set the max number of options by MealPlan in Avail method.
Configuration1The info required to access the supplier’s system. You will be able to see this information when connecting with the Seller.
Configuration/User0..1StringUser code to connect to supplier.
Configuration/Password0..1StringPassword for the connection.
Configuration/UrlAvail0..1StringSpecific Url for Avail method.
Configuration/UrlReservation0..1StringSpecific Url for Reservation method.
Configuration/UrlValuation0..1StringSpecific Url for Valuation method.
Configuration/UrlGeneric0..1StringSupplier Url used for multiple methods.
Configuration/Parameters0..1Parameters for additional information.
@key1StringContains the keyword to identify a parameter.
@value1StringContains the parameter values.