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Retrieve Offers Availability

The availOffers query allows you to retrieve the availability of specific offers in the Inventory.

Query Fields

  • success
  • offers
    • rateCode
    • offers
      • code
      • stopSales
        • closeMaster
        • closeOnArrival
        • closeOnDeparture
    • dateRange
      • start
      • end
  • adviseMessages
    • code
    • description
    • level
    • correlationID
    • external
      • code
      • message

Returned Field Explanations

  • success: A boolean that indicates whether the query was successful.
  • offers: The details of the offers for which the availability was retrieved. It includes the rateCode of the offer, the code of the specific offer, and any stopSales conditions.
  • stopSales: This field contains conditions that can restrict the availability of the offer.
    • closeMaster: A boolean that indicates whether the offer is closed for the entire date range.
    • closeOnArrival: A boolean that indicates whether the offer is closed on arrival.
    • closeOnDeparture: A boolean that indicates whether the offer is closed on departure.
  • dateRange: The date range during which the conditions will be applied. It includes the start and end dates.
  • adviseMessages: An array of messages that provide information about the query. Each message includes a code, description, level, correlationID, and external fields, which indicate whether the message is internal or external and provide the code and message of the external message.

Query Inputs

When building your availOffers query, you have 1 input to fill based on your specific needs:

  1. Criteria

1. Criteria

This query will allow you to enter specific details in the fields clientCode, supplierCode, hotelCode, offers, and dateRange to retrieve the availability of specific offers.

Mandatory input

  • clientCode
  • supplierCode
  • hotelCode
  • offers
    • rateCode
    • dateRange
      • start
      • end

Field Explanations

  • clientCode, supplierCode, hotelCode: These fields identify the client, supplier, and hotel for which the offer availability is being retrieved.
  • offers: This field contains the details of the offers for which the availability is being retrieved. It includes the rateCode of the offer and the dateRange for which the availability is being retrieved.
  • dateRange: This field specifies the date range for which the availability is being retrieved.

Requests Examples

Retrieve availability for a specific offer

With this example, we are going to retrieve the availability for a specific offer within a specific date range.

Retrieve availability for multiple offers

With this example, we are going to retrieve the availability for multiple offers within a specific date range.