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Hotel List

The Hotel List method returns a comprehensive hotel list from a supplier's access to the Buyer, granting access to all the properties configured by the Seller for a given set of credentials. The returned fields include: Hotel Code, GiataId, Name, Address, ZipCode, Contact, CategoryCode etc.

HotelList Request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv = "" xmlns:ns = "" xmlns:wsse = "">
<HotelListRQ xmlns:xsi = "" xmlns:xsd = "">
<Parameter key = "UrlListHotels" value = ""></Parameter>
<Parameter key = "Access" value = "22334"></Parameter>

Request Data Breakdown

HotelList request does not require any elements.

HotelList Response

After each request, you will have to process the data and provide a response. Upon receiving a HotelList request, you will need to send a corresponding HotelList response.

<HotelListRS xmlns:xsi = "" xmlns:xsd = "">
<GiataId source = "http://urlGiata">1200</GiataId>
<Address>CTRA.NACIONAL V, KM 393</Address>
<AvailDestination code = "06" name = "BADAJOZ"/>
<GeographicDestination code = "06" name = "BADAJOZ" avail = "true"/>
<CategoryCode>4 Estrellas</CategoryCode>
<PaymentOptions cash="false" bankAcct="false">
<Card code="VI"/>
<Card code="AX"/>
<Card code="CA"/>

Response Data Breakdown

HotelListRS/UpgradeUTCDate1DateTimeIndicates the update date of the information in UTC format.
Hotel/Code1StringInternal code to perform availability and/or supplier code.
Hotel/ProviderCode0..1StringInternal code established by the supplier (see MetaData).
Hotel/GiataId0..1Giata code
@source0..1StringGiata url
Hotel/Name1StringHotel name
Hotel/Address1StringHotel address
Airport/IATACode1StringIATA airport Code (airport near the hotel).
@code1StringAvail destination code (lowest destination level).
@name1StringAvail destination name (lowest destination level).
@code1StringGeographic Destination code (lowest destination level).
@name1StringGeographic Destination name (lowest destination level).
@avail1BooleanIndicates if it is allowed in availability.
Hotel/Latitude0..1StringLatitude. Format is Decimal Degrees (e.g. 37.207295).
Hotel/Longitude0..1StringLongitude. Format is Decimal Degrees (e.g. -7.23768).
Contact/Email0..1StringContact email
Contact/Telephone0..1StringContact telephone
Contact/Fax0..1StringContact fax
Hotel/CategoryCode1StringHotel category code.
Hotel Type codes
Code Name
H Hotel
A Apartment
AH Apartment Hotel
C Club
AT Agrotourism
HS Hostel
CA House
V Ville
B Bungalows
D Disco Club
Hotel/PaymentOptions0..1Type of cards allowed by the supplier. This tag is only mandatory if payment type is different than MerchantPay.
@cash1BooleanCash indicates whether payment will be made in cash (true) or by card (false).
@bankAcct1BooleanBankAcct specifies whether payment will be made via bank transfer (true) or not (false).
Cards/Card1..nType of card allowed.
Credit Card codes
Code Name
VI Visa
AX American Express
BC BC Card
CA MasterCard
CB Carte Blanche
CU China Union Pay
DS Discover
DC Diners Club
T Carta Si
R Carte Bleue
N Dankort
L Delta
E Electron
JC Japan Credit Bureau
TO Maestro
S Switch
EC Electronic Cash
EU EuroCard
TP Universal air travel card
OP optima
ER Air Canada/RnRoute
XS access
O others
Hotel/ExclusiveDeal0..1BooleanIndicates that the Hotel has an Exclusive Deal.
Hotel/PropertyCategory0..1Hotels property type. Similar to Type, but on supplier’s side.
PropertyCategory/Code1StringSupplier’s property code.
PropertyCategory/Name1StringSupplier’s property name.