AvailRS/Hotels | 0..n | | Root node. |
Hotels/Hotel | 0..n | | |
@code | 1 | String | Hotel code. |
@name | 0..1 | String | Hotel name. |
Hotel/MealPlans | 1 | | Retrieves a list of available mealplans for this hotel. |
MealPlans/MealPlan | 1..n | | |
@code | 1 | String | MealPlan code. |
MealPlan/Options | 1 | | |
Options/Option | 1..n | | Detail of option. |
@type | 1 | String | Indicates option type (only hotel, hotel with ski pass, hotel with entrance...). |
@paymentType | 1 | String | Payment Types Code | Description | MerchantPay | The payment is managed by the supplier. | LaterPay | The payment is managed by the hotel. The customer will use a credit-card as a guarantee for the hotel and the payment will be completed at check in. | CardBookingPay | The payment is managed by the supplier. The payment is effectuated at the time of booking. | CardCheckInPay | The payment is managed by the supplier. The payment is effectuated at check in in the hotel. | |
@status | 1 | String | Status option (OK = available, RQ = on request). |
Option/Parameters | 0..1 | | Additional parameters that must be reported on the ValuationRQ. Parameters, if this option is required. |
Parameters/Parameter | 0..n | | Additional parameter requiring integration. |
@key | 1 | String | Contains the keyword/Id to identify a parameter. |
@value | 1 | String | Contains parameter value. |
Option/CancelPenalties | 0..1 | | List of cancellation penalties (see MetaData in order to verify if the supplier implements it). |
@nonRefundable | 1 | Boolean | Indicates if it is refundable or no. |
CancelPenalties/CancelPenalty | 0..1 | | |
CancelPenalty/HoursBefore | 1 | String | Number of hours prior to arrival day in which this Cancellation policy applies. |
CancelPenalty/Penalty | 1..n | String | Contains the value to be applied in net price. |
@type | 1 | String | Types of penalties Penalty | Description | Noches | Indicates the number of nights to be penalized. | Porcentaje | Indicates the percentage to pay based on the option price. | Importe | Indicates the exact amount payable. | |
@currency | 1 | String | Currency code (Our system uses a standard ISO - 3 for all suppliers). |
CancelPenalty/CalculatedDeadline | 0..1 | Boolean | Indicate if the Deadline is returned by the supplier or it's been calculated by Travelgate. If True, has been calculated by Travelgate. If False, bypass of supplier data without calculation. |
CancelPenalty/Deadline | 0..1 | String | Date on UTC Standard TimeZone in which this Cancellation policy applies (ISO 8601 e.g: 2016-07-01T05:00:00Z). |
Option/RateRules | 0..1 | | Option rate rules. |
RateRules/Rules | 1 | | |
Rules/Rule | 1..n | | |
@type | 1 | String | Rate Conditions Code | Description | nonRefundable | Cancellation fee is a 100% from the moment the reservation is create. | custom | A way of setting less standardized rates. Can specify the restrictions that it deems convenient and that are not typified by TGX. | older55 | Rate that can only be sold to people who are 55 yeasrs or older. | older60 | Rate that can only be sold to people who are 60 yeasrs or older. | older65 | Rate that can only be sold to people who are 65 yeasrs or older. | package | Rate can’t be sold separately from another product attached to it, such as a flight. | canaryResident | Rate applicable to Canary Islands residents only. | balearicResident | Rate applicable to Balearic Islands residents only. | largeFamily | Rate applied to large families and is determined by each supplier.Check remarks for more details. | honeymoon | Rate applied to those who just got married and is determined by each supplier. Check remarks for more details. | publicServant | Rate applicable to public servants only. | unemployed | Rate applied to those without work. | mobile | Rate applicable to options booked by mobile. | warranty | Rate applicable to options with cancellation warranty. | |
Rule/Rates/ | 0..1 | | |
Rates/Rate | 1..n | | |
@code | 0..1 | String | Contains the rate rule code. |
Rate/Description | 0..1 | String | Contains the rate rule description. |
Rule/Restrictions | 0..n | | Restrictions for the rate rule. |
Restrictions/Restriction | 1..n | | |
@type | 1 | Enum | This restriction affects: 1 -> Company, 2 -> Market, 3 -> Others... |
@code | 1 | String | Contains the restriction code. |
Option/Rooms | 1 | | Rooms in this option (room list). |
Rooms/Room | 1..n | | |
@id | 1 | String | Room ID. The identifier of the room ID must be unique per option. An effective way is to concatenate the value of: id#roomCandidateRefId#code of room. |
@roomCandidateRefId | 1 | Integer | This attribute is an identifier that refers to a specific RoomCandidate. The RoomCandidate represents the requirements for a room in a request, including information about the guests (Paxes) who will stay in that room. Each RoomCandidate has a unique ID. |
@code | 1 | String | Room code has to be unique to identify a specific room type. If the RoomList Method is implemented, you can find the description of the room type in the RoomList. |
@description | 0..1 | String | Room description. Mandatory if the supplier doesn't allow RoomList Method. If the supplier implements RoomList Method, this field could be empty. |
@nonRefundable | 0..1 | String | Identifies if the room is refundable or not. |
@numberOfUnits | 0..1 | Integer | Number of rooms available with the same type (see MetaData in order to verify if the supplier implements it). |
Room/Offers | 1..n | | List of offers. Depending on the supplier, the information concerning offers can be displayed at a room level or in the option level in AvailRS. |
Offers/Offer | 1..n | | |
@code | 1 | String | Contains the code to identify a offer. |
@name | 1 | String | Contains the name of the offer. |
Room/Beds | 0..1 | | Detail of beds (see MetaData in order to verify if a supplier implements it). |
@sharedBed | 0..1 | Boolean | Specifies if the beds in the room are shared. |
Beds/Bed | 0..n | | Identifies types of beds. |
@numberOfBeds | 0..1 | String | Indicates number of beds in the room. |
@type | 0..1 | String | Indicates the type of bed. |
Room/Features | 0..1 | | Features of this room (features list). |
Features/Feature | 1..n | | |
@code | 1 | String | Feature code or text. |
Room/DailyPrices | 0..1 | | Specifies daily price, as long as the supplier returns it in this method (see MetaData in order to verify if the supplier implements it). |
DailyPrices/DailyPrice | 1..n | | Specifies the price for each day. |
@effectiveDate | 1 | String | Start date in which the price becomes effective. |
@expireDate | 1 | String | Expiry date of price. |
DailyPrice/Price | 1 | | Day price. |
@currency | 1 | String | Currency code (Our system uses a standard ISO - 3 for all suppliers). |
@amount | 1 | Decimal | Day Amount. |
@binding | 1 | Boolean | If binding is set as true, then the client can’t sell the product for a lower price that the one set by the supplier. If it set as as false, the client can sell the product for a lower price. |
@commission | 1 | Decimal | Commission Scenarios Commission | Description | 0 | The price returned is net. | -1 | The supplier has not supplied the sale price nor the commission. This information is in the commercial contract with the supplier. | Greater than 0 | X = % of the commission applied to the amount. | |
@minimumSellingPrice | 1 | Decimal | Indicates the minimum selling price it can be sold (determined by the Seller). If is specified (different than "-1"), that field takes preference to amount. Minimum Selling Price Scenarios Minimum Selling Price | Description | 0 | No minimum selling price is provided. | -1 | We have no information about MSP from the Seller. | Greater than 0 | The lowest possible amount that can be sold commercially. | |
Room/DailyRatePlans | 0..1 | | Specifies the daily rate, as long as the supplier returns it in this method (see MetaData in order to verify if the supplier implements it). |
DailyRatePlans/DailyRatePlan | 1..n | | Specifies the rates for each day. |
@effectiveDate | 1 | String | Start date in which the rate becomes effective. |
@expireDate | 1 | String | Expirty date of rate. |
@code | 1 | String | Indicates the supplier's rate code. This code specifies the rate applied to those days. |
@name | 0 | String | Indicates the supplier's rate name. |
Room/Price | 1 | | Room price. |
@currency | 1 | String | Currency code (Our system uses a standard ISO - 3 for all suppliers). |
@amount | 1 | Decimal | Room Amount. |
@binding | 1 | Boolean | If binding is set as true, then the client can’t sell the product for a lower price that the one set by the supplier. If it set as as false, the client can sell the product for a lower price. |
@commission | 1 | Decimal | Commission Scenarios Commission | Description | 0 | The price returned is net. | -1 | The supplier has not supplied the sale price nor the commission. This information is in the commercial contract with the supplier. | Greater than 0 | X = % of the commission applied to the amount. | |
@minimumSellingPrice | 1 | Decimal | Indicates the minimum selling price it can be sold (determined by the Seller). If is specified (different than "-1"), that field takes preference to amount. Minimum Selling Price Scenarios Minimum Selling Price | Description | 0 | No minimum selling price is provided. | -1 | We have no information about MSP from the Seller. | Greater than 0 | The lowest possible amount that can be sold commercially. | |
Room/Fees | 0..1 | | |
Fees/Fee | 1..n | | |
@includedPriceOption | 1 | Boolean | Indicates if the fee is included or not in the final price. How to interpret includePriceOption Scenarios Payment Type | includedPriceOption | MerchantPay, CardBookingPay, CardCheckInPay | If True the amount of the fee is already included in the price and is paid at the time of booking. If False, said fee have to be paid in the hotel. | LaterPay | In both cases if True or False, the amount of the fee has to be paid in the hotel, as the type of payment is LaterPay. The difference is that if includedPriceOption = False the client would have to sum the amount on their end. This is done if the supplier does not include it. This way, the client can show the fee on their web separated from the option price, and it’s now the client’s own decision how they should treat it. | |
@description | 1 | String | Remarks regarding fee. |
@mandatory | 1 | Boolean | If the fee is obligatory, depending on the includedPriceOption to know if it is paid at the time of booking or at the hotel. In case it is false, it could be a fee such as "cleaning" that the consumer could hire if he wanted. |
@refundable | 1 | Boolean | This field will serve to know if the rate to be paid is returned, for example when it is a deposit type that is returned once the stay ends. |
Fee/Price | 1 | | |
@currency | 1 | String | Currency code (Our system uses a standard ISO - 3 for all suppliers). |
@amount | 1 | Decimal | Fee Amount. |
@binding | 1 | Boolean | If binding is set as true, then the client can’t sell the product for a lower price that the one set by the supplier. If it set as as false, the client can sell the product for a lower price. |
@commission | 1 | Decimal | Commission Scenarios Commission | Description | 0 | The price returned is net. | -1 | The supplier has not supplied the sale price nor the commission. This information is in the commercial contract with the supplier. | Greater than 0 | X = % of the commission applied to the amount. | |
@minimumSellingPrice | 1 | Decimal | Indicates the minimum selling price it can be sold (determined by the Seller). If is specified (different than "-1"), that field takes preference to amount. Minimum Selling Price Scenarios Minimum Selling Price | Description | 0 | No minimum selling price is provided. | -1 | We have no information about MSP from the Seller. | Greater than 0 | The lowest possible amount that can be sold commercially. | |
Fee/Code | 1 | String | Specifies the fee code in case it has one. |
Room/CancelPenalties | 0..1 | | List of cancellation penalties. (see MetaData in order to verify if the supplier implements it). |
@nonRefundable | 1 | Boolean | Indicates if it is refundable or no. |
CancelPenalties/CancelPenalty | 0..1 | | |
CancelPenalty/HoursBefore | 1 | String | Number of hours prior to arrival day in which this Cancellation policy applies. |
CancelPenalty/Penalty | 1..n | | |
@type | 1 | String | Types of penalties Penalty | Description | Noches | Indicates the number of nights to be penalized. | Porcentaje | Indicates the percentage to pay based on the option price. | Importe | Indicates the exact amount payable. | |
@currency | 1 | String | Currency code (Our system uses a standard ISO - 3 for all suppliers). |
CancelPenalty/CalculatedDeadline | 0..1 | Boolean | Indicate if the Deadline is returned by the supplier or it's been calculated by Travelgate. If True, has been calculated by Travelgate. If False, bypass of supplier data without calculation. |
CancelPenalty/Deadline | 0..1 | String | Date on UTC Standard TimeZone in which this Cancellation policy applies (ISO 8601 e.g: 2016-07-01T05:00:00Z). |
Option/Price | 1 | | Option price ( it is the total price of option). |
@currency | 1 | String | Currency code (Our system uses a standard ISO - 3 for all suppliers). |
@amount | 1 | Decimal | Option Amount. |
@binding | 1 | Boolean | If binding is set as true, then the client can’t sell the product for a lower price that the one set by the supplier. If it set as as false, the client can sell the product for a lower price. |
@commission | 1 | Decimal | Commission Scenarios Commission | Description | 0 | The price returned is net. | -1 | The supplier has not supplied the sale price nor the commission. This information is in the commercial contract with the supplier. | Greater than 0 | X = % of the commission applied to the amount. | |
@minimumSellingPrice | 1 | Decimal | Indicates the minimum selling price it can be sold (determined by the Seller). If is specified (different than "-1"), that field takes preference to amount. Minimum Selling Price Scenarios Minimum Selling Price | Description | 0 | No minimum selling price is provided. | -1 | We have no information about MSP from the Seller. | Greater than 0 | The lowest possible amount that can be sold commercially. | |
Option/Detail | 0..1 | | Detail of option (if the option is different from the type Hotel, see MetaData in order to verify if the supplier implements it). |
Detail/POIs | 1 | | Points of interest. |
POIs/POI | 1..n | | |
@code | 1 | String | POI code. |
@description | 1 | String | POI description. |
POI/Services | 1 | | Services containing this POI. |
Services/Service | 1..n | | |
@type | 1 | String | Service type (SkiPass, Lessons, Meals, Equipment, Ticket, Transfers or Gala). |
@code | 1 | String | Service code. |
@description | 1 | String | Service description. |
@durationType | 1 | String | Date of service. If durationType = Range, then date range is set and the element "RangeDates" is returned. If durationType = Open, not restricted by date. Elements "quantity" and "unit" are returned to specify type and quantity. |
@quantity | 1 | Integer | Indicates the quantity of field in the element "unit". |
@unit | 0..1 | String | Day or Hour. |
Service/RangeDates | 0..1 | | Service date range (Only specified if durationType=Range). |
@startDate | 1 | String | Start date of service. |
@endDate | 1 | String | End date of service. |
Option/Remarks | 0..1 | | List of remarks (see MetaData in order to verify if the supplier implements it). |
Remarks/Remark | 1..n | | |
Option/Offers | 0..1 | | The supplier returns in response which offer is applicable for each option (see MetaData in order to verify if the supplier implements it). Depending on the supplier, the information concerning offers can be displayed at a room level or in the option level in AvailRS. |
Offers/Offer | 1..n | | |
@code | 1 | String | Contains the code to identify a offer. |
@name | 1 | String | Contains the name of the offer. |
Option/Fees/ | 0..1 | | |
Fees/Fee | 1..n | | |
@includedPriceOption | 1 | Boolean | Indicates if the fee is included or not in the final price. How to interpret includePriceOption Scenarios Payment Type | includedPriceOption | MerchantPay, CardBookingPay, CardCheckInPay | If True the amount of the fee is already included in the price and is paid at the time of booking. If False, said fee have to be paid in the hotel. | LaterPay | In both cases if True or False, the amount of the fee has to be paid in the hotel, as the type of payment is LaterPay. The difference is that if includedPriceOption = False the client would have to sum the amount on their end. This is done if the supplier does not include it. This way, the client can show the fee on their web separated from the option price, and it’s now the client’s own decision how they should treat it. | |
@description | 1 | String | Remarks regarding fee. |
@mandatory | 1 | Boolean | If the fee is obligatory, depending on the includedPriceOption to know if it is paid at the time of booking or at the hotel. In case it is false, it could be a fee such as "cleaning" that the consumer could hire if he wanted. |
@refundable | 1 | Boolean | This field will serve to know if the rate to be paid is returned, for example when it is a deposit type that is returned once the stay ends. |
Fee/Price | 1 | | |
@currency | 1 | String | Currency code (Our system uses a standard ISO - 3 for all suppliers). |
@amount | 1 | Decimal | Fee Amount. |
@binding | 1 | Boolean | If binding is set as true, then the client can’t sell the product for a lower price that the one set by the supplier. If it set as as false, the client can sell the product for a lower price. |
@commission | 1 | Decimal | Commission Scenarios Commission | Description | 0 | The price returned is net. | -1 | The supplier has not supplied the sale price nor the commission. This information is in the commercial contract with the supplier. | Greater than 0 | X = % of the commission applied to the amount. | |
@minimumSellingPrice | 1 | Decimal | Indicates the minimum selling price it can be sold (determined by the Seller). If is specified (different than "-1"), that field takes preference to amount. Minimum Selling Price Scenarios Minimum Selling Price | Description | 0 | No minimum selling price is provided. | -1 | We have no information about MSP from the Seller. | Greater than 0 | The lowest possible amount that can be sold commercially. | |
Fee/Code | 1 | String | Specifies the fee code in case it has one. |