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Deprecated API

The Legacy Pull Buyers API, our initial Buyers API launched in 2012, is now deprecated and should not be further developed. Instead, we introduced the Hotel-X Buyers API in 2017, which serves as the sole API for new Buyers looking to integrate and participate in our Marketplace.

Geographic Destination Tree

The Geographic Destination Tree method returns a comprehensive destination list from a supplier's access, granting you access to all the destinations configured by the Seller for a given set of credentials. The returned fields include: Destination code, Destination name etc.


The amount of information and content returned might vary between Sellers.

GeographicDestinationTree Request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv = "" xmlns:ns = "" xmlns:wsse = "">
<GeographicDestinationTreeRQ xmlns:xsi = "" xmlns:xsd = "">
<Parameter key = "UrlListHotels" value = ""></Parameter>
<Parameter key = "Access" value = "22334"></Parameter>

Request Data Breakdown


Check the values you need to add in the header and common elements.

GeographicDestinationTree request does not require any elements.

GeographicDestinationTree Response

After each request, the Seller will have to process the data and provide a response. Upon receiving a GeographicDestinationTree request, the Seller will send you a corresponding GeographicDestinationTree response.

<DestinationTree code = "ES" name = "España" avail = "False">
<DestinationLeaf code = "BAL"/>
<DestinationLeaf code = "AST"/>
<DestinationLeaf code = "AND"/>
<DestinationTree code= "IT" name = "Italia" avail = "False">
<DestinationLeaf code = "AA"/>
<DestinationLeaf code = "BB"/>
<DestinationTree code = "EN" name = "England" avail = "False">
<DestinationTree code = "BAL" name = "Baleares" avail = "True">
<DestinationLeaf code = "PAL0"/>
<DestinationLeaf code = "ALC0"/>
<DestinationTree code = "AST" name = "Asturias" avail = "True"/>
<DestinationTree code = "AND" name = "Andalucia" avail = "True"/>
<DestinationTree code = "PAL0" name = "Palma de Mallorca" avail = " True"/>
<DestinationTree code = "ALC0" name = "Alcudia" avail = " True"/>

Response Data Breakdown

GeographicDestinationTreeRS/UpgradeUTCDate1DateTimeIndicates the update date of the information in UTC format.
GeographicDestinationTreeRS/DestinationTree1..nFather node
@code1StringDestination code
@name1StringDestination name
@avail1BooleanDestination available
DestinationTree/DestinationLeaf0..nChild nodes
@code1StringSub-destination code

Geographic Destination Tree Logic

Once you run a Geograpich Destination Tree Request, you will receive the Seller's native geographic destination codes in the response. These codes can be classified into 2 categories:

  1. Zone (DestinationTree code)
  2. City (DestinationLeaf code)

Sellers build their own Geographic Destination Tree based on both nodes. Consequently, when you request their geographic destination list, you will receive a structured categorized response that can help you with the mapping process.


A parent can have zero to n children ( 0..n ) and a child can only one parent ( 1..1 ).

For example, the DestinationTree code = “ES” is the parent of the DestinationLeaf code = “BAL”, “AST” and “AND” and at the same time DestinationTree code = “BAL” is also a the parent of the DestinationLeaf code = “PAL0” and “ALC0”, and so on.