๐๏ธ Mapping Files
1 item
๐๏ธ Master Files
11 items
๐๏ธ Rules Files
5 items
SFTP Filesโ
If you need help or have not yet received your SFTP credentials, please contact our team through our Support Portal. They will assist you in obtaining the necessary credentials.
SFTP Endpointโ
Directory Formatโ
The structure of the directory should be in the below format, all files should be inside this directory:
๐F[Folder code]_[Unique code]
ย ย ย ย ๐HotelX _[Unique code]
F[Folder code]_[Unique code]
- Folder code: corresponds to the folder number.
- Unique code: corresponds to the folder unique code in our system.
HotelX_[Unique code]
- Unique code: corresponds to the Hotel-X unique code in our system.
ย ย ย ย ๐HotelX_1790
Upload SFTP Dataโ
To upload a file to the SFTP, follow these steps:
Upload the File:
- Once you've decided on the plugin you want to use, and if it's necessary, simply upload the required CSV file.
Wait for Processing:
- Once you've uploaded the file, our system will take care of the rest.
- We'll automatically add the "_processed" tagline to the end of the file name when the processing is complete.
For example, if you uploaded a file for hotel mapping plugin with the name:
After our system processes it, it will look like this:
Update SFTP Dataโ
To update a file on the SFTP, follow these steps:
- Delete the Old File: Remove the outdated file from the directory.
- Upload the Updated File: Upload the new file with the updated information, ensuring you use the correct file name. There is no need to add "_processed" to the name. Once the file has been updated, you must open a ticket in the customer care portal "https://app.travelgate.com/support" to force the update of the new file.
That's it! Updating SFTP files is as easy as that.
Delete SFTP Dataโ
To delete all the information stored in our system, follow these straightforward steps:
Prepare an empty file:
- Create a new file with empty content, including only the headers.
- Ensure that the file structure, such as column headers, remains intact.
Load the empty file in the SFTP folder.
That's it! By replacing the existing data with an empty file containing headers only, you effectively delete all the information previously loaded into our system.