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Hotel-X Development - Booking Query

The Booking Query operation enables you to obtain either the specific details of a reservation (booking details) or a list of reservations made within a specified time frame (booking list).

What can I expect to receive in the Booking Query response?

Some of the fields returned are:

  • Holder
  • Hotel
  • Price
  • Remarks
  • Status

Feel free to explore our Hotel-X Documentation and GraphQL Playground for detailed information on all available fields.

How can I find out if a Seller only accepts a specific type of Booking Query?

Please note that the queryable fields available by a Seller may vary between Sellers. You can check the restrictions and fields returned/allowed for a specific Seller via our Metadata Query.

  • "queryableBy" indicates that the Seller allows searching through a given field.
  • "requires" indicates whether receiving this information is mandatory on the Seller's API.
  • "value" indicates if that Seller requires or allows that specific field.
  • "reviewDate" indicates the last time this value was checked against the Seller.

If you are not using Hotel-X bookingID input, you should indicate your accessCode in the HotelCriteriaBookingInput. Language is optional, but we recommend adding this information for optimal results.