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Reservation List

Reservation List allows to obtain a list of bookings that were made within a specific arrival date range or a specific booking date range. The returned fields for each booking in the list include: Locators, Hotel, TransactionStatus, Holder, Price etc.

ReservationList Request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv = "" xmlns:ns = "" xmlns:wsse = "">
<Parameter key = "UrlListHotels" value = ""></Parameter>
<Parameter key = "Access" value = "22334"></Parameter>

Request Data Breakdown

ReservationListRQ1Root node.
ReservationListRQ/DateType1StringType search (A = arrival date, B = booking creation).
ReservationListRQ/Start1StringStart date.
ReservationListRQ/End1StringEnd date.

ReservationList Response

After each request, you will process the data and provide a response. Upon receiving a ReservationList request, you will send a corresponding ReservatonList response.

The response options include either success or an error. In the event of success, you will send a booking list with all the details.


<Holder name = "name" surname = "surname"/>
<Price currency = "EUR" amount = "658.94" binding = "false" commission = "-1" minimumSellingPrice="-1"/>
<Room id = "27441" roomCandidateRefId = "1" description = "Doble Standard"/>
<CancelPenalties nonRefundable = "false">
<Penalty type = "Importe" paymentType = "pagoMinorista" currency = "EUR">29.95</Penalty>
<Holder name = "name" surname = "surname"/>
<Price currency = "EUR" amount = "36.20" binding = "false" commission = "-1" minimumSellingPrice="-1"/>
<Room id = "4582" roomCandidateRefId = "1" description = "Doble Standard.."/>
<CancelPenalties nonRefundable = "false">
<Penalty type = "Importe" paymentType = "pagoMinorista" currency = "EUR">72.40</Penalty>

Success Response Data Breakdown

ReservationListRS1Root node.
Reservation/Locators1Information about the locators.
Locators/Client0..1StringClient locator.
Locators/Provider0..1StringSupplier locator.
Locators/Property0..1StringProperty locator(see MetaData method in order to verify if the supplier implements it).
ReservationReadRS/Hotel0..1Hotel reservation.
Hotel/Code0..1StringHotel Code.
Hotel/Name0..1StringHotel Name.
Hotel/City0..1StringHotel city.
Hotel/CreationDate0..1StringDate of booking.
Hotel/StartDate0..1StringCheck-in date.
Hotel/EndDate0..1StringCheck out date.
Hotel/MealPlanCode0..1StringBooking Mealplan code.
Hotel/Holder0..1Reservation Holder .
@name1StringHolder name.
@surname1StringHolder surname.
Hotel/Price1Price of the reservation.
@currency1StringCurrency code (Our system uses a standard ISO - 3 for all suppliers).
@amount1DecimalTotal amount for the booking.
@binding1BooleanIf binding is set as true, then the client can’t sell the product for a lower price that the one set by the supplier. If it set as as false, the client can sell the product for a lower price.
Commission Scenarios
Commission Description
0 The price returned is net.
-1 The supplier has not supplied the sale price nor the commission. This information is in the commercial contract with the supplier.
Greater than 0 X = % of the commission applied to the amount.
@minimumSellingPrice1DecimalIndicates the minimum selling price it can be sold (determined by the Seller). If is specified (different than "-1"), that field takes preference to amount.
Minimum Selling Price Scenarios
Minimum Selling Price Description
0 No minimum selling price is provided.
-1 We have no information about MSP from the Seller.
Greater than 0 The lowest possible amount that can be sold commercially.
Hotel/Rooms0..1List of rooms reserved
Rooms/Room1..nDetails of room reserved.
@id0..1StringIdentifier of the room.
@roomCandidateRefId0..1IntegerIdentifier of room candidate.
@code0..1StringRoom code.
@description0..1StringRoom description.
Hotel/RoomCandidates0..1Rooms requested at the time of booking.
RoomCandidates/RoomCandidate1..nRoom required.
@id0..1IntegerId of the requested room (starting at 1).
RoomCandidate/Paxes1..nPax required.
Paxes/Pax1..nPax required.
@age0..1IntegerPassenger age on the day of check-in.
@id0..1IntegerId of the requested room (starting at 1).
Hotel/CancelPenalties0..1Information of cancellation policies.
@nonRefundable1BooleanIndicate if this option is nonRefundable (true or false).
CancelPenalties/CancelPenalty0..nListing of cancellation penalties.
CancelPenalty/HoursBefore1StringNumber of hours prior to arrival day in which this Cancellation policy applies.
CancelPenalty/Deadline1StringDate on UTC Standard TimeZone in which this Cancellation policy applies (ISO 8601 e.g: 2016-07-01T05:00:00Z)
CancelPenalty/CalculatedDeadline1BooleanIndicate if the Deadline is returned by the supplier or it's been calculated by Travelgate.If true, the deadline has been converted to UTC-0 by Travelgate. If False, the supplier returns the deadline on UTC-0, so no calculation is needed.
CancelPenalty/Penalty1Contains the value to be applied in net price.
Types of penalties
Penalty Description
Noches Indicates the number of nights to be penalized.
Porcentaje Indicates the percentage to pay based on the option price.
Importe Indicates the exact amount payable.
@paymentType1StringIndicates payment type.
@currency1StringCurrency code (Our system uses a standard ISO - 3 for all suppliers).
TransactionStatus/ComunicationStatus1StringStatus communication (OFFLINE, OK and KO).
Response Status
Status Description
EXISTECANCELADA exists but it's cancelled
NO_EXISTE Does not exist
Reservation Status
Status Code Description
OK The reservation was completed with no problems.
RQ The reservation was completed but the product is still not available, so the reservation goes into a waiting list (Request).
CN The reservation was completed but due to a supplier error or a timeout the system will immediately cancel the reservation to prevent further possible errors.
UN During the reservation process, an issue led to an unknown reservation status. The Buyer is responsible for verifying with the Seller that the booking has been confirmed.


<description>Communication Error.</description>
Error types that you will need to include in the response in the event of an error
Error TypeError DescriptionComments
101System Exception.Exception not controlled or not classified as general exception.
102Provider Error.You return a particular code/description for an error, which is then transmitted to the Buyer in our response.
103Too many requests to the supplier.Your Buyer has surpassed the agreed-upon request limit with you.
104Connection Timeout With Provider.Your response time has exceeded the timeout set in the Buyer's request.
105Communication Error.The connection with your system has been refused.
105Payload too high.The size of your response surpasses the size limitation established on our side for optimal performance (20000 options or 15MB).
204No results found.You don't return any results for the specific availability criteria set in the Buyer's request (e.g. hotel, dates, market, etc.).
205Room Candidate Not Supported.The number of room candidates in Buyer's request exceeds the maximum set by you.
206Dates Not Supported.Buyer availability request does not align with your date specifications.
207Request XML not accepted by Supplier.Buyer availability request does not align with your specifications.
301Option Not Found In Valuation.You fail to return the option previously chosen by the Buyer in Search response (the option is no longer available). This error can be encountered in Quote response and Book response (whenever the integration requires an additional Quote to the Seller).
302Hotel not found.Our system is unable to locate the hotel the Buyer requested in your Hotels (DescriptiveInfo) method.
303Booking not confirmed.You haven't been able to confirm a booking for some reason (is not very common and might be returned in reservation response).