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Hotel Portfolio

The hotel portfolio report shows how hotels are requested within your connections for a specific period of time and enables connections to identify the volume of hotels that are no longer available in the Sellers’ portfolio.

Who can access this report?

Buyers and Sellers have access to this report, where they can monitor how the portfolio is requested through their connections:

  • If you are a Buyer, this report provides relevant information so you can easily know if you are correctly requesting the portfolio from your suppliers
  • If you are a Seller, you can detect immediately if your Buyers are searching for the entire portfolio they need to achieve your sales through our platform.

What information can I find in this report, and what are the next steps I should take?

The data displayed is based on the requests made in the preceding week (Monday through Sunday) and is updated each week on Monday morning.

The requested hotels are grouped into three statuses:

  • Hotels optimized: this status indicates that all hotels searched were available in the Seller's portfolio, and therefore the search requests were correct.
  • Hotels not in portfolio: this status indicates the number of hotels searched that are no longer in the Seller's portfolio. The portfolio should be updated to reflect this change. Searches for these hotels will increase your “No Availability” rate, we suggest updating your portfolio so you can enhance your connectivity performance.
  • Hotels to review: this status reveals the total number of hotels available in the Seller's portfolio. Note that they are not offered/open to the connection. We suggest that Buyers and Sellers investigate these hotels as they could represent opportunities to expand their portfolio within their connectivity and gain more bookings.



Remember, an updated portfolio will improve your performance and booking volume with your connections!