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The Book operation requests a booking confirmation for the specified optionId obtained from the Quote. It provides a concise summary of the option, along with the reservation status. Please note that the returned information may vary depending on the Seller. The returned fields include:

  • holder
  • hotel
  • price
  • cancelPolicy
  • bookingID
  • status (Make sure you add this field to your Query in order to receive the reservation status in the book response.)
  • clientReference (The booking locator in your system - alphanumerical value.)
  • supplierReference (Make sure you add this field to your Query in order to receive the provider locator in the book response.)

Mutation Overview

This mutation offers versatility in book options, with certain fields marked as mandatory (optionRefId, clientReference, holder etc.) and others as optional (language, deltaPrice, paymentCard etc.). This flexibility empowers you to create a personalized Book Multation, tailoring the requested fields to your specific needs.

When creating your book mutation, you have two different inputs to fill based on your specific needs:

  1. Input
  2. Settings
mutation {
hotelX {
input: {}
settings: {}
It's important to note that even if certain fields in the "criteria" or "settings" inputs are labeled as optional, we still need to use some value internally. This value will either come from your query/mutation request or your default settings. You have the ability to manage your default API settings by visiting the API Settings section on our website.

1. Input

To specify your book input you need to use the input HotelBookInput in your mutation variables:

"bookInput" : {
"optionRefId" : "11!11?1$241028?241029?1?1?0?ES?ES?es?EUR?0?2?1?1?1?0?15091142?BAR[%@BAR?146.0$0$false$EUR$$0$?1|30#30|1|2024-10-28|1|4132467|4132468|1|11|0?2269!2269?30$30??Double Standard?1??After$146.0!Before$146.0!ExpireDate$29/10/2024!mercado$ES!tgx_sess$f6152cba-f792-4e81-a2c1-e73ca63ecd02?OK?Sith?0?",
"clientReference" : "test_0123456789",
"deltaPrice" : {
"amount" : 10,
"percent" : 10,
"applyBoth" : true
"holder" : {
"name" : "Jane",
"surname" : "Doe"
"remarks" : "This is just a test booking! Feel free to include any extra information in the remarks section that you'd like the supplier to know.",
"rooms" : [
"occupancyRefId" : 1,
"paxes" : [
"name" : "Jane",
"surname" : "Doe",
"age" : 30
"name" : "John",
"surname" : "Smith",
"age" : 30

Mandatory input:

  • optionRefId (Identifier of the option used in Quote.)
  • clientReference (Booking ID in client's system.)
  • holder
  • rooms

Optional input:

  • language
  • deltaPrice (Indicates price variation permitted by the Buyer.)
  • paymentCard (If the payment is done by credit card, it's mandatory to specify the payment type and the credit card information, unless you're using our VCC Plugin to generate virtual credit cards. Know more about VCC payments here.)
  • remarks (Any customer comments for the supplier to consider.)
Key Recommendations
  • Customize the timeout according to your needs, taking into consideration the maximum values in Book is 180,000ms.

  • Consider that the deltaPrice sets the price tolerance between Quote and Book. For instance, if the Quote stage displays a price of 100€ and the deltaPrice is 5, a change up to 105€ will still secure a confirmed booking.

Payment Card

If the option or rate you want to book has a payment type such as DIRECT, CARD_BOOKING, or CARD_CHECK_IN, it is mandatory to provide payment card information when making the booking. This should be done using the PaymentCardInput in the book mutation.

Note that isVCC, virtualCreditCard and threeDomainSecurity, are all optionals.

"cardType": "VI",
"holder": {
"name": "test_name",
"surname": "test_surname"
"number": "4874495143042809",
"CVC": "330",
"expire": {
"month": 9,
"year": 2028
"isVCC": true,
"virtualCreditCard": {
"activationDate": "2020-10-02",
"deactivationDate": "2021-01-02",
"currentBalance": 50.58,
"currencyCode": "EUR"
"threeDomainSecurity": {
"version": "1.0.1",
"DSTransactionID": "transaction 1",
"XID": "id123456",
"ECI": "05",
"payerResponse": "base64xml response",
"payerResponseStatus": "AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS",
"cardEnrolledStatus": "CARD_ENROLLED",
"merchantName": "test_name",
"signatureStatus": "SIGNATURE_NOT_VALIDATED"
Possible values for the threeDomainSecurity fields
Visa, American Express, Diners Club and JCB
ECI ValueDescription
053DS authentication was successful, transactions are secured by 3DS.
06Authentication was attempted but was not or could not be completed; possible reasons being either the card or its Issuing Bank has yet to participate in 3DS.
073DS authentication is either failed or could not be attempted; possible reasons being both card and Issuing Bank are not secured by 3DS, technical errors, or improper configuration.

ECI ValueDescription
003DS authentication is either failed or could not be attempted; possible reasons being both card and Issuing Bank are not secured by 3DS, technical errors, or improper configuration.
013DS authentication was attempted but was not or could not be completed; possible reasons being either the card or its Issuing Bank has yet to participate in 3DS, or cardholder ran out of time to authorize.
023DS authentication is successful.
Payer response status
Status ValueDescription
AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESSSuccessful Authentication.
AUTHENTICATION_INCOMPLETEUnable to complete Authentication.
TRANSACTION_ATTEMPT_SUCCESS_ASuccessful Attempts Transaction.
TRANSACTION_ATTEMPT_SUCCESS_BYou can proceed to authorisation using the information received.
Card enrollment status
Status ValueDescription
CARD_ENROLLEDCardholder is enrolled. Bank is participating in 3-D Secure protocol and will return the ACSUrl.
CARD_NOT_ENROLLEDCardholder Not Participating – Cardholder is not enrolled.
CANT_AUTHENTICATEUnavailable. The DS or ACS is not available for authentication at the time of the request.
Signature verification status
Status ValueDescription
SIGNATURE_VALIDATEDSignature of the PARes has been validated successfully.
SIGNATURE_NOT_VALIDATEDPARes could not be validated.

2. Settings

Settings are the common configurations used to construct requests to the supplier/s. By default, we apply the same configuration to all Hotel-X clients.

To specify your quote settings you need to use the HotelSettingsInput input in your query variables:

"settings": {
"client": "client_demo",
"context": "HOTELTEST",
"testMode": true,
"auditTransactions": false,
"timeout": 60000

Mandatory Settings:

  • client
  • context (You have the flexibility to choose between using the supplier's context or your own, depending on which codes you want to see in the response. If you prefer to receive responses with your custom codes, please ensure that your context code is linked to the mapping files that you've previously uploaded to your FTP account.)
  • timeout (Timeout in milliseconds for the supplier connection. Won't close client connection if exceeded.)

Optional Settings:

  • group
  • auditTransactions
  • suppliers (Each one contains its own code, settings and accesses.)
  • plugins
  • testMode (This flag allows only the accesses checked as test.)
  • clientTokens (Used to identify the origin of the request, this is only used in plugins.)
  • businessRules
Key Recommendations
  • Customize the timeout according to your needs, taking into consideration the maximum values in Book is 180,000ms.

  • Set the auditTransaction to "true" in Book when investigating errors.

Important: Test Bookings

For development and testing purposes, you are provided with the supplier test HOTELTEST (accessCode 2). We recommend using this during your development phase.

However, if you prefer testing with real suppliers, please note that any bookings made using test access but involving live suppliers are your responsibility, and must be cancelled in order to avoid any booking costs from Travelgate. This also means that the Buyer must handle any costs directly with the supplier if bookings are not canceled. Even if an access is labeled as "live" or "production" but uses test credentials internally, you're still responsible for any bookings made and not cancelled. Please keep this in mind when using our API services.

Response Considerations

Here are some key points to keep in mind about the response received:

Book Status

Once a Book (Reservation) method is run, our API response will provide its book status. This status represents the current status of the reservation and can be categorized into four possible values:

OKThe reservation was successfully completed without any issues.
ON_REQUESTPlease note that a Book status may change over time: you may receive an ON_REQUEST status in Book response, and after running a Booking Query some seconds later the status may have already changed to OK.
UNKNOWNDuring the reservation process, an issue led to an unknown reservation status. The Buyer is responsible for verifying with the Seller that the booking has been confirmed.

Query Inputs

HotelSettingsInput (INPUT_OBJECT)
Settings are the common configurations used to construct requests to the supplier/s. By default, we apply the same configuration to all Hotel-X clients in our back system.

context (String)
Indicates the context of the I/O codes (hotel, board, room and rates)

client (ID)
Client name set in TGX, present only if the authorization header is of the JWT type. It is used to modify the user initially set in the preload.

timeout (Int)
Specifies the time limit, in milliseconds, for connecting with suppliers. If multiple suppliers are involved, this timeout applies to all of them. If a supplier exceeds this time limit, the connection to that supplier will be cut. However, Travelgate will keep the connection with the client even if this timeout is exceeded. If not set, the value saved in your Hotel-X API default settings will be used.

operationTimeout (Int)
Defines the maximum time, in milliseconds, before an operation is cancelled by our system. Once this time is reached, the operation will be aborted and an error will be returned. This timeout is for the Hotel-X layer and should be set to a higher value than the timeout for suppliers. For example, you could specify timeout as 20000ms and operationTimeout as 22000ms. This means that we will send a timeout of 20000ms to the suppliers and will close the connection at 22000ms if the operationTimeout is exceeded. Optional. @deprecated(reason: "deprecated from 2024-11-11.")

auditTransactions (Boolean)
Returns all the transactions exchanged with the supplier.

businessRules (BusinessRulesInput)
Business rules

optionsQuota (Int)
The maximum number of options returned per board in the search query. If not set, the value saved in your Hotel-X API default settings will be used.

businessRulesType (Enum of BusinessRulesType)
Different business rules to filter the returned options.
Possible values:

suppliers  *  (HotelXSupplierInput)
Array of suppliers. Each one contains its own code, settings and accesses.

settings (SettingsBaseInput)
You can configure an special settings for any supplier. This level overwrites the avail settings level but not the access settings level.

timeout (Int)
Milliseconds before the connection is closed.

auditTransactions (Boolean)
Specifies if the exachanged transactions with the supplier have to be logged or not.

currency (Currency)
Currency in ISO 4217 standard

commitRequired (Boolean)
Indicates if the book will be confirmed in 1 or 2 steps

code  *  (String)
Code that represents a supplier in our system. This information is mandatory.

accesses  *  (HotelXAccessInput)
Array of accesses that can overwrite an existing access information or include a new access for this avail.

accessId  *  (ID)
The accessID used to identify the existing access in our Back Office in order to overwrite it. Acts as an identifier in this search. It can either exist or not.

configuration (ConfigurationInput)
Information required to access the supplier s system.

username (String)
User name for the connection.

password (String)
Password for the connection

urls  *  (UrlsInput)
URL or endpoint for the connection.

search (URI)
Specific URL for Availability method.

quote (URI)
Specific URL for Reservation method.

book (URI)
Specific URL for Valuation method.

generic (URI)
Supplier URL used for multiple methods.

parameters  *  (ParameterInput)
List of parameters with additional required information.

key  *  (String)
Contains the keyword/Id to identify a parameter. This information is mandatory.

value  *  (String)
Contains the parameter values. This information is mandatory.

markets  *  (String)
Source Markets allowed for the Access (use ISO3166_1_alfa_2).

rateRules  *  (Enum of RateRulesType)
RateRules allowed for the access.
Possible values:

plugins  *  (PluginStepInput)
Array of plugins to execute.

step  *  (Enum of PluginStepType)
Indicates where the plugin will be executed.
Possible values:

pluginsType  *  (PluginsInput)
Indicates the plugin that will be executed.

type  *  (Enum of PluginType)
Type of the plugin to execute
Possible values:

name  *  (String)
Name of the plugin to execute

parameters  *  (undefined)
Parameters of the plugin

testMode (Boolean)
This flag is only allowed to be used for the access checked as 'TEST.' By default, it is set to 'LIVE.'

clientTokens  *  (String)
Used to identify the origin of the request. This is solely used in plugins.

commitRequired (Boolean)
Indicates if the book will be confirmed in 1 or 2 steps. It only should be used in Book.

HotelXFilterInput (INPUT_OBJECT)

plugin (HotelXPluginFilterInput)
Only is possible to specify one of this filters, it allows to filter which plugins have to be executed or excluded

includes  *  (HotelXFilterPluginTypeInput)
Plugins to be only executed

step  *  (Enum of PluginStepType)
The Step of the plugin to filter
Possible values:

type  *  (String)
The Type of the plugin to filter

name  *  (String)
The Name of the plugin to filter

excludes  *  (undefined)
Plugins to exclude

HotelBookInput (INPUT_OBJECT)
Offers versatility in book options, with certain fields marked as mandatory (optionRefId, clientReference, holder etc.) and others as optional (language, delta price, payment card etc.). This flexibility empowers you to create a personalized Book Multation, tailoring the requested fields to your specific needs.

optionRefId  *  (String)
OptionRefID is a unique identifier assigned to each option. It is important to note that this identifier should not be modified or used externally, as it is an internal system identifier. Additionally, it is crucial to understand that the OptionRefID value should not be interpreted in any other way beyond its use within the system.

language (Language)
Language to be used in the request.

clientReference  *  (String)
Booking ID in the client's system.

deltaPrice (DeltaPriceInput)
Input delta price, indicates price variation permitted by the client An error will be returned if the new price does not abide to DeltaPrice. If DeltaPrice is not sent and the integration implements it, we assume that the price range is 0 and the process will continue price is lower or equal to the price showed in valuation. This field is implemented if its native to the supplier or if another availability/valuation request needs to be done in Reservation. In case the supplier blocks the option in valuation, reservation

amount (Float)
The amount that will be accepted by the client to be higher than the Quote price. It is returned in the currency of the option.

percent (Float)
The percentage accepted by the client to be higher than the Quote price.

applyBoth  *  (Boolean)
If applyBoth = false: Indicates that one of the conditions (amount or percentage) has to meet the criteria before reservation. If applyBoth = true: Indicates that the new price cannot exceed the amount or percentage indicated by the client.

paymentCard (PaymentCardInput)
If the payment is done by credit card, it's mandatory to specify the payment type and the credit card information.

type (Enum of PaymentCardType)
Indicates the supported card type, the supported card for this option is shown in Quote step.
Possible values:

holder  *  (HolderInput)
Contains owner's name.

name  *  (String)
The card holder's name.

surname  *  (String)
The card holder's surname.

title (Enum of PersonalTitleType)
Holder’s title.
Possible values:

contactInfo (ContactInfoInput)
Holder's contact info.

email (Email)
Email contact

phone (PhoneInput)
Phone contact

countryCode  *  (DialingCountryCode)
The combination of one, two or three digits identifying a specific country, countries in an integrated numbering plan, or a specific geographic area (1 to 3 digits)

number  *  (PhoneSubscriberNumber)
Identifies a subscriber for a particular global service

number  *  (String)
Contains credit card number.

CVC  *  (String)
Contains credit card CVC.

expire  *  (ExpireDateInput)
Contains credit card expiration date.

month  *  (Int)
Month MM

year  *  (Int)
Year yy

isVCC (Boolean)
Indicates if it is a virtual card

virtualCreditCard (VirtualCreditCardInput)
Virtual Credit Card data

activationDate (Date)
The Date from when the card can be charged

deactivationDate (Date)
The date from when the card will no longer be chargeable.

currentBalance (Float)
The amount which can be charged to the card.

currencyCode (Currency)
The ISO currency code of the CurrentBalance.

threeDomainSecurity (ThreeDomainSecurityInput)
Three Domain Security data

version (String)
Three Domain Security Version

DSTransactionID (String)
Universally unique transaction identifier assigned by the Directory Server (DS) to identify a single transaction.

XID (String)
Transaction identifier resulting from authentication processing. Uniquely identifies a 3D Secure check request.

ECI (String)
Electronic Commerce Indicator

CAVV (String)
Cardholder Authentication Verification Value

payerResponse (String)
Payer Authentication Response. It is the response to the Payer Authentication Request. The Payer Authentication Response has an XML structure with the information from the response of the authentication, and it contains a digital certificate as a sign of authenticity.

payerResponseStatus (Enum of PayerResponseStatusType)
Payer Authentication Response status
Possible values:

cardEnrolledStatus (Enum of ThreeDSCardEnrolledStatusType)
Result of enrollment status of the service request
Possible values:

merchantName (String)
Merchant Name

signatureStatus (Enum of ThreeDSSignatureStatusType)
Signature value
Possible values:

remarks (String)
Any customer comments for the supplier to consider.

holder  *  (undefined)
Holder's basic information.

rooms  *  (BookRoomInput)
Rooms within this option.

occupancyRefId  *  (Int)
The room s reference in the booking

paxes  *  (BookPaxInput)
The list or lists of paxes of the room

name  *  (String)
Passenger first name

surname  *  (String)
Passenger last name

age  *  (Int)
Passenger age on the day of the check-in

Returned Fields

HotelBookPayload (OBJECT)

stats (StatsRequest)
Application stats in string format

total  *  (Stat)
Total transaction time

start  *  (DateTime)
Start UTC

end  *  (DateTime)

duration (Float)
Difference between start and end in miliseconds

validation  *  (undefined)
Request validation time

process  *  (undefined)
Process time. Contains communication time, parse time and plugin time.

configuration  *  (undefined)
Build access time

request  *  (undefined)
Request time

response  *  (undefined)
Response time

requestPlugin (StatPlugin)
Plugin execution time

name  *  (String)
Plugin name

total  *  (undefined)
total plugin time

hotels  *  (Int)
Number of hotels

zones  *  (Int)
Number of zones

cities  *  (Int)
Number of cities

dockerID  *  (String)
Docker Id

Accesses  *  (StatAccess)
Detail access time

name  *  (String)
Access name

total  *  (undefined)
Total access time

hotels  *  (Int)
Number of hotels

zones  *  (Int)
Number of zones

cities  *  (Int)
Number of cities

transactions  *  (StatTransaction)
Detail transaction time

reference  *  (String)
Extra information about transaction.

total  *  (undefined)
Total transaction time

buildRequest  *  (undefined)
Build request time

workerCommunication  *  (undefined)
Worker connection time

parseResponse  *  (undefined)
Parse response time

plugins  *  (undefined)
Plugin execution time

auditData (AuditData)
Data sent and received in the supplier's native format.

transactions  *  (Transactions)
List of the transactions data.

request  *  (String)
Transaction Request.

response  *  (String)
Transaction Response.

timeStamp  *  (DateTime)
Time when the request has been processed.

timeStamp  *  (DateTime)

processTime  *  (Float)
Process time of the transaction data in milliseconds (ms).

booking (HotelBookingDetail)
Information about booking

supplierCode (String)
Supplier code of the booking

accessCode (String)
Access code of the booking

reference  *  (Reference)
Booking ID references codes.

client (String)
Client reference booking.

supplier (String)
Supplier reference booking.

hotel (String)
Hotel reference booking

hotelConfirmationNumberStatus (String)
Process Status in order to obtain the hotel confirmation number. If this field is null or empty that means that the status is UNKNOWN. Possible values: "P" => (pending): The booking hasn't been assinged to any operator yet, or it has but the operator did not make the call yet. "R" => (retrying): The operator tried to call the hotel but, for some reason, the call couldn't be completed because of external factors. This means the operator will try to call again later. "NA" => (no answer): The operator tried to call the hotel several times but the hotel did not answer. "C" => (cancelled): The operator has been informed by the hotel that the reservation has been cancelled. "DNE" => (does not exist): The operator has been informed by the hotel that the reservation does not exist. "F" => (fetched): The operator called the hotel and they got the hotel confirmation number (a truly succesful call) "I" => (issued): The operator called the hotel but there were issues. Maybe the hotel is closed, maybe natural disaster situations are alerted for the check-in date, etc.

bookingID (String)
HotelX's booking reference. The BookingID is a unique identifier for each reservation that can be used to perform Booking queries and Cancel mutations in the system. It is not recommended to modify or use this value externally, although it may be useful for identifying and managing reservations within the system. It is important to note that the BookingID value should not be interpreted in any other way beyond its use within the system.

amendmentID (String)
HotelX's amend booking reference

holder (Holder)
Holder's name and surname

name  *  (String)
Holder's name.

surname  *  (String)
Holder's surname.

title (Enum of PersonalTitleType)
Holder's title, if return.
Possible values:

contactInfo (ContactInfo)
Holder's contact information.

email (String)
Email contact

hotel (BookingHotel)
Information about the hotel.

bookingDate (Date)
Creation date of the booking. Format: YYYY-MM-DD

start (Date)
Check-in date for booking Format: YYYY-MM-DD

end (Date)
Check-out date for the booking. Format: YYYY-MM-DD

hotelCode (String)
Code of the hotel in the context selected.

hotelName (String)
Name of the hotel.

boardCode (String)
Code of the board in the context selected.

occupancies  *  (Occupancy)
List of occupancies for the request

id  *  (Int)
Unique ID room in this option.

paxes  *  (Pax)
List of pax of this occupancy.

age  *  (Int)
Passenger age on the day of check-in, which can vary for adults, infants, or babies depending on each supplier's particular age range.

name (String)
Specifies the pax name.

surname (String)
Specifies the pax surname.

rooms  *  (BookingRoom)
List of rooms.

occupancyRefId (Int)
ID reference to the occupancy

code (String)
Indicates the room code

description (String)
Description about the room

price (Price)
Total price for all days.

currency  *  (Currency)
Currency code indicating which currency should be paid.

binding  *  (Boolean)
It indicates whether the gross price must be honored, meaning the customer cannot sell the room/option at a price lower than the supplier's established rate.

net  *  (Float)
It indicates the net price that the customer must pay to the supplier. The net price is calculated by substrating the included surcharges from the gross price. (For calculation purposes only)

gross  *  (Float)
Indicates the retail price that the supplier sells to the customer.

exchange  *  (Exchange)
Provides currency information and the applicable rate for the results returned by the Supplier

currency  *  (Currency)
Provide information about the currency of origin

rate  *  (Float)
Provides information about the rate applied over results

markups  *  (Markup)
Informs markup applied over supplier price.

channel (String)
channel of markup application.

currency  *  (Currency)
Currency code indicating which currency should be paid. This information is mandatory.

binding  *  (Boolean)
It indicates if the price indicated in the gross must be respected. In case minimumSellingPrice is not empty, the binding indicates instead that the minimumSellingPrice must be respected. That is, the customer can not sell the room / option at a price lower than that established by the supplier. This information is mandatory.

net  *  (Float)
Indicates the net price that the customer must pay to the supplier plus the markup. This information is mandatory.

gross (Float)
Indicates the retail price that the supplier sells to the customer plus the markup.

exchange  *  (undefined)
Informs about the currency of origin, and the rate applied over result. This information is mandatory.

rules  *  (Rule)
Breakdown of the applied rules for a markup

id  *  (String)
rule identifier

name (String)
rule name

type  *  (Enum of MarkupRuleType)
type of the value
Possible values:

value  *  (Float)
value applied by this rule

minimumSellingPrice (Float)
Indicates the minimum selling price it can be sold (determined by the Seller). Is is specified (not null), that field takes preference to Gross and Binding.

quotePrice (PriceChange)
Specifies the price of the previous OptionQuote, returned only if it differs from the price shown at the Quote Option. If the price remains unchanged, this field will be returned as Null.

currency  *  (String)
The currency of previous option.

net  *  (Float)
The net value of previous option.

gross  *  (Float)
The gross value of previous option.

binding  *  (Boolean)
Indicates if previous option price was binding or not

cancelPolicy (CancelPolicy)
Specifies cancel policies of the returned option .

refundable  *  (Boolean)
Indicates if the option is refundable or non-refundable

cancelPenalties  *  (CancelPenalty)
List of cancellation penalties

deadline (DateTime)
Cancellation fees will be applicable between this date and check-in date

isCalculatedDeadline  *  (Boolean)
Specifies if the deadline has been taken from the seller’s response (false) or has been calculated by TravelgateX (true)

penaltyType  *  (Enum of CancelPenaltyType)
Type of penalty; this can be Nights, Percent or Import
Possible values:

currency  *  (Currency)
Currency used in the cancellation policy

value  *  (Float)
Value of the cancellation policy

description (String)
Extra details and information about supplier's cancel policies to give a further insight. This information is not supported for all the suppliers.

remarks (String)
Additional information about the book.

status  *  (Enum of BookStatusType)
Booking Status. The possible values for this field are specified in our documentation. Possible values for book mutation and booking query: Possible values for cancel mutation:
Possible values:

billingSupplierCode (String)
Supplier’s billing code. It will be returned if the supplier has different billing accounts and this is informed in the reservation.

payable (String)

addOns (AddOns)
Additional information about the option.

distribution  *  (AddOn)
Extra information from the Distribution layer.

key  *  (String)
Contains keyword/ID to identify the AddOn.

value  *  (JSON)
Contains AddOn values.

supplier  *  (undefined)
Extra information from the Supplier layer.

paymentInfo (GeneratedPaymentInfo)
Specifies the information about the payment generated at Book step.

generatedCard (PaymentCardData)
Specifies the information of the payment card, and the source of it, that has been generated at Book step

active  *  (Date)
Contains the Payment Card activation date.

CVC  *  (CVC)
Contains Payment Card security code (CVC).

expire  *  (Date)
Contains the Payment Card expiration date.

holder  *  (undefined)
Contains owner's name.

id  *  (ID)
Contains the generated card ID. It is provided by a third party supplier.

number  *  (CardNumber)
Contains credit card number.

type  *  (Enum of PaymentCardType)
Indicates the supported card type.
Possible values:

status (Enum of PaymentCardStatus)
Indicates the credit card status.
Possible values:

id  *  (String)
Payment identification generated by the payment supplier. This field is only returned in Book step, when the card is generated.

method (Enum of GeneratedPaymentMethodType)
Indicates the payment method used, which depends on the configured payment supplier.
Possible values:

supplier  *  (SupplierData)
Indicates the supplier information responsible of the payment card's creation

id  *  (ID)
Supplier unique ID. Format: integer.

code  *  (ID)
Supplier unique code

name  *  (String)
Supplier name

isActive  *  (Boolean)
Indicates whether a Supplier is active. This is a calculated field, a specific supplier can be activated or deactivated, but if its provider is deactivated, the value will be = false

provider  *  (ProviderData)
Instance to which this supllier is connected

id  *  (ID)
Provider unique ID. Format: integer.

code  *  (ID)
Provider unique code

name  *  (String)
Provider name

isActive  *  (Boolean)
Indicates whether a Provider is active. If the Provider is deactivated, all its Suppliers will be deactivated

audits  *  (EntityAuditConnection)
Audits it shows the provider's change history

edges (EntityAuditEdge)

node (EntityAudit)

code  *  (ID)

entityAuditData (EntityAuditData)

id  *  (ID)

code  *  (ID)

entityType  *  (Enum of EntityType)

Possible values:

actionType  *  (Enum of ActionType)

Possible values:

auditDetails (AuditDetails)

field  *  (String)

current  *  (String)

previous  *  (String)

modifiedBy  *  (String)

correlationID (String)

adviseMessage  *  (AdviseMessage)

code  *  (ID)
AM code: The following codes can be returned:

description  *  (String)
Error description

level  *  (Enum of AdviseMessageLevel)
Indicates the level of importance of the message. Possible values: ERROR, WARN, INFO.
Possible values:

external (ExternalMessage)
Specify the external message.

code (String)
External code.

message  *  (String)
External message.

correlationID  *  (ID)
Identifier to investigate the cause of the error.

createdAt  *  (Time)

updatedAt  *  (Time)

deletedAt (Time)

cursor  *  (String)

pageInfo  *  (PageInfo)

hasNextPage  *  (Boolean)

hasPreviousPage  *  (Boolean)

startCursor (String)

endCursor (String)

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)

totalCount  *  (Int)

connectionType  *  (Enum of ProviderConnectionType)
Indicates connection type of Supplier
Possible values:

serviceApi  *  (Int)
ServiceAPI indicates the type of the connection

  1. hotel
  2. transportation
  3. car
  4. transfers
  5. activities
  6. virtualaccount
  7. payment
  8. package

api  *  (Enum of APIName)
API name for service API
Possible values:

owner (Organization)
Organization that owns the Supplier

code  *  (ID)

organizationData (OrganizationData)

id  *  (ID)

code  *  (ID)

label (String)

type  *  (Enum of GroupType)

Possible values:

info (String)

crmID (String)

crmData (CompanyCrmData)

crmID  *  (String)

connectionType  *  (Enum of ConnectionType)

Possible values:

contract  *  (Enum of Contract)

Possible values:

techPlatformName (String)

isPublic (Boolean)

children (GroupConnection)
Only responses folders.(non-hierarchically)

edges (GroupEdge)

node (Group)

code  *  (ID)

groupData (GroupData)

id  *  (ID)

code  *  (ID)

label (String)

folder (String)

type  *  (undefined)

info (String)

isPublic  *  (Boolean)

owner (Member)

code  *  (ID)

memberData (MemberData)

id  *  (ID)

code  *  (ID)

label (String)

isActive  *  (Boolean)
Can members does queries in the platform?

firstName (String)

lastName (String)

crmData (CrmData)
CRM specific data

crmID (String)

contactImportance (String)

companyRole (String)

roles (RoleConnection)
which roles the member has in?

edges (RoleEdge)

node (Role)

code  *  (ID)

roleData (RoleData)

id  *  (ID)

code  *  (ID)

type  *  (Enum of RoleType)

Possible values:

isEditable  *  (Boolean)

label (String)

isCreate  *  (Boolean)
Has resource Create permission?

isRead  *  (Boolean)
Has resource Create permission?

isUpdate  *  (Boolean)
Has resource Update permission?

isDelete  *  (Boolean)
Has resource Delete permission?

isEnable  *  (Boolean)
Is role enabled or not?

isExecutable  *  (Boolean)
Has resource Executable permission?

isSpecial  *  (Boolean)
Has any other non-basic permission/s?

special (String)
Special permission

resources (ResourceConnection)
Resources used

edges (ResourceEdge)

node (Resource)

code  *  (ID)

resourceData (ResourceData)

id  *  (ID)

code  *  (ID)

isEditable  *  (Boolean)

label (String)

apis (APIConnection)
which API have asigned this resource?

edges (APIEdge)

node (API)

code  *  (ID)

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)

apiData (APIData)

id  *  (ID)

code  *  (ID)

label (String)

errorCatalog  *  (ErrorCatalog)

code  *  (ID)

description  *  (String)

type  *  (String)

level  *  (String)

operations (OperationConnection)

edges (OperationEdge)

node (Operation)

code  *  (ID)

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)

operationData (OperationData)

id  *  (ID)

code  *  (ID)

label (String)

types  *  (Enum of OperationType)

Possible values:

createdAt  *  (Time)

updatedAt  *  (Time)

cursor  *  (String)

pageInfo  *  (undefined)

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)

totalCount  *  (Int)

createdAt  *  (Time)

updatedAt  *  (Time)

cursor  *  (String)

pageInfo  *  (undefined)

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

createdAt  *  (DateTime)
Date created

updatedAt  *  (DateTime)
Date updated

cursor  *  (String)

pageInfo  *  (undefined)

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

createdAt  *  (DateTime)
Date created

updatedAt  *  (DateTime)
Date updated

cursor  *  (String)

pageInfo  *  (undefined)

macroPermissions (MacroPermissionsConnection)

edges (MacroPermissionEdge)

node (MacroPermission)

code  *  (ID)

macroPermissionData (MacroPermissionData)

id  *  (ID)

code  *  (ID)

productID  *  (ID)

group  *  (ID)

label (String)

permissions (Permission)

role  *  (undefined)

resource  *  (undefined)

api  *  (undefined)

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)

createdAt  *  (DateTime)

updatedAt  *  (DateTime)

cursor  *  (String)

pageInfo  *  (undefined)

organizationMemberRoles  *  (OrganizationMemberRole)

organization  *  (undefined)

role  *  (Enum of RoleMemberType)

Possible values:

phone (String)

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

createdAt  *  (DateTime)
Date created

updatedAt  *  (DateTime)
Date updated

deletedAt  *  (DateTime)
Date deleted. This value is used to include archived members.

isEditable  *  (Boolean)

productId (Int)

resourceId (Int)

members (MemberConnection)
Only responses members in this group

edges (MemberEdge)

cursor  *  (String)

pageInfo  *  (undefined)

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

totalCount  *  (Int)
Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

managedGroups (ManagedGroupConnection)
Responses all managed groups by this group.

edges (ManagedGroupEdge)

node (ManagedGroup)

code  *  (ID)

managedGroupData (ManagedGroupData)

code  *  (ID)

group  *  (undefined)

api  *  (undefined)

resource  *  (undefined)

role  *  (undefined)

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

createdAt  *  (DateTime)
Date created

updatedAt  *  (DateTime)
Date updated

cursor  *  (String)

pageInfo  *  (undefined)

accesses (AccessConnection)
Access resources in a group

edges (AccessEdge)

node (Access)

code  *  (ID)

accessData (AccessData)

id  *  (ID)
Unique ID identifier

code  *  (ID)
Unique AccessConfiguration identifier

name  *  (String)
Access descriptive name

isActive  *  (Boolean)
Indicates if Access is active

isTest  *  (Boolean)
Indicates if Access can be used for testing or not

isShared  *  (Boolean)
Indicates if Access is Shared

isOpenAccess  *  (Boolean)
Indicates if Access is open to all partners.

supplier  *  (Supplier)
Supplier for this Access

code  *  (ID)
Supplier unique code

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

createdAt  *  (DateTime)
Supplier creation date

updatedAt  *  (DateTime)
Supplier last update date

deletedAt (DateTime)
Supplier deleted date

user (String)
User code to connect to supplier

password (String)
Password for this Access. To retrieve this field, ADMIN permissions are required. Otherwise, the value will be null.

urls (Urls)
Specific URLs

search (URI)
Specific URL for Availability method.

quote (URI)
Specific URL for Quote method.

book (URI)
Specific URL for Book method.

generic (URI)
Supplier URL used for multiple methods.

parameters (Parameter)
List of parameters for additional information

key  *  (ID)
Contains the keyword/Id to identify a parameter. This information is mandatory.

value  *  (String)
Contains the parameter values. This information is mandatory.

markets  *  (String)
Markets allowed for the Access

rateRules  *  (Enum of RateRulesType)
Business rule types for the Access
Possible values:

updateDescriptiveInfo  *  (Int)
Refresh time to update Despriptive Info

descriptiveInfoLimit  *  (Int)
Limit on DescriptiveInfo; 0 denotates no limit

isSchedulerActive (Boolean)
True if scheduler is active

updateList  *  (Int)
Refresh time to update other batch lists

updateDateRange  *  (String)
Range on update date

audits  *  (undefined)
Audits it shows the accesses change history

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

createdAt  *  (DateTime)
Date created

updatedAt  *  (DateTime)
Date updated

deletedAt (DateTime)
Access deleted date

cursor  *  (String)

pageInfo  *  (undefined)

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

totalCount  *  (Int)
Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

suppliers (SupplierConnection)
Supplier resources in a group

edges (SupplierEdge)
Supplier edges of Supplier connection

cursor  *  (String)
Cursor to the next item

pageInfo  *  (undefined)
Page info of the connection

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

totalCount  *  (Int)
Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

clients (ClientConnection)
Clients resources in a group

edges (ClientEdge)
Client edges of client connection

node (Client)
Client item

code  *  (ID)
Client unique code, format: "cli000"

clientData (ClientData)
Extended Client information

id  *  (ID)
ID unique identifier of a Client. Format: integer.

code  *  (ID)
Client unique code. Format: "cliX" where X = ID

name  *  (ID)
Client unique name

password (String)
Client's passowrd

legacyPassword (String)

isActive  *  (Boolean)
Indicates whether a Client is active or inactive

audits  *  (undefined)
Audits it shows the client's change history

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

createdAt  *  (DateTime)
Client creation date

updatedAt  *  (DateTime)
Client last update date

deletedAt (DateTime)
Client deleted date

cursor  *  (String)
Cursor to the next item

pageInfo  *  (undefined)
Page info of the connection

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

totalCount  *  (Int)
Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

isBuyer  *  (Boolean)

isSeller  *  (Boolean)

deleted_at (DateTime)

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

createdAt  *  (DateTime)
Date created

updatedAt  *  (DateTime)
Date updated

cursor  *  (String)

pageInfo  *  (undefined)

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

totalCount  *  (Int)
Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

owner  *  (undefined)

contacts  *  (OrganizationContact)
Differents contacts in a organization.

type  *  (Enum of OrganizationContactType)

Possible values:

user  *  (undefined)

isEditable  *  (Boolean)

products (ProductConnection)
Products asign to a organization

edges (ProductEdge)

node (Product)

code  *  (ID)

productData  *  (ProductData)

id  *  (ID)

code  *  (ID)

label (String)

adviseMessageCatalog  *  (undefined)

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

createdAt  *  (DateTime)
Date created

updatedAt  *  (DateTime)
Date updated

cursor  *  (String)

pageInfo  *  (undefined)

domains  *  (Domain)

code  *  (ID)

domainData (DomainData)

id  *  (ID)

name  *  (DomainName)

organization  *  (undefined)

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)

createdAt  *  (DateTime)

updatedAt  *  (DateTime)

template (String)

primaryPartner  *  (Partner)

code  *  (ID)

partnerData (PartnerData)

code  *  (ID)

name  *  (String)

isActive (Boolean)

friendlyName (String)

organizations (OrganizationConnection)

edges (OrganizationEdge)

cursor  *  (String)

pageInfo  *  (undefined)

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

totalCount  *  (Int)
Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

agents  *  (CustomerAgent)
Differents agents from TravelgateX

type  *  (Enum of CustomerAgentType)

Possible values:

user  *  (undefined) o

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

createdAt  *  (DateTime)
Date created

updatedAt  *  (DateTime)
Date updated

allPartners  *  (PartnerConnection)

edges (PartnerEdge)

cursor  *  (String)

pageInfo  *  (undefined)

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

totalCount  *  (Int)
Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

isBuyer  *  (Boolean)

isSeller  *  (Boolean)

deleted_at (DateTime)

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

createdAt  *  (DateTime)
Date created

updatedAt  *  (DateTime)
Date updated

groupContent (GroupContent)
Grouping of static content related to this Supplier.

code  *  (ID)
GroupContent unique code

groupContentData (GroupContentData)
Extended GroupContent information

id  *  (ID)
GroupContent unique ID. Format: integer.

code  *  (ID)
GroupContent unique code

context  *  (Context)
GroupContent related Context

code  *  (ID)
Context unique code

contextData (ContextData)
Extended Context information

id  *  (ID)
Context unique ID. Format: integer.

code  *  (ID)
Context unique code

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

createdAt  *  (DateTime)
Context creation date

updatedAt  *  (DateTime)
Context last update date

adviseMessage  *  (undefined)
List of advise messages.

createdAt  *  (DateTime)
GroupContent creation date

updatedAt  *  (DateTime)
GroupContent last update date

supplierGroup (ID)
This is a calculated field that responds to groupContent > code

context (String)
This is a calculated field that responds to groupContent > groupContentData > context > code

system  *  (System)

code  *  (ID)

systemData (SystemData)

code  *  (ID)
ID identifier of a System

name  *  (ID)
System complete name

isActive  *  (Boolean)
Indicates whether a System is active or inactive

suppliers  *  (undefined)
Obtain all suppliers for a filter.

error  *  (Error)
Errors that abort services

code  *  (String)
Error code.

type  *  (String)
Error type.

description  *  (String)
Error description.

createdAt  *  (DateTime)
Date created

updatedAt  *  (DateTime)
Date updated

audits  *  (undefined)
Audits it shows the supplier's change history

serviceIntegrationData (ServiceIntegrationData)
Service Integration Data

type (Enum of ServiceIntegrationType)

Possible values:

group (String)

isPublic  *  (Boolean)

giata (GiataSupplierConfiguration)

giataType (String)

giataCode (String)

errors  *  (undefined)
Errors that abort services

warnings  *  (Warning)
Potentially harmful situations or errors that won't force the service to abort. To identify if it is blocked one, you can check our documentation regards this matter.

code  *  (String)
Warning code

type  *  (String)
Warning type

description  *  (String)
Warning description


Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I receive both an OK status and an error in the same Book response?
If you receive an error and a booking status OK in the Book response, the reservation status prevails over the error. Although you may also run a Booking Query in order to check the status of a reservation, please note that you should always contact the Seller in order to check the actual status of a booking in those cases you receive a booking status different than OK or no response at all.
What is the DeltaPrice? Why should I use it?
The Delta Price indicates the price variation permitted by the Buyer (amount or percentage), so that an error will be returned if the new price does not abide to DeltaPrice. If DeltaPrice is not sent and the integration implements it, we assume that the price range is 0 and the process will continue (price is lower or equal to the price returned in Quote). This field is implemented if it’s native to the Seller or if another Search/Quote request needs to be done in Book. Please note DeltaPrice should be implemented by a Seller in order to be available to a Buyer.

What does DeltaPrice "applyBoth" mean?

  • If the value is 'false' it indicates that one of the conditions (amount or percentage) has to meet the DeltaPrice criteria before reservation.
  • If the value is 'true' it indicates that the new price cannot exceed the amount and percentage indicated by the Buyer.
Why do I receive a status "ON_REQUEST" and a holder name "test" in my reservations the test environment?
In the test environment, it is common for some Sellers to consistently return an ON_REQUEST status. Furthermore, as a standard practice in the test environment, we automatically replace the holder and passenger names with "test".
Will the currency in Book be the same as the currency in Quote?
The currency used for the transaction will remain the same throughout the entire Booking Flow, including cancellation policies.
Do I have to provide real names and ages for all the passengers?
No, you are not required to provide real ages and names for all passengers. You can use default values for each age group and name. The only information that should be real is the holder's information.
How do I define the total number of rooms in my Book request?

To define the number of rooms in your reservation, you need to utilize the occupancyRefId previously returned in Search response.For instance, for a room of two adults:

"rooms": [
"occupancyRefId": 1,
"paxes": [
"name": "TestName",
"surname": "Surname",
"age": 30
"name": "TestName",
"surname": "Surname",
"age": 30

What payment details should I add to my Book request?
The payment type and details to be added in your Book request depend on the payment type returned for the option to be booked, note that payment types depend on the commercial agreement established by a Buyer with their Sellers.
Where can I get the Hotel Confirmation Number (HCN)?

Once a booking has been successfully confirmed in Travelgate you may retrieve 2 different locators from its logs:

  • The Buyer's locator (client reference).
  • The Seller's locator (provider reference).

The Seller may also provide a third type of locator, issued by the hotel when it confirms the booking. This is known as the Hotel Confirmation Number (HCN) or Hotel Reference Booking (HRB). Please note we are only able to provide this code if the Seller returns it in their response.