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How to add and manage users in my Organization

How can I add more users to my Organization?✔️

In order to add new users simply follow the steps below:

  1. Log onto our website

  2. Click on Settings

  3. Click on Users Management: Here you will be able to visualize the list of users linked to your Organization.


  4. Click on "Invite a User" and fill in the information requested in the form. Please note that only Owner and Admin members can invite users to an Organization.



    User roles:
    • Admin: User with complete permissions.
    • User: User with read permissions. This users will not be able to visualize the API key information.
  5. Complete the sign-up process: The new user will receive an e-mail in order to set their password and they will be able to explore our website.

How can I modify the roles assigned to users within an Organization?

  1. Click on Settings - Users Management
  2. Filter the user to be updated
  3. Use the drop-down menu in order to modify their role - please note that this feature is only available for Admin or Owner users.
