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Availability Retrieval

The HotelAvailRetrieve request message is sent to retrieve a complete breakdown of availability, including details about the Hotels, Rate Plans, and Rooms.

HotelAvailRetrieve Request

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:ns1="">
<ns:request PrimaryLangID="EN">
<ns1:RequestorID ID="Seller Code"/>
<ns1:CompanyName Code="Buyer Code"/>
<ns1:Param key = "onlyActive" value = "0"/>
<ns1:DateRange Start="2023-12-01" End="2023-12-31"/>
<ns1:RatePlanCandidate RatePlanCode="BAR" PromotionCode="" />
<ns1:HotelRef HotelCode="2"/>

Request Data Breakdown


During the onboarding process, your username and password will be provided. After each connection is established, you'll receive an email with RequestorID (Seller Code) and CompanyName (Buyer Code) values.

Source/TPA_Extensions0..1Optional, if empty only active inventory will be received
@value1String1 - You will receive all active inventory data. 0 - Active and deactivated inventory will be received. (Same case as without TPA_Extensions node.)
@Start1DateStart date to search rates.
@End1DateEnd date to search rates.
@HotelCode1StringHotel date to search rates.
HotelAvailRequest/RatePlanCandidates0..1If exists, contains rate filter.
@RatePlanCode1StringRate Plan Code to search rates.

HotelAvailRetrieve Response

After each request, Travelgate will process the data and provide you with a response. Upon receiving a HotelRatePlanRetrieve request, Travelgate will send you a corresponding HotelRatePlanRetrieve response.

The response options include either success or an error. In the event of success, Travelgate will provide you a response in which retrieves a breakdown of availability, including details about the Hotel, Rate Plans, and Rooms.


<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:u="">
<o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o="">
<u:Timestamp u:Id="_0">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<HotelAvailRetrieveResponse xmlns="">
<Success xmlns=""/>
<AvailStatusMessages HotelCode="2" xmlns="">
<StatusApplicationControl Start="2023-12-01" End="2023-12-31" RatePlanCode="BARDEV" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true"/>
<RestrictionStatus Status="Open"/>
<AvailStatusMessage BookingLimit="14" BookingSold="0">
<StatusApplicationControl Start="2023-12-20" End="2023-12-22" RatePlanCode="BAR" InvCode="STD3" InvType="ROOM" Mon="false" Tue="false" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="false" Sun="false"/>
<LengthsOfStay ArrivalDateBased="false">
<LengthOfStay Time="1" TimeUnit="Day" MinMaxMessageType="MinLOS"/>
<LengthOfStay Time="28" TimeUnit="Day" MinMaxMessageType="MaxLOS"/>
<RestrictionStatus Status="Open" SellThroughOpenIndicator="false" MaxAdvancedBookingOffset="2" MinAdvancedBookingOffset="1"/>

Sucess Response Data Breakdown

@HotelCode1StringHotel code
@BookingLimit0..1IntegerThe number of rooms available per Room-RatePlan for the specified dates. This field is exclusively used for Derivated Rates.
@BookingSold0..1IntegerThe number of rooms booked per Room-RatePlan for the specified dates. The available allotment is calculated as the difference between @BookingLimit and @BookingSold. This field is exclusively used for Derivated Rates
@Start1DateStart date
@End1DateEnd date
@InvCode0..1StringRoom code. This field is exclusively used for Basic Rates.
@InvType0..1StringROOM. This field is exclusively used for Basic Rates.
@PromotionCode0..1StringOfferCode. This field is exclusively used for Offers.
@Mon0..1BooleanIf true or attribute is not present, there is availability on Monday.
@Tue0..1BooleanIf true or attribute is not present, there is availability on Tuesday.
@Weds0..1BooleanIf true or attribute is not present, there is availability on Wednesday.
@Thur0..1BooleanIf true or attribute is not present, there is availability on Thurday.
@Fri0..1BooleanIf true or attribute is not present, there is availability on Friday.
@Sat0..1BooleanIf true or attribute is not present, there is availability on Saturday.
@Sat0..1BooleanIf true or attribute is not present, there is availability on Sunday.
@ArrivalDateBased0..1BooleanIf true, the Minimum and Maximum Stay is checked ONLY the first day of the availability. If false or null, the Minimum and Maximum Stay is checked all the availability days. If both values are needed, two @AvailStatusMessage will be sent.
@Time1IntegerIndicates the number of @TimeUnit for this stay. When value is 0 or -1, condition should be deleted from the system.
@MinMaxMessageType1StringMinLOS (minimum) or MaxLOS (maximum) @LenghtOfSaty.
@Status0..1StringOpen or Close
@Restriction0..1StringMaster, Arrival or Departure
@MinAdvancedBookingOffset0..1IntegerMinimum number of days before the check-in date to be available to be booked. This restriction is usually used to offer discounts on early bookings. When value is 0 or -1, condition should be deleted from the system.
@MaxAdvancedBookingOffset0..1IntegerMaximum number of days before the check-in date to be available to be booked. This restriction is usually used to offer last minute discounts on unsold inventory. When value is -1, condition should be deleted from the system.
@SellThroughOpenIndicator0..1BooleanRoom-RatePlan can be sold with no limit if @Status is 'Open'. This field is exclusively used for Basic Rates.


<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:u="">
<o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o="">
<u:Timestamp u:Id="_0">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<HotelAvailRetrieveResponse xmlns="">
<Errors xmlns="">
<Error ShortText="Invalid hotel id" Code="10"/>

Error Response Data Breakdown

Error Codes and Description
Error Code Error Description
-1 Unexpected error
1 Invalid request
10 Invalid hotel id
11 Invalid dates
12 Invalid rate plan code
13 Invalid reservation id
14 Invalid derived rate adjust values
15 Invalid id
16 Invalid amount type
17 Invalid supplement type
18 Invalid number of hotel
19 Invalid rate currency code
20 Requestor id not found
21 Provider id not found
22 Rooms not found
23 Rates not found
30 Occupation error
31 Rate error
32 Avail rq error
33 Data Base error
34 Cancel error
35 Confirmation error
36 Valuation_error
37 Authorization error
38 Authentication error
90 Connection time out
Error Codes and Description
Error Code Error Description
-1 Unexpected error
1 Invalid request
10 Invalid hotel id
11 Invalid dates
12 Invalid rate plan code
13 Invalid reservation id
14 Invalid derived rate adjust values
15 Invalid id
16 Invalid amount type
17 Invalid supplement type
18 Invalid number of hotel
19 Invalid rate currency code
20 Requestor id not found
21 Provider id not found
22 Rooms not found
23 Rates not found
30 Occupation error
31 Rate error
32 Avail rq error
33 Data Base error
34 Cancel error
35 Confirmation error
36 Valuation_error
37 Authorization error
38 Authentication error
90 Connection time out