Legacy Sellers Common Elements
There are certain elements that will be included in every request, namely common elements. These common elements include timeoutMilliseconds
, languageCode
, registerTransactions
, and the supplier's Configuration
<ContinuationToken expectedRange = "1000"></ContinuationToken>
<Parameter key = "UrlListHotels" value = "http://www.supplier.com/ListHotels"></Parameter>
<Parameter key = "Access" value = "22334"></Parameter>
Element | Rel | Type | Description |
echoToken | 0..1 | String | Echo token to be returned in response (used for test purposes only). |
timeoutMilliseconds | 1 | Integer | Maximum time for a response from the supplier’s system. |
source | 1 | ||
source/languageCode | 1 | String | Language code (ISO 639-1 lowercase) format lowercase. |
filterAuditData | 1 | Activates transaction data sent & received in the supplier’s native format. | |
filterAuditData/registerTransactions | 1 | Boolean | Returns all the transactions (XMLs) exchanged with the supplier. |
ContinuationToken | 0..1 | String | Used by the Buyer to paginate the response of HotelList and RoomList. |
@expectedRange | 0..1 | Integer | Used by the Buyer to paginate the response of HotelList and RoomList. |
optionsQuota | 0..1 | Integer | Used by the Buyer to set the max number of options by MealPlan in Avail method. |
Configuration | 1 | The info required to access the supplier’s system. | |
Configuration/User | 0..1 | String | User code to connect to supplier. |
Configuration/Password | 0..1 | String | Password for the connection. |
Configuration/UrlAvail | 0..1 | String | Specific Url for Avail method. |
Configuration/UrlReservation | 0..1 | String | Specific Url for Reservation method. |
Configuration/UrlValuation | 0..1 | String | Specific Url for Valuation method. |
Configuration/UrlGeneric | 0..1 | String | Supplier Url used for multiple methods. |
Configuration/Parameters | 0..1 | Parameters for additional information. | |
Parameters/Parameter | 0..n | ||
@key | 1 | String | Contains the keyword to identify a parameter. |
@value | 1 | String | Contains the parameter values. |