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Deprecated API

The Legacy Pull Buyers API, our initial Buyers API launched in 2012, is now deprecated and should not be further developed. Instead, we introduced the Hotel-X Buyers API in 2017, which serves as the sole API for new Buyers looking to integrate and participate in our Marketplace.


The MetaData method returns a clear and summarized view of the Seller's main characteristics, as well as the methods implemented through their integration and the limitations and restrictions associated with their connection. The returned fields include:MaxNumberHotels, AllowsCurrency, MinimumStay, PaymentTypes, InformFees, TimeZone, AllowsDeltaPrice, AllowsProvideLocator etc.


The amount of information and content returned might vary between Sellers.

MetaData Request​

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv = "" xmlns:ns = "" xmlns:wsse = "">
<MetaDataRQ xmlns:xsi = "" xmlns:xsd = "">
<Parameter key = "UrlListHotels" value = ""></Parameter>
<Parameter key = "Access" value = "22334"></Parameter>

Request Data Breakdown​


Check the values you need to add in the header and common elements.

MetaData request does not require any elements.

MetaData Response​

After each request, the Seller will have to process the data and provide a response. Upon receiving a MetaData request, the Seller will send you a corresponding MetaData response.


Values can be -1, this means the supplier has no restriction. For example, if MaxNumberHotels returns -1 means there is no maximum number of hotels to be set in a request.

<MaxNumberHotels reviewDate = "20/06/2022">0</MaxNumberHotels>
<MaxNumberHotelsRecommended reviewDate = "20/06/2022">0</MaxNumberHotelsRecommended>
<MaxNumberCities reviewDate = "20/06/2022">0</MaxNumberCities>
<MaxNumberCitiesRecommended reviewDate = "20/06/2022">0</MaxNumberCitiesRecommended>
<MaxNumberZones reviewDate = "20/06/2022">0</MaxNumberZones>
<MaxNumberZonesRecommended reviewDate = "20/06/2022">0</MaxNumberZonesRecommended>
<MaxNumberGeoCodes reviewDate = "20/06/2022">0</MaxNumberGeoCodes>
<MaxNumberGeoCodesRecommended reviewDate = "20/06/2022">0</MaxNumberGeoCodesRecommended>
<HotelSameDestinationRestriction reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</HotelSameDestinationRestriction>
<DestinationSameCountryRestriction reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</DestinationSameCountryRestriction>
<AllowsCurrency reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</AllowsCurrency>
<AllowsBusinessRules reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</AllowsBusinessRules>
<NumMarketsAllowed reviewDate = "20/06/2022">0</NumMarketsAllowed>
<Release reviewDate = "20/06/2022">0</Release>
<MinimumStay reviewDate = "20/06/2022">0</MinimumStay>
<MaxStay reviewDate = "20/06/2022">0</MaxStay>
<MaxNumberRoomCandidates reviewDate = "20/06/2022">0</MaxNumberRoomCandidates>
<PaxTypeRangeInRoomCandidates reviewDate = "20/06/2022">
<Candidate max = "3" min = "1" type = "Adult"/>
<Candidate max = "2" min = "0" type = "Child"/>
<Candidate max = "0" min = "0" type = "Infant"/>
<MaxPaxInRoomCandidates reviewDate = "20/06/2022">0</MaxPaxInRoomCandidates>
<MaxPaxInAllRooms reviewDate = "20/06/2022">0</MaxPaxInAllRooms>
<SamePaxNumber reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</SamePaxNumber>
<SamePaxAge reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</SamePaxAge>
<AgeRange reviewDate = "11/11/2016">
<Age max = "5" min = "2" type = "Child"/>
<RateRule reviewDate = "20/06/2022">NonRefundable</RateRule>
<RateRule reviewDate = "20/06/2022">largeFamily</RateRule>
<InformNumberOfUnits reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformNumberOfUnits>
<InformSharedBed reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformSharedBed>
<InformBedType reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformBedType>
<InformNumberOfBeds reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformNumberOfBeds>
<InformBindingPrice reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformBindingPrice>
<InformCancelPolicies reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformCancelPolicies>
<InformRoomCancelPolicies reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformRoomCancelPolicies>
<ImplementsCombination reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</ImplementsCombination>
<InformRoomFees reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformRoomFees>
<InformRemarks reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformRemarks>
<PaymentType reviewDate = "20/06/2022">MerchantPay</PaymentType>
<PaymentType reviewDate = "20/06/2022">LaterPay</PaymentType>
<OptionType reviewDate = "20/06/2022">Hotel</OptionType>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">en</Language>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">es</Language>
<InformDailyPrice reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformDailyPrice>
<InformDailyRatePlan reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformDailyRatePlan>
<InformOffers reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformOffers>
<InformNRFRateByRoom reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformNRFRateByRoom>
<InformFees reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformFees>
<AllowsBlockOption reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</AllowsBlockOption>
<InformBindingPrice reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformBindingPrice>
<InformNRFRate reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformNRFRate>
<InformRemarks reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformRemarks>
<InformCancelPolicies reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformCancelPolicies>
<InformCancelPoliciesDescription reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformCancelPoliciesDescription>
<InformFees reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformFees>
<TimeZone reviewDate = "04/01/2022">[eUtc.Utc_Unknown|eUtc.HotelLocalTime|eUtc.Utc_-14|...|eUtc.Utc_0|...|eUtc.Utc_14]</TimeZone>
<AllowsDeltaPrice reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</AllowsDeltaPrice>
<InformPropertyReservationNumber reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformPropertyReservationNumber>
<RequiredAllPassengers reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</RequiredAllPassengers>
<AllowsRemarks reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</AllowsRemarks>
<AllowsUrlCard reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</AllowsUrlCard>
<InformBillingSupplier reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformBillingSupplier>
<InformPrice reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformPrice>
<Preference hotel = "true" room = "false">
<Value mandatory = "true" type = "numeric"/>
<Implements reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</Implements>
<InformPropertyReservationNumber reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformPropertyReservationNumber>
<AllowsProvideLocator reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</AllowsProvideLocator>
<AllowsClientLocator reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</AllowsClientLocator>
<InformCancelPolicies reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformCancelPolicies>
<InformPriceCancel reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformPriceCancel>
<RequiredCheckInDate reviewDate = "18/10/2021">false</RequiredCheckInDate>
<RequiredCheckOutDate reviewDate = "18/10/2021">false</RequiredCheckOutDate>
<RequiredReservationDate reviewDate = "18/10/2021">false</RequiredReservationDate>
<Implements reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</Implements>
<InformPropertyReservationNumber reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformPropertyReservationNumber>
<AllowsCreationDate reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</AllowsCreationDate>
<AllowsCheckDate reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</AllowsCheckDate>
<InformCancelPolicies reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformCancelPolicies>
<InformPriceCancel reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformPriceCancel>
<Implements reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</Implements>
<AllowsProvideLocator reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</AllowsProvideLocator>
<AllowsClientLocator reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</AllowsClientLocator>
<InformPriceCancel reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformPriceCancel>
<InformExclusiveDeal reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</InformExclusiveDeal>
<StaticType reviewDate = "20/06/2022">NotImplemented</StaticType>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">en</Language>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">es</Language>
<StaticType reviewDate = "20/06/2022">NotImplemented</StaticType>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">en</Language>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">es</Language>
<StaticType reviewDate = "20/06/2022">NotImplemented</StaticType>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">en</Language>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">es</Language>
<StaticType reviewDate = "20/06/2022">NotImplemented</StaticType>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">en</Language>
<StaticType reviewDate = "20/06/2022">NotImplemented</StaticType>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">en</Language>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">es</Language>
<StaticType reviewDate = "20/06/2022">NotImplemented</StaticType>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">en</Language>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">es</Language>
<StaticType reviewDate = "20/06/2022">NotImplemented</StaticType>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">en</Language>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">es</Language>
<StaticType reviewDate = "20/06/2022">NotImplemented</StaticType>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">en</Language>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">es</Language>
<StaticType reviewDate = "20/06/2022">NotImplemented</StaticType>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">en</Language>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">es</Language>
<StaticType reviewDate = "20/06/2022">NotImplemented</StaticType>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">en</Language>
<Language reviewDate = "20/06/2022">es</Language>
<RequiredNationality reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</RequiredNationality>
<AllowsNationality reviewDate = "20/06/2022">true</AllowsNationality>
<AllowsOnRequest reviewDate = "20/06/2022">false</AllowsOnRequest>

Response Data Breakdown​

MetaDataRS/operationImplemented1BooleanIndicates if the Supplier has implemented the metadata method.
Avail/Destinations1Contains information regarding the destinations for AvailRQ.
Destinations/MaxNumberHotels1IntegerMaximum number of hotels that can be requested.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Destination/MaxNumberHotelsRecommended1IntegerMaximum number of hotels recommended by the supplier.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Destinations/MaxNumberCities1IntegerMaximum number of cities that can be requested.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Destinations/MaxNumberCitiesRecommended1IntegerMaximum number of cities recommended by the supplier.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Destinations/MaxNumberZones1IntegerMaximum number of zones that can be requested.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Destinations/MaxNumberZonesRecommended1IntegerMaximum number of zones recommended by the supplier.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Destinations/MaxNumberGeoCodes1IntegerMaximum number of GeoCodes that can be requested.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Destinations/MaxNumberGeoCodesRecommended1IntegerMaximum number of GeoCodes recommended by the supplier.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Destinations/HotelSameDestinationRestriction1BooleanIf the supplier allows the availability for N hotels, this tag indicates whether those hotels must be within the same destination.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Destinations/DestinationSameCountryRestriction1BooleanIf the supplier allows the availability for N destinations, this tag indicates whether those destinations must be within the same country.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/AllowsCurrency1BooleanIf true, it is possible to request the currency.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/AllowsBusinessRules1BooleanSpecifies if this supplier allows businessrules.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/NumMarketsAllowed1IntegerNumber of markets supported by the supplier in the same request.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/Release1IntegerMinimum days required in between booking date and checking date ( days in advance ). If the value is zero then there is no limitation.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/MinimumStay1IntegerMinimum number of days required for booking. If the value is zero then there is no limitation.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/MaxStay1IntegerMaximum number of days allowed for booking.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/RoomCandidates1Contains information about the restrictions of the rooms.
RoomCandidates/MaxNumberRoomCandidates1IntegerMaximum number of room candidates that can be requested in the same avail request.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
RoomCandidates/PaxTypeRangeInRoomCandidates1Contains information about the age restrictions of the guests in a room.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
PaxTypeRangeInRoomCandidates/Candidate1Guest restrictions for each candidate type in a room.
@type1EnumCandidate classification type.(Adult, Child, Infant)
@min1IntegerMinimum required number of guest of this type.
@max1IntegerMaximum number of guest of this type allowed.
RoomCandidates/MaxPaxInRoomCandidates1IntegerMaximum number paxs in same room that can be requested in the same avail request.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
RoomCandidates/MaxPaxInAllRooms1IntegerTotal amount of paxs that can be requested in the same avail request.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
RoomCandidates/RequiredRoomWithSamePaxConfiguration1Indicates whether all of the distributions must have the same configuration.
RequiredRoomWithSamePaxConfiguration/SamePaxNumber1BooleanIndicates whether it is necessary that the number of guests be the same in all of the configurations.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
RequiredRoomWithSamePaxConfiguration/SamePaxAge1BooleanIndicates whether all of the guests in a particular distribution must be the same age.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
RoomCandidates/AgeRange1The age range used by the supplier.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
AgeRange/Age1..nAge range.
@type1StringType of classification according to age.(Adult, Child, Infant)
@min1StringMinimum age in range.
@max1StringMax age in range.
RoomCandidates/RateRules1List of rate rule types.
RateRules/RateRule1..nEnumRate rules supported by the supplier (You can check these Rate conditions in our Avail section).
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
RoomCandidates/Beds1Information about beds.
Beds/InformNumberOfUnits1BooleanIndicates the number of units available per room.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Beds/InformSharedBed1BooleanInforms in availability response if beds in the room are shared.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Beds/InformBedType1BooleanInforms if the supplier returns the beds types.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Beds/InformNumberOfBeds1BooleanInforms if the supplier returns the number of beds for each room.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/InformBindingPrice1BooleanSupplier returns binding PVPs.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/InformCancelPolicies1BooleanReturns cancellation policies.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/InformRoomCancelPolicies1BooleanReturns cancellation policies at room level.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/InformRoomFees1BooleanReturns fees at room level.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/ImplementsCombination1BooleanInforms whether the integration allows room combination or not.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/InformRemarks1BooleanSpace available for any remarks or comments aimed at the client.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/PaymentTypes1List of payment types accepted by the supplier.
Payment Type codes
Code Name
MerchantPay The payment is managed by the supplier.
LaterPay The payment is managed by the hotel. The customer will use a credit-card as a guarantee for the hotel and the payment will be completed at check in.
CardBookingPay The payment is managed by the supplier. The payment is effectuated at the time of booking.
CardCheckInPay The payment is managed by the supplier. The payment is effectuated at check in in the hotel.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/OptionTypes1List of option types accepted by the supplier.
OptionTypes/OptionType1..nIndicates the types of option.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/Languages1List of languages.
Language codes
Code Name
en English
es Spanish
pt Portuguese
it Italian
fr French
de German
br Brazilian
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/InformDailyPrice1BooleanInforms if the supplier returns the daily price.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/InformDailyRatePlan1BooleanInforms if the supplier returns the daily rate.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/InformOffers1BooleanIf true, the supplier returns the offers applied.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/InformNRFRateByRoom1BooleanThe supplier can inform in availability if the room is non-refundable.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Avail/InformFees1BooleanInforms if the supplier returns fees.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Valuation/AllowsBlockOption1BooleanInforms if the supplier can block the option.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Valuation/InformBindingPrice1BooleanInforms if the price is binding in valuation response.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Valuation/InformNRFRate1BooleanThe supplier can inform in valuation if the rate is non-refundable.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Valuation/InformRemarks1BooleanReturns remarks.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Valuation/InformCancelPolicies1BooleanInforms cancellation policies.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Valuation/InformCancelPoliciesDescription1BooleanSpecifies if the supplier informs the cancel policies in free text.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Valuation/InformFees1BooleanInforms if the supplier returns fees.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Valuation/TimeZone1EnumInforms in which TimeZone are the hoursBefore of cancelation policies.
TimeZone possible values
If Unknown is selected we’ll add an offset of +14 only to the Deadline in case it’s calculated and not returned directly by the supplier on UTC Standard. If HotelLocalTime is selected it means we will get the Timezone from the supplier's response.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Reservation/AllowsDeltaPrice1BooleanAllows a margin stipulated by the client for booking with a higher price (delta).
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Reservation/InformPropertyReservationNumber1BooleanInforms if the supplier returns the property reservation number.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Reservation/RequiredAllPassengers1BooleanRequired data for all passengers (names and surnames).
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Reservation/AllowsRemarks1BooleanInforms if the supplier allows send remarks.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Reservation/AllowsUrlCard1BooleanSpecifies if the supplier allows url card data encode when the paymente type is LaterPay.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Reservation/InformBillingSupplier1BooleanInforms data of the external supplier in the booking.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Reservation/InformPrice1BooleanThe supplier informs the booking price.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Reservation/AllowsPreferences0..1Preference filters allowed by the provider.
AllowsPreferences/Preference1Each filter of preference and its values.
@hotel1BooleanAt the option / general level.
@room1BooleanAt the room level.
Preference types
Preference Type
Preference/Value1Definition of the type of preference.
@mandatory1BooleanIf it is necessary to pass a value in the Preference tag in reservation request.
@type0..1StringType of the required value. (string, numeric, boolean)
ReservationRead/InformPropertyReservationNumber1BooleanInforms if the supplier returns the property reservation number.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
ReservationRead/Implements1BooleanInforms if the supplier implements this method.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
ReservationRead/AllowsProvideLocator1BooleanThe supplier allows provider locator.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
ReservationRead/AllowsClientLocator1BooleanThe supplier allows client locator.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
ReservationRead/InformCancelPolicies1BooleanInforms cancellation policies. In case the booking status is CN, this field allows us to show the price of the cancellation and not the price of the booking.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
ReservationRead/InformPriceCancel1BooleanThe supplier informs the cancellation price.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
ReservationRead/RequiredCheckInDate1BooleanThe supplier informs if it requires the check-in date to return the reservation.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
ReservationRead/RequiredCheckOutDate1BooleanThe supplier informs if it requires the check-out date to return the reservation.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
ReservationRead/RequiredReservationDate1BooleanThe supplier informs if it requires the booking date to return the reservation.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
ReservationList/Implements1BooleanInforms if the supplier implements this method.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
ReservationList/InformPropertyReservationNumber1BooleanInforms if the supplier returns the property reservation number.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
ReservationList/AllowsCreationDate1BooleanThe supplier allows search by creation date.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
ReservationList/AllowsCheckDate1BooleanThe supplier allows search by check in date.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
ReservationList/InformCancelPolicies1BooleanInforms cancellation policies. In case the booking status is CN, this field allows us to show the price of the cancellation and not the price of the booking.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
ReservationList/InformPriceCancel1BooleanThe supplier informs the cancellation price.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Cancel/Implements1BooleanInforms if the supplier implements this method.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Cancel/AllowsProvideLocator1BooleanThe supplier allows provider locator.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Cancel/AllowsClientLocator1BooleanThe supplier allows client locator.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Cancel/InformPriceCancel1BooleanThe supplier informs the cancellation price.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Batch/InformExclusiveDeal1BooleanThe supplier indicates if a Hotel is an Exclusive Deal in HotelList and/or DescriptiveInfo.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Batch/HotelList1Contains information regarding HotelList.
HotelList/StaticType1EnumInforms the static type.The possible values are: Offline, OfflineCompleted or NotImplemented.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
HotelList/Languages1List of languages.
Language codes
Code Name
en English
es Spanish
pt Portuguese
it Italian
fr French
de German
br Brazilian
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Batch/DescriptiveInfo1Contains information regarding DescriptiveInfo.
DescriptiveInfo/StaticType1EnumInforms the static type.The possible values are: Offline, OfflineCompleted or NotImplemented.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
DescriptiveInfo/Languages1List of languages.
Language codes
Code Name
en English
es Spanish
pt Portuguese
it Italian
fr French
de German
br Brazilian
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Batch/GeographicDestinationTree1Contains information regarding GeographicDestinationTree.
GeographicDestinationTree/StaticType1EnumInforms the static type.The possible values are: Offline, OfflineCompleted or NotImplemented.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
GeographicDestinationTree/Languages1List of languages.
Language codes
Code Name
en English
es Spanish
pt Portuguese
it Italian
fr French
de German
br Brazilian
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Batch/AvailDestinationTree1Contains information regarding AvailDestinationTree.
AvailDestinationTree/StaticType1EnumInforms the static type.The possible values are: Offline, OfflineCompleted or NotImplemented.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
AvailDestinationTree/Languages1List of languages.
Language codes
Code Name
en English
es Spanish
pt Portuguese
it Italian
fr French
de German
br Brazilian
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Batch/RoomList1Contains information regarding RoomList.
RoomList/StaticType1EnumInforms the static type.The possible values are: Offline, OfflineCompleted or NotImplemented.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
RoomList/Languages1List of languages.
Language codes
Code Name
en English
es Spanish
pt Portuguese
it Italian
fr French
de German
br Brazilian
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Batch/MealPlanList1Contains information regarding MealPlanList.
MealPlanList/StaticType1EnumInforms the static type.The possible values are: Offline, OfflineCompleted or NotImplemented.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
MealPlanList/Languages1List of languages.
Language codes
Code Name
en English
es Spanish
pt Portuguese
it Italian
fr French
de German
br Brazilian
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Batch/CategoryList1Contains information regarding CategoryList.
CategoryList/StaticType1EnumInforms the static type.The possible values are: Offline, OfflineCompleted or NotImplemented.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
CategoryList/Languages1List of languages.
Language codes
Code Name
en English
es Spanish
pt Portuguese
it Italian
fr French
de German
br Brazilian
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Batch/DescriptiveInfoExtended1Contains information regarding DescriptiveInfoExtended.
DescriptiveInfoExtended/StaticType1EnumInforms the static type. The possible values are: Offline, OfflineCompleted or NotImplemented.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
DescriptiveInfoExtended/Languages1List of languages.
Language codes
Code Name
en English
es Spanish
pt Portuguese
it Italian
fr French
de German
br Brazilian
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Batch/MarketList1Contains information regarding MarketList.
MarketList/StaticType1EnumInforms the static type.The possible values are: Offline, OfflineCompleted or NotImplemented.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
MarketList/Languages1List of languages.
Language codes
Code Name
en English
es Spanish
pt Portuguese
it Italian
fr French
de German
br Brazilian
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Batch/CurrencyList1Contains information regarding CurrencyList.
CurrencyList/StaticType1EnumInforms the static type.The possible values are: Offline, OfflineCompleted or NotImplemented.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
CurrencyList/Languages1List of languages.
Language codes
Code Name
en English
es Spanish
pt Portuguese
it Italian
fr French
de German
br Brazilian
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Generic/RequiredNationality1BooleanInforms if the supplier requires nationality in Avail, Valuation and Reservation.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Generic/AllowsNationality1BooleanInforms if the supplier allows nationality in Avail, Valuation and Reservation.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.
Generic/AllowsOnRequest1BooleanIf true, the supplier informs the onrequest status option in Avail, Valuation, and Reservation.
@reviewDate1StringInforms of the date when the field was last reviewed.