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The Reservation operation requests a booking confirmation for a specific list of passengers. It provides the booking locator (booking code), which could be the supplier’s own code or the one sent in request, along with all the charges associated with the booking as well as its status. The returned fields include: ProviderLocator, PropertyReservationNumber, ResStatus, Price etc.

Reservation Request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv = "" xmlns:ns = "" xmlns:wsse = "">
<Parameter key = "UrlListHotels" value = ""></Parameter>
<Parameter key = "Access" value = "22334"></Parameter>
<Parameter key = "extra" value = "31"/>
<DeltaPrice amount="10" percent="5" applyBoth="false"/>
<Holder title = "Miss" name = "name" surname = "surname" email = ""/>
<Price currency = "EUR" amount = "36.20" binding = "false" commission = "-1" minimumSellingPrice="-1"/>
<Guest roomCandidateId = "1" paxId = "1">
<Guest roomCandidateId = "1" paxId = "2">
<Holder>name surname</Holder>
<Room id = "4582" roomCandidateRefId = "1" code = "506" description = "Double Standard.."/>
<Preference type = "NonSmoker"/>
<Preference type = "ExtraBed"/>
<RoomCandidate id = "1">
<Pax age = "30" id = "1"/>
<Pax age = "30" id = "2"/>
<Remarks>I want it a double bed.</Remarks>
<Preference type = "LateArrival">14:00</Preference>

Request Data Breakdown

ReservationRQ1Root node.
ReservationRQ/ClientLocator1StringBooking ID in client's system.
ReservationRQ/OnRequest1BooleanIndicates if you want to receive the onrequest options in AvailRS, as long as the supplier returns it in this method (see MetaData in order to verify if the supplier implements it).
ReservationRQ/Parameters0..1List of parameters.
Parameters/Parameter1..nParameters for additional information that have been reported in ValuationRS.
@key1StringContains the keyword/Id to identify a parameter.
@value1StringContains the value of the parameter.
ReservationRQ/DeltaPrice0..1Indicates price variation permitted by the client (see MetaData in order to verify if the supplier implements it). If the newly entered price doesn't meet the DeltaPrice criteria, an error will occur. In case you omit the DeltaPrice tag, and the integration supports it, we'll consider the price range as 0. Under this condition, the process will proceed as long as the price is the same or lower than the one indicated in the valuation.
@amount0..1StringAmount (in the currency returned into the option) that is accepted by the client to be higher than the valuation price.
@percent0..1StringPercentage accepted by the client to be higher than the valuation price.
@applyBoth1BooleanIndicates that the range between valuation price and the new price does not exceed the amount and/or porcentage indicated by the client.
DeltaPrice Cases
applyBoth Description
False Indicates that one of the conditions (amount or percentage) has to meet the criteria before reservation.
True Indicates that the new price cannot exceed the amount or percentage indicated by the client.
ReservationRQ/StartDate1StringStart date to search rates.
ReservationRQ/EndDate1StringEnd date to search rates.
ReservationRQ/MealPlanCode1StringMealPlan code.
ReservationRQ/HotelCode1StringHotel code.
ReservationRQ/Nationality1StringNationality of the Holder (use ISO3166_1_alfa_2 , see MetaData in order to verify if the supplier implements it).
ReservationRQ/Holder1Holder of the booking.
Code Description
0 Mr
1 Mrs
2 Miss
3 Ms
@name1StringHolder's name.
@surname1StringHolder's surname.
@email0..1StringHolder's email.
ReservationRQ/Price1Total price of this valuation.
@currency1StringCurrency code (Our system uses a standard ISO - 3 for all suppliers).
@amount1DecimalOption Amount.
@binding1BooleanIf binding is set as true, then the client can’t sell the product for a lower price that the one set by the supplier. If it set as as false, the client can sell the product for a lower price.
Commission Scenarios
Commission Description
0 The price returned is net.
-1 The supplier has not supplied the sale price nor the commission. This information is in the commercial contract with the supplier.
Greater than 0 X = % of the commission applied to the amount.
@minimumSellingPrice1DecimalIndicates the minimum selling price it can be sold (determined by the Seller). If is specified (different than "-1"), that field takes preference to amount.
Minimum Selling Price Scenarios
Minimum Selling Price Description
0 No minimum selling price is provided.
-1 We have no information about MSP from the Seller.
Greater than 0 The lowest possible amount that can be sold commercially.
ReservationRQ/ResGuests1List of passengers.
Guests/Guest1..nDetail of each passenger. If the holder is also a passenger you need to add his/hers information in the gest list.
@roomCandidateId1IntegerRoom candidate Identifier
@paxId1IntegerPassenger id (starting at 1).
Code Description
0 Mr
1 Mrs
2 Miss
3 Ms
Guest/GivenName1StringGuest's given name.
Guest/SurName1StringGuest's last name.
Payment Types
Code Description
MerchantPay The payment is managed by the supplier.
LaterPay The payment is managed by the hotel. The customer will use a credit-card as a guarantee for the hotel and the payment will be completed at check in.
CardBookingPay The payment is managed by the supplier. The payment is effectuated at the time of booking.
CardCheckInPay The payment is managed by the supplier. The payment is effectuated at check in in the hotel.
ReservationRQ/CardInfo0..1Credit card details.
Credit Card codes
Code Name
VI Visa
AX American Express
BC BC Card
CA MasterCard
CB Carte Blanche
CU China Union Pay
DS Discover
DC Diners Club
T Carta Si
R Carte Bleue
N Dankort
L Delta
E Electron
JC Japan Credit Bureau
TO Maestro
S Switch
EC Electronic Cash
EU EuroCard
TP Universal air travel card
OP optima
ER Air Canada/RnRoute
XS access
O others
CardInfo/Number1StringCredit card number.
CardInfo/Holder1StringCredit card holder.
ValidityDate/Month1StringExpiration month (2 characters).
ValidityDate/Year1StringExpiration year (2 characters).
CardInfo/CVC1StringCredit card security code.
CardInfo/isVCC1BooleanIndicates if the card information provided is from a Virtual Credit Card or not.
CardInfo/VirtualCreditCard0..1Extra information if the card is a virtual credit card.
VirtualCreditCard/VCCActivationDate1StringDate from when the card can be charged. Format: DD/MM/YYYY.
VirtualCreditCard/VCCDeactivationDate1StringDate from when the card will no longer be chargeable. Format: DD/MM/YYYY.
VirtualCreditCard/VCCCurrentBalance1StringThe amount which can be charged to the card.
VirtualCreditCard/VCCCurrencyCode1StringThe ISO currency code of the VCCCurrentBalance.
CardInfo/ThreeDomainSecurity0..13DS data and transaction results.
ThreeDomainSecurity/ThreeDSVersion1StringThree Domain Security version used.
ThreeDomainSecurity/DSTransactionID0..1StringUnique transaction identifier assigned by the Directory Server (DS) to identify a single transaction.
ThreeDomainSecurity/XID0..1StringTransaction identifier resulting from authentication processing.
ThreeDomainSecurity/ECI1StringFor Visa, American Express, Diners Club and JCB
ECI Codes
ECI Value Description
05 3DS authentication was successful, transactions are secured by 3DS.
06 Authentication was attempted but was not or could not be completed; possible reasons being either the card or its Issuing Bank has yet to participate in 3DS.
07 3DS authentication is either failed or could not be attempted; possible reasons being both card and Issuing Bank are not secured by 3DS, technical errors, or improper configuration.
For MasterCard
ECI Codes
ECI Value Description
00 3DS authentication is either failed or could not be attempted; possible reasons being both card and Issuing Bank are not secured by 3DS, technical errors, or improper configuration.
01 3DS authentication was attempted but was not or could not be completed; possible reasons being either the card or its Issuing Bank has yet to participate in 3DS, or cardholder ran out of time to authorize.
02 3DS authentication is successful.
ThreeDomainSecurity/CAVV0..1StringCardholder Authentication Verification Value.
ThreeDomainSecurity/PARes0..1StringPayer Authentication Response.
Payer Authentication Response status
Status Code Description
Y Successful Authentication.
N Failed Authentication.
U Unable to complete Authentication.
A Successful Attempts Transaction.
B You can proceed to authorisation using the information received.
R Authentication Rejected.
ThreeDomainSecurity/PARes0..1StringPayer Authentication Response.
Card Enrollment Status
Status Value Description
Y Cardholder is enrolled. Bank is participating in 3-D Secure protocol and will return the ACSUrl.
N Cardholder Not Participating – Cardholder is not enrolled.
U Unavailable. The DS or ACS is not available for authentication at the time of the request.
Signature Verification Status
Status Value Description
Y Signature of the PARes has been validated successfully.
N PARes could not be validated.
ThreeDomainSecurity/MerchantName0..1StringMerchant name.
ReservationRQ/Rooms1Rooms within this option (room list).
@id1StringRoom identifier.
@roomCandidateRefId1IntegerRoom candidate identifier.
@code1StringRoom code.
@description1StringRoom description.
Rooms/Preferences0..1Preference filters at room level.
Preferences/Preference1..nEach filter of preference and its values.
Preference types
Preference Type
@id1IntegerId of the requested room (starting at 1).
@age1IntegerPassenger age on the day of check-in.
@id1IntegerPassenger id (starting at 1).
ReservationRQ/Remarks0..1String Any customer comments for the supplier to consider (see MetaData in order to verify if the supplier implements it).
ReservationRQ/Preferences0..1Preference filters at the option / general level.
Preferences/Preference1..nEach filter of preference and its values.
Preference types
Preference Type

Reservation Response

After each request, you will process the data and provide a response. Upon receiving a Reservation request, you will send you a corresponding Reservation response.

The response options include either success or an error. If successful, it will indicate that the reservation has been completed successfully.


<Price currency = "EUR" amount = "36.20" binding = "false" commission = "-1" minimumSellingPrice="-1"/>

Success Response Data Breakdown

ReservationRS1Root node.
ProviderLocator0..1StringBooking ID in the Supplier´s system. It will always be returned if the ResStatus is OK or RQ. It could not be returned when the ResStatus is CN or UN, depending if the supplier returns it.
PropertyReservationNumber0..1StringBooking Number in the property´s system (see Metadata method in order to verify if the supplier implements it).
Reservation Status
Status Code Description
OK The reservation was completed with no problems.
RQ The reservation was completed but the product is still not available, so the reservation goes into a waiting list (Request).
CN The reservation was completed but due to a supplier error or a timeout the system will immediately cancel the reservation to prevent further possible errors.
UN During the reservation process, an issue led to an unknown reservation status. The Buyer is responsible for verifying with the Seller that the booking has been confirmed.
Price0..1Total price of this reservation (see MetaData in order to verify if the supplier implements it).
@currency1StringCurrency code (Our system uses a standard ISO - 3 for all suppliers).
@amount1DecimalBook Amount.
@binding1BooleanIf binding is set as true, then the client can’t sell the product for a lower price that the one set by the supplier. If it set as as false, the client can sell the product for a lower price.
Commission Scenarios
Commission Description
0 The price returned is net.
-1 The supplier has not supplied the sale price nor the commission. This information is in the commercial contract with the supplier.
Greater than 0 X = % of the commission applied to the amount.
@minimumSellingPrice1DecimalIndicates the minimum selling price it can be sold (determined by the Seller). If is specified (different than "-1"), that field takes preference to amount.
Minimum Selling Price Scenarios
Minimum Selling Price Description
0 No minimum selling price is provided.
-1 We have no information about MSP from the Seller.
Greater than 0 The lowest possible amount that can be sold commercially.
Remarks0..1StringAny remarks about this reservation
BillingSupplierCode0..1StringSupplier's billing code. Will be returned if the supplier has different billing accounts and this is informed in the reservation (see MetaData in order to verify if the supplier implements it).
@value1Informs Payable.


<description>The chain does not support itinerary booking.</description>
Error types that you will need to include in the response in the event of an error
Error TypeError DescriptionComments
101System Exception.Exception not controlled or not classified as general exception.
102Provider Error.You return a particular code/description for an error, which is then transmitted to the Buyer in our response.
103Too many requests to the supplier.Your Buyer has surpassed the agreed-upon request limit with you.
104Connection Timeout With Provider.Your response time has exceeded the timeout set in the Buyer's request.
105Communication Error.The connection with your system has been refused.
105Payload too high.The size of your response surpasses the size limitation established on our side for optimal performance (20000 options or 15MB).
204No results found.You don't return any results for the specific availability criteria set in the Buyer's request (e.g. hotel, dates, market, etc.).
205Room Candidate Not Supported.The number of room candidates in Buyer's request exceeds the maximum set by you.
206Dates Not Supported.Buyer availability request does not align with your date specifications.
207Request XML not accepted by Supplier.Buyer availability request does not align with your specifications.
301Option Not Found In Valuation.You fail to return the option previously chosen by the Buyer in Search response (the option is no longer available). This error can be encountered in Quote response and Book response (whenever the integration requires an additional Quote to the Seller).
302Hotel not found.Our system is unable to locate the hotel the Buyer requested in your Hotels (DescriptiveInfo) method.
303Booking not confirmed.You haven't been able to confirm a booking for some reason (is not very common and might be returned in reservation response).

Frequently Asked Questions

In what cases might there be a price difference between Reservation and Valuation methods?

We cannot guarantee that the price will be returned in Reservation, given that this is something which depends on the supplier, and unless they provide us the price in their response, there is no way for us to return it to you.

If the price returned in Reservation method is different than the one returned in the Valuation method, 4 cases could occur. Below, we have explained each of these cases and what should be done if either of them occur:

Case 1

The price in Reservation is lower than the price in Valuation. The selling price for the final customer will be the one in valuation, as this is the one that will be accepted by them at the time of booking.

Case 2

The price in Reservation is higher than the price in valuation:

Case 2.1

The supplier allows DeltaPrice and you allow a price change of, for example, up to €10, indicating it in through our DeltaPrice field (explained in the previous section):


<Price currency = "EUR" amount = "110" binding = "false" commission = "0"/>


<Price currency = "EUR" amount = "110" binding = "false" commission = "0"/>

When making reservation, you must pay the supplier €110, given that you have decided not to lose the booking even though the price has increased with €10 compared to Valuation.

Case 2.2

The supplier allows DeltaPrice and you DO NOT allow price change. In this case we will return an error, as you do not permit a higher reservation price than the one already established in Valuation.

Case 2.3

The supplier DOES NOT allow DeltaPrice. If the supplier returns a higher price in Reservation than he does in Valuation, then the difference should be reported, as you have not specified in any way that the price can be changed. In this case the supplier has to cover the price change.