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TravelgateX Tickets Lifecycle

If you've ever had to submit a Tech Support ticket, you know how important it is to stay informed about its status. At TravelgateX, we understand this and have a specific process in place to ensure that your ticket is handled efficiently and effectively. If you submit a ticket through section Tickets, here's what you can anticipate:

Ticket Categories💡​

  1. Customer Care: product maintenance tickets such as Booking Flow errors, Static Data discrepancies, Minor Seller API updates.
  2. Connections: activation-related tickets.

Ticket Status Types🔎​

  1. Customer Care Tickets: 💬

    • Open: Once you've submitted your ticket, you'll receive an automatic response with a reference number, subject, and description. You can also add additional participants to the ticket by replying to the email and adding them in copy.
      When creating a ticket, make sure to select the appropriate option or category that best describes your issue or request. This helps us categorize and prioritize tickets, making it easier and faster for our team to address the problem: ticket status
    • In progress: One of our Customer Care Agents is already working on resolving your issue. If your ticket requires escalation, it will be sent to one of our Product teams. While your ticket is in this status, you won't be able to see all the internal processes we're using to solve it, but please be patient as our Product teams work on it.
    • Partner's feedback required: If we need more information or are waiting for comments from the Buyer or Seller, your ticket will be in this status.
      • After 3 days of waiting for a response, we will send a friendly reminder, and our system will send one additional reminder (after 5 days).
      • If we have not received a response after 7 days, we will notify you that the ticket is now closed. If you don't want your ticket to be closed, be sure to comment on the ticket or add someone else from the appropriate team to the loop.
    • Resolved: Once your ticket has been resolved, we'll send you an email detailing the solution. If you don't agree with the solution, you have 7 days to respond in order to reopen it.
    • Closed: If your ticket has been waiting for a response for at least 7 days in Waiting on Buyer/Seller or after it's Resolved, it will be considered closed*.

    If you need to reopen a closed ticket, all you have to do is click on the "Reopen ticket" button. This action will generate a new ticket ID, but all your original ticket's information will still be there. Just remember to click on the link of the new ticket ID or refresh the page to make sure you can see the updated details in your Tickets section, easy right? tickets-closed-reopen

  2. Auto-Activations Tickets: 🚀

    • Open: After you've submitted your Auto-Activation request, you'll receive an automated response that includes a reference number, subject, and description. If the activation has not been processed automatically, our Connectivity Team will proceed to reviewing the New Connection manually.
    • In progress: Our Connectivity Team is already working on the requested activation. If your ticket requires escalation, it will be sent to one of our Product teams. While your ticket is in this status, you won't be able to see all the internal processes we're using to solve it, but please be patient as our Product teams work on it.
    • Partner's feedback required: If we need more information or are waiting for comments from the Buyer or Seller, your ticket will be in this status.
    • Under TGX testing and validation: Our Connectivity Team is running all the necessary tests and making sure the credentials are fully operative and ready to use.
    • Resolved: The activation process has been successful and the new credentials have been delivered.
    • Not Completed: The activation process has not been successful.
    • Closed: If your ticket has been waiting for a response for at least 21 days in Waiting on Buyer/Seller or 7 days after it's Resolved, it will be considered closed and cannot be reopened.

Please be aware that this process is specifically designed for product maintenance and activation purposes. If you need to suggest a new feature or require any new development, please use our Community page.