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Push Sellers API Request Headers

The following request headers are essential for all request methods and must be included in every API request.

Mandatory Request Headers

Authentication: Authentication is required for every request to the Travelgate XML API. The authentication header employs two levels of authentication, namely "Security" and "POS."

  1. Security Level

    The Security level is situated in the SOAP envelope header of all requests, where the user and password of our Inventory Tool System are transmitted.


    We will send you your username and password during the onboarding process.

    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV = "" xmlns:ns1 = "" xmlns:ns2 = "" xmlns:ns3 = "">
    <ns3:Security SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand = "1">
    <!--Your request-->
  2. POS Level

    The POS level is incorporated into the body of all requests. It comprises two fields: RequestorID, which represents the Seller code assigned to initiate the request, and CompanyName, which signifies the buyer code assigned to receive the updates.


    You will find the RequestorID (Seller Code) and CompanyName (Buyer Code) values in the email we will send you once the connection is established.

    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV = "" xmlns:ns1 = "" xmlns:ns2 = "" xmlns:ns3 = "">
    <ns3:Security SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand = "1">
    <ns:HotelRatePlanNotif><!--Your request, ex: HotelAvailNotif, HotelRatePlanInventoryRetrieve ...-->
    <ns1:RequestorID ID="Seller Code"/>
    <ns1:CompanyName Code="Buyer Code"/>