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One Step Quote

One step quote operation evaluates the rate before booking, checking if the option is still available and including up-to-date pricing and cancellation policies. The returned fields include:

  • status
  • price
  • cancelPolicy
  • rooms
  • surcharges

One Step Quote Inputs

When creating your one step quote query, you have three different inputs to fill based on your specific needs:

  1. Criteria
  2. Settings
  3. Filter
query {
hotelX {
input: {}
settings: {}
filter: {}
It's important to note that even if certain fields in the "criteria" or "settings" inputs are labeled as optional, we still need to use some value internally. This value will either come from your query/mutation request or your default settings. You have the ability to manage your default API settings by visiting the API Settings section on our website.

1. Input

This query offers versatility in quote options, with certain fields marked as mandatory and others as optional.

To specify your one step quote criteria you need to use the input HotelOneStepQuoteInput in your query variables:

"input": {
"language": "es",
"market": "ES",
"nationality": "ES",
"checkIn": "2024-10-28",
"checkOut": "2024-10-29",
"hotel": "1",
"board": "1",
"price": {
"currency": "EUR",
"binding": false,
"net": 450.6,
"gross": 460.6
"ratePlan": "BAR",
"rooms": [
"occupancyRefId": 1,
"code": "2269",
"paxes": []
"rateRulesExtended": [
"type": "PACKAGE"
"occupancies": [
"paxes": [
"age": 30
"age": 30
"cancelPolicy": {
"refundable": false,
"cancelPenalties": []

Mandatory criteria:

  • checkIn
  • checkOut
  • hotel
  • board
  • occupancies
  • rooms
  • price
  • cancelPolicy

Optional criteria:

  • language
  • nationality
  • market
  • ratePlan
  • rateRulesExtended
  • surcharges
  • supplements

2. Settings

Settings are the common configurations used to construct requests to the supplier/s. By default, we apply the same configuration to all Hotel-X clients.

To specify your quote settings you need to use the input HotelSettingsInput in your query variables:

"settings": {
"client": "client_demo",
"context": "HOTELTEST",
"testMode": true,
"timeout": 180000

Mandatory Settings:

  • client
  • context (You have the flexibility to choose between using the supplier's context or your own, depending on which codes you want to see in the response. If you prefer to receive responses with your custom codes, please ensure that your context code is linked to the mapping files that you've previously uploaded to your FTP account.)
  • timeout (Timeout in milliseconds for supplier connections. Applied to all suppliers; won't close client connection if exceeded.)
Key Recommendations
  • Customize the timeout according to your needs, taking into consideration the maximum values in One Step Quote is 180,000ms.

  • Set the audiTransaction to "true" in One Step Quote when investigating errors.

3. Filter

Filter allow you to precisely tailor the response according to your preferences.

To specify your filters you need to use the input HotelFilterInput in your query variables. The available filters inside this input are:

  • access (mandatory): Specify the supplier access you want to use to quote the option.
  • excludeComparisonFields (optional): If there are specific rate characteristics you prefer not to use internally for finding the option, indicate them here. For example, you may not want us to specifically check for a non-refundable option. You may want us to quote an option with the same other characteristics (hotel, rate, board), and whether the option is refundable or not doesn't matter to you.
"filter" : {
"access" : "2",
"excludeComparisonFields" : [

Requests Examples

Quote option without checking the surcharges

Quote Response

As mentioned earlier, the quote response will provide you with updated information about the option found with the criteria indicated in the input. In this one step quote response, there are some essential details that you should carefully review and consider when providing information to your final customers:

  • Cancellation Policies: Within the cancelPolicy structure response, you will find a refundable field. If this field is marked as "false," it means that the room has a 100% cancellation cost, making it non-refundable.

  • Remarks: Pay attention to any remarks or additional notes provided in the response.

  • Taxes: Ensure you are aware of any applicable taxes associated with the selected option.

The next step is to confirm the booking using the standard book mutation in the Hotel-X API, utilizing the optionRefId obtained from the results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any limitations on the number of Hotel-X One Step Quote requests allowed per minute?
Not from Travelgate side, we don't have any limitations on the RPM ("Requests for Minute") in any of our methods. However, some Sellers may have some limitations so we suggest you contact directly with them in order to discuss this information.
Do options get blocked in Hotel-X Quote Query?
Some Sellers may block the options when performing a Quote Query so we strongly recommend to contact them directly regarding this topic in order to prevent future issues.
Is there any possibility to obtain RoomCodes in Quote?
If the Seller provides this information, you can obtain the room code by including the rooms node in the HotelOptionQuote node.
What should I do if I receive a status RQ in Quote response?
You may receive a status On Request (status RQ) in Quote response in those cases the availability of the option previously selected is pending to be confirmed by the Seller. If you receive status RQ in Quote response, you should run a new Search request and restart the Booking Flow.