ReservationRQ | 1 | | Root node. |
ReservationRQ/ClientLocator | 1 | String | Booking ID in client's system. |
ReservationRQ/OnRequest | 1 | Boolean | Indicates if you want to receive the onrequest options in AvailRS, as long as the supplier returns it in this method (see MetaData in order to verify if the supplier implements it). |
ReservationRQ/Parameters | 0..1 | | List of parameters. |
Parameters/Parameter | 1..n | | Parameters for additional information that have been reported in ValuationRS. |
@key | 1 | String | Contains the keyword/Id to identify a parameter. |
@value | 1 | String | Contains the value of the parameter. |
ReservationRQ/DeltaPrice | 0..1 | | Indicates price variation permitted by the client (see MetaData in order to verify if the supplier implements it). If the newly entered price doesn't meet the DeltaPrice criteria, an error will occur. In case you omit the DeltaPrice tag, and the integration supports it, we'll consider the price range as 0. Under this condition, the process will proceed as long as the price is the same or lower than the one indicated in the valuation. |
@amount | 0..1 | String | Amount (in the currency returned into the option) that is accepted by the client to be higher than the valuation price. |
@percent | 0..1 | String | Percentage accepted by the client to be higher than the valuation price. |
@applyBoth | 1 | Boolean | Indicates that the range between valuation price and the new price does not exceed the amount and/or porcentage indicated by the client. DeltaPrice Cases applyBoth | Description | False | Indicates that one of the conditions (amount or percentage) has to meet the criteria before reservation. | True | Indicates that the new price cannot exceed the amount or percentage indicated by the client. | |
ReservationRQ/StartDate | 1 | String | Start date to search rates. |
ReservationRQ/EndDate | 1 | String | End date to search rates. |
ReservationRQ/MealPlanCode | 1 | String | MealPlan code. |
ReservationRQ/HotelCode | 1 | String | Hotel code. |
ReservationRQ/Nationality | 1 | String | Nationality of the Holder (use ISO3166_1_alfa_2 , see MetaData in order to verify if the supplier implements it). |
ReservationRQ/Holder | 1 | | Holder of the booking. |
@title | 1 | Enum | Titles Code | Description | 0 | Mr | 1 | Mrs | 2 | Miss | 3 | Ms | |
@name | 1 | String | Holder's name. |
@surname | 1 | String | Holder's surname. |
@email | 0..1 | String | Holder's email. |
ReservationRQ/Price | 1 | | Total price of this valuation. |
@currency | 1 | String | Currency code (Our system uses a standard ISO - 3 for all suppliers). |
@amount | 1 | Decimal | Option Amount. |
@binding | 1 | Boolean | If binding is set as true, then the client can’t sell the product for a lower price that the one set by the supplier. If it set as as false, the client can sell the product for a lower price. |
@commission | 1 | Decimal | Commission Scenarios Commission | Description | 0 | The price returned is net. | -1 | The supplier has not supplied the sale price nor the commission. This information is in the commercial contract with the supplier. | Greater than 0 | X = % of the commission applied to the amount. | |
@minimumSellingPrice | 1 | Decimal | Indicates the minimum selling price it can be sold (determined by the Seller). If is specified (different than "-1"), that field takes preference to amount. Minimum Selling Price Scenarios Minimum Selling Price | Description | 0 | No minimum selling price is provided. | -1 | We have no information about MSP from the Seller. | Greater than 0 | The lowest possible amount that can be sold commercially. | |
ReservationRQ/ResGuests | 1 | | List of passengers. |
ResGuests/Guests | 1 | | Passengers. |
Guests/Guest | 1..n | | Detail of each passenger. If the holder is also a passenger you need to add his/hers information in the gest list. |
@roomCandidateId | 1 | Integer | Room candidate Identifier |
@paxId | 1 | Integer | Passenger id (starting at 1). |
Guest/Title | 1 | Enum | Titles Code | Description | 0 | Mr | 1 | Mrs | 2 | Miss | 3 | Ms | |
Guest/GivenName | 1 | String | Guest's given name. |
Guest/SurName | 1 | String | Guest's last name. |
ReservationRQ/PaymentType | 1 | String | Payment Types Code | Description | MerchantPay | The payment is managed by the supplier. | LaterPay | The payment is managed by the hotel. The customer will use a credit-card as a guarantee for the hotel and the payment will be completed at check in. | CardBookingPay | The payment is managed by the supplier. The payment is effectuated at the time of booking. | CardCheckInPay | The payment is managed by the supplier. The payment is effectuated at check in in the hotel. | |
ReservationRQ/CardInfo | 0..1 | | Credit card details. |
CardInfo/CardCode | 1 | String | Credit Card codes Code | Name | VI | Visa | AX | American Express | BC | BC Card | CA | MasterCard | CB | Carte Blanche | CU | China Union Pay | DS | Discover | DC | Diners Club | T | Carta Si | R | Carte Bleue | N | Dankort | L | Delta | E | Electron | JC | Japan Credit Bureau | TO | Maestro | S | Switch | EC | Electronic Cash | EU | EuroCard | TP | Universal air travel card | OP | optima | ER | Air Canada/RnRoute | XS | access | O | others | |
CardInfo/Number | 1 | String | Credit card number. |
CardInfo/Holder | 1 | String | Credit card holder. |
CardInfo/ValidityDate | 1 | | |
ValidityDate/Month | 1 | String | Expiration month (2 characters). |
ValidityDate/Year | 1 | String | Expiration year (2 characters). |
CardInfo/CVC | 1 | String | Credit card security code. |
CardInfo/isVCC | 1 | Boolean | Indicates if the card information provided is from a Virtual Credit Card or not. |
CardInfo/VirtualCreditCard | 0..1 | | Extra information if the card is a virtual credit card. |
VirtualCreditCard/VCCActivationDate | 1 | String | Date from when the card can be charged. Format: DD/MM/YYYY. |
VirtualCreditCard/VCCDeactivationDate | 1 | String | Date from when the card will no longer be chargeable. Format: DD/MM/YYYY. |
VirtualCreditCard/VCCCurrentBalance | 1 | String | The amount which can be charged to the card. |
VirtualCreditCard/VCCCurrencyCode | 1 | String | The ISO currency code of the VCCCurrentBalance. |
CardInfo/ThreeDomainSecurity | 0..1 | | 3DS data and transaction results. |
ThreeDomainSecurity/ThreeDSVersion | 1 | String | Three Domain Security version used. |
ThreeDomainSecurity/DSTransactionID | 0..1 | String | Unique transaction identifier assigned by the Directory Server (DS) to identify a single transaction. |
ThreeDomainSecurity/XID | 0..1 | String | Transaction identifier resulting from authentication processing. |
ThreeDomainSecurity/ECI | 1 | String | For Visa, American Express, Diners Club and JCB ECI Codes ECI Value | Description | 05 | 3DS authentication was successful, transactions are secured by 3DS. | 06 | Authentication was attempted but was not or could not be completed; possible reasons being either the card or its Issuing Bank has yet to participate in 3DS. | 07 | 3DS authentication is either failed or could not be attempted; possible reasons being both card and Issuing Bank are not secured by 3DS, technical errors, or improper configuration. | For MasterCard ECI Codes ECI Value | Description | 00 | 3DS authentication is either failed or could not be attempted; possible reasons being both card and Issuing Bank are not secured by 3DS, technical errors, or improper configuration. | 01 | 3DS authentication was attempted but was not or could not be completed; possible reasons being either the card or its Issuing Bank has yet to participate in 3DS, or cardholder ran out of time to authorize. | 02 | 3DS authentication is successful. | |
ThreeDomainSecurity/CAVV | 0..1 | String | Cardholder Authentication Verification Value. |
ThreeDomainSecurity/PARes | 0..1 | String | Payer Authentication Response. |
ThreeDomainSecurity/PAResStatus | 0..1 | String | Payer Authentication Response status Status Code | Description | Y | Successful Authentication. | N | Failed Authentication. | U | Unable to complete Authentication. | A | Successful Attempts Transaction. | B | You can proceed to authorisation using the information received. | R | Authentication Rejected. | |
ThreeDomainSecurity/PARes | 0..1 | String | Payer Authentication Response. |
ThreeDomainSecurity/CardEnrolledStatus | 0..1 | String | Card Enrollment Status Status Value | Description | Y | Cardholder is enrolled. Bank is participating in 3-D Secure protocol and will return the ACSUrl. | N | Cardholder Not Participating – Cardholder is not enrolled. | U | Unavailable. The DS or ACS is not available for authentication at the time of the request. | |
ThreeDomainSecurity/SignatureStatus | 0..1 | String | Signature Verification Status Status Value | Description | Y | Signature of the PARes has been validated successfully. | N | PARes could not be validated. | |
ThreeDomainSecurity/MerchantName | 0..1 | String | Merchant name. |
ReservationRQ/Rooms | 1 | | Rooms within this option (room list). |
Rooms/Room | 1..n | | |
@id | 1 | String | Room identifier. |
@roomCandidateRefId | 1 | Integer | Room candidate identifier. |
@code | 1 | String | Room code. |
@description | 1 | String | Room description. |
Rooms/Preferences | 0..1 | | Preference filters at room level. |
Preferences/Preference | 1..n | | Each filter of preference and its values. |
@type | 1 | String | Preference types Preference Type | Smoker | NonSmoker | ExtraBed | Cradle | DoubleBed | TwinBeds | ContigousRoom | Wedding | LateArrival | LateCheckOut | EarlyCheckIn | GroundFloor | TopFloor | WithoutBoucher | |
ReservationRQ/RoomCandidates | 1..n | | |
RoomCandidates/RoomCandidate | 1..n | | |
@id | 1 | Integer | Id of the requested room (starting at 1). |
RoomCandidate/Paxes | 1..n | | |
Paxes/Pax | 1..n | | |
@age | 1 | Integer | Passenger age on the day of check-in. |
@id | 1 | Integer | Passenger id (starting at 1). |
ReservationRQ/Remarks | 0..1 | String Any customer comments for the supplier to consider (see MetaData in order to verify if the supplier implements it). | |
ReservationRQ/Preferences | 0..1 | | Preference filters at the option / general level. |
Preferences/Preference | 1..n | | Each filter of preference and its values. |
@type | 1 | String | Preference types Preference Type | Smoker | NonSmoker | ExtraBed | Cradle | DoubleBed | TwinBeds | ContigousRoom | Wedding | LateArrival | LateCheckOut | EarlyCheckIn | GroundFloor | TopFloor | WithoutBoucher | |