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Hotel-X Certification

When to Apply

You should apply once you've completed implementing the relevant methods.

What Information Will We Check?

The certification aims to verify that the Hotel-X API user makes requests correctly. This is done by reviewing request and response logs for the following methods:

  1. Content: Hotels Query request and response.
  2. Booking Flow:
    1. Search Query request and response.
    2. Quote Query request and response.
    3. Book Mutation request and response.
  3. Booking Management: Cancellation Mutation request and response.

For the Booking Flow, we have three possible cases:

  1. C1: Refundable Option.
  2. C2: Non-Refundable Option.
  3. C3: Direct Payment Option.

Travelgate has implemented an automated certification system to ensure the key points of the methods are correctly covered according to the Hotel-X Pull Buyers API. This system requires the certification files to be uploaded in a specific name and format: the format should be “.json”and the name should indicate the corresponding certification.

The following table outlines the names corresponding to each part of the certification process:

Content > hotels RQ and RSNo requiredrs_hotels.json
C1 Booking flow > search RQ and RSrq_search_rf.jsonrs_search_rf.json
C2 Booking flow > search RQ and RSrq_search_nrf.jsonrs_search_nrf.json
C3 Booking flow > search RQ and RSrq_search_direct.jsonrs_search_direct.json
C1 Booking flow > quote RQ and RSrq_quote_rf.jsonrs_quote_rf.json
C2 Booking flow > quote RQ and RSrq_quote_nrf.jsonrs_quote_nrf.json
C3 Booking flow > quote RQ and RSrq_quote_direct.jsonrs_quote_direct.json
C1 Booking flow > book RQ and RSrq_book_rf.jsonrs_book_rf.json
C2 Booking flow > book RQ and RSrq_book_nrf.jsonrs_book_nrf.json
C3 Booking flow > book RQ and RSrq_book_direct.jsonrs_book_direct.json
Booking management > cancelation RQ and RSrq_cancel_rf.jsonrs_cancel_rf.json

Example of Query Body in JSON Format:

"query" : "query ($criteriaQuote: HotelCriteriaQuoteInput!, $settings: HotelSettingsInput) {\n hotelX {\n quote(criteria: $criteriaQuote, settings: $settings) {\n warnings{\n code\n type\n description\n }\n errors {\n code\n description\n type\n }\n auditData{\n transactions{\n request\n response\n timeStamp\n }\n timeStamp\n processTime\n }\n optionQuote {\n optionRefId\n status\n price {\n currency\n binding\n net\n gross\n markups {\n channel\n currency\n binding\n net\n gross\n exchange {\n currency\n rate\n }\n rules {\n id\n name\n type\n value\n }\n }\n }\n cancelPolicy {\n refundable\n cancelPenalties {\n deadline\n hoursBefore\n penaltyType\n currency\n value\n }\n }\n remarks\n surcharges {\n chargeType\n description\n price {\n currency\n binding\n net\n gross\n exchange {\n currency\n rate\n }\n markups {\n channel\n currency\n binding\n gross\n exchange {\n currency\n rate\n }\n }\n }\n mandatory\n code\n }\n searchPrice{\n currency\n net\n gross\n binding\n }\n cardTypes\n rooms{\n occupancyRefId\n legacyRoomId\n code\n supplierCode\n description\n features {\n code\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"variables" : {
"criteriaQuote" : {
"optionRefId" : "13[%!03!~|3[%@231215!~|231216!~|1!~|1!~|0!~|ES!~|CN!~|en!~|EUR!~|0!~|4550!~|1!~|1!~|0!~|0!~|04121122!~|BAR[%@BAR!~|80[%@0[%@false[%@EUR[%@[%@0[%@10!~|1|30|1|2023-12-15|1|4132467|4132468|1|11|0!~|2269[%!2269!~|30!~|!~|Double Standard!~|1!~|!~|mercado[%@ES[%!ExpireDate[%@16/12/2023!~|OK!~|Sith!~|0!~|",
"language" : "es"
"settings" : {
"context" : "HOTELTEST",
"testMode" : true,
"client" : "client1",
"timeout" : 12500,
"auditTransactions" : false

Is It Necessary to Complete All Certification Cases?

No, you only need to complete the cases relevant to your business. However, Case 1 (Refundable Option) is always required.

What Credentials and Connections Should I Use for Certification?

It is recommended to always use the demo connections provided (Travelgate test and Smyrooms test) along with your client and API Key.

Which Hotels Can I Use for Certification Cases?

For certification cases, you can use the following hotels:

  • Hotels 1, 2, and 23 for Travelgate test supplier.
  • Hotel 27 for Smyrooms test supplier.

Those hotels are recommended, but remember that any hotel showing availability in Travelgate and Smyrooms test suppliers is valid.