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Market List

The Market List method returns a comprehensive market list from a supplier's access that may include translations to other languages, granting access to all the categories configured by the Seller for a given set of credentials. The returned fields include: Market code, Market name, GroupCode etc.

MarketList Request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv = "" xmlns:ns = "" xmlns:wsse = "">
<MarketListRQ xmlns:xsi = "" xmlns:xsd = "">
<Parameter key = "UrlListHotels" value = ""></Parameter>
<Parameter key = "Access" value = "22334"></Parameter>

Request Data Breakdown

MarketList request does not require any elements.

MarketList Response

After each request, you will have to process the data and provide a response. Upon receiving a MarketList request, you will need to send a corresponding MarketList response.


Response Data Breakdown

MarketListRS/UpgradeUTCDate1DateTimeIndicates the update date of the information in UTC format.
MarketListRS/Markets1Root node, list of markets.
Markets/Market1..nMost suppliers use a standard ISO-3166_1_alfa_2, but it depends on each individual supplier.
Market/Code1StringMarket code
Market/Name1StringMarket name
Market/GroupCode0..1StringIndicates if the supplier groups different markets together and what the group is called, so you can get the same prices/options if two markets belong to the same group.