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Create Rates

The createRateSetUp mutation allows you tu create new rates for a hotel in a specific client - seller relation in Inventory. The returned fields include:

  • code
  • name
  • hotelCode
  • active
  • mealPlanIncluded
  • agePolicies
    • maxAgeChildren
    • maxAgeInfants
    • freeInfants
    • freeChildren
  • paymentPolicies
    • currency
    • commission
    • priceIsBinding
    • acceptedPayments
      • type
      • cardTypes
  • bookingRules
    • bookingWindow
      • start
      • end
    • markets
      • included
      • excluded
    • rateRule
    • seniorRule
  • cancelPolicies
    • baseCancelPolicy
      • refundable
      • cancelPenalties
        • daysBeforeArrival
        • penaltyType
        • value
    • cancelPoliciesByDate
      • start
      • end
      • cancelPolicy
        • refundable
        • cancelPenalties
          • daysBeforeArrival
          • penaltyType
          • value
  • surcharges
    • chargeType
    • taxType
    • value
    • applyType
    • perNight
    • perPax
  • rooms
    • code
    • master
      • id
      • code
      • name
    • active
    • externalCode
    • standard
    • uses
      • numberOfGuests
      • minAge
      • maxAge
      • paxType

Mutation Inputs

When creating your createRatesSetUp mutation, you have 1 input to fill based on your specific needs:

  1. Input

1. Input

Mandatory input

  • clientCode
  • supplierCode
  • hotelCode
  • rates
    • code
    • name
    • active
    • mealPlanIncluded
    • agePolicies
      • maxAgeChildren
      • maxAgeInfants
      • freeInfants
      • freeChildren
    • paymentPolicies
      • currency
      • commission
      • priceIsBinding
      • acceptedPayments
        • type
        • cardTypes
    • cancelPolicies

Optional input

  • contextCode
  • rates
    • bookingRules
      • bookingWindow
        • start
        • end
      • markets
        • included
        • excluded
      • rateRule
      • seniorRule
    • surcharges
      • chargeType
      • taxType
      • value
      • applyType
      • perNight
      • perPax

Requests Examples

Create a new rate

With the following mutation, we are going to create a new rate for the hotel 2 filling its basic properties.


The possible values for mealPlanIncluded can be retrieved using the query Mealplans.