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Geographic Destination Tree

The Geographic Destination Tree method returns a comprehensive destination list from a supplier's access, granting access to all the destinations configured by the Seller for a given set of credentials. The returned fields include: Destination code, Destiantion name etc.

GeographicDestinationTree Request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv = "" xmlns:ns = "" xmlns:wsse = "">
<GeographicDestinationTreeRQ xmlns:xsi = "" xmlns:xsd = "">
<Parameter key = "UrlListHotels" value = ""></Parameter>
<Parameter key = "Access" value = "22334"></Parameter>

Request Data Breakdown

GeographicDestinationTree request does not require any elements.

GeographicDestinationTree Response

After each request, you will have to process the data and provide a response. Upon receiving a GeographicDestinationTree request, you will need to send a corresponding GeographicDestinationTree response.

<DestinationTree code = "ES" name = "España" avail = "False">
<DestinationLeaf code = "BAL"/>
<DestinationLeaf code = "AST"/>
<DestinationLeaf code = "AND"/>
<DestinationTree code= "IT" name = "Italia" avail = "False">
<DestinationLeaf code = "AA"/>
<DestinationLeaf code = "BB"/>
<DestinationTree code = "EN" name = "England" avail = "False">
<DestinationTree code = "BAL" name = "Baleares" avail = "True">
<DestinationLeaf code = "PAL0"/>
<DestinationLeaf code = "ALC0"/>
<DestinationTree code = "AST" name = "Asturias" avail = "True"/>
<DestinationTree code = "AND" name = "Andalucia" avail = "True"/>
<DestinationTree code = "PAL0" name = "Palma de Mallorca" avail = " True"/>
<DestinationTree code = "ALC0" name = "Alcudia" avail = " True"/>

Response Data Breakdown

GeographicDestinationTreeRS/UpgradeUTCDate1DateTimeIndicates the update date of the information in UTC format.
GeographicDestinationTreeRS/DestinationTree1..nFather node
@code1StringDestination code
@name1StringDestination name
@avail1BooleanDestination available
DestinationTree/DestinationLeaf0..nChild nodes
@code1StringSub-destination code

Geographic Destination Tree Logic

Once you run a Geograpich Destination Tree Request, you will receive the Seller's native geographic destination codes in the response. These codes can be classified into 2 categories:

  1. Zone (DestinationTree code)
  2. City (DestinationLeaf code)

Sellers build their own Geographic Destination Tree based on both nodes. Consequently, when you request their geographic destination list, you will receive a structured categorized response that can help you with the mapping process.


A parent can have zero to n children ( 0..n ) and a child can only one parent ( 1..1 ).

For example, the DestinationTree code = “ES” is the parent of the DestinationLeaf code = “BAL”, “AST” and “AND” and at the same time DestinationTree code = “BAL” is also a the parent of the DestinationLeaf code = “PAL0” and “ALC0”, and so on.