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General Rules

Distribution Rules files offer the ability to create a range of rules. In particular, through general rules, you gain the flexibility to customize rules and filters according to a diverse set of conditions.

Create and Upload your General Rules File

To get started, create your general rules file in the correct format and then upload it to your FTP account. We've provided a template file below ⬇️ to help you with this process. Just click on the file name, add your rules, save it in CSV format, and then upload it to the corresponding folder in your FTP.


File Format Specification

  • File Name: Rules_GeneralRules.csv
  • Directory: Distribution
  • Delimiter: Hashtag (#)
  • Data:
    • Rule Type (mandatory):
      • COM: Comission/Markup. To define a comission to a set of agencies.
      • DEF_MAR: Default/Fixed Market. To define a default/fixed market to a set of agencies.
      • SEL_REL: Selling Release. To define a selling release to a set of agencies.
      • RATE: Rate Type. To define the rate type filter to a set of agencies.
      • CLO_REL: Closing Release. To define a closing release to a set of agencies.
      • FIL_NRF: Filter NRF. To define the NRF/RF filter to a set of agencies.
      • ALW_CUR: Allowed Currencies. To define a list of allowed currencies to a set of agencies.
      • FRC_CUR: Force Currency. To define if the currency on the RQ has to be forced to a set of agencies.
      • FIL_BIND: Filter Binding. To define the binding filter to a set of agencies.
      • CUR_EXC: Allow Currency Exchange. To define if currency exchange is allowed or not, and to define a set of currencies to accomplish.
      • ADD_MRK_PRC: Add Markup to Pricing. To define if we add the markup to the price after the pricing rules.
      • MAX_TQ: Max Time to Quote. To define the maximum amount of minutes between Availability and Quote.
      • MAX_TB: Max Time to Book. To define the maximum amount of minutes between Quote and Book.
      • MIN_COM: Minimum Selling Pricing Rules: To define a Minimum Selling Price and how to act in sellings with lower pricing. It can choosen to set the Minimum Selling Price value or to discard the selling.
    • Type of Operation (mandatory)
      • U: Update. Updates the rule’s current value removing any previous definition.
      • D: Delete. Removes the rule’s current value and sets it to its default value.
    • Value (mandatory): The data in this field is mandatory when updating a rule value and must be empty when deleting a rule.
      • COM: Decimal value.
      • DEF_MAR: String value. It is the market.
      • SEL_REL: Integer value.
      • RATE: Integer value that has to be one of the folllowing: 0 (All, no filter) , 1 (Only B2B rates), or 2 (Only B2C rates).
      • CLO_REL: Integer value.
      • FIL_NRF: Integer value that has to be one of the folllowing: 0 (All, no filter) , 1 (Only NRF), or 2 (Only RF).
      • ALW_CUR: List of string, separated with ;. It is a list of currencies (at least one).
      • FRC_CUR: Boolean value (true/false).
      • FIL_BIND: Integer value that has to be one of the folllowing: 0 (All, no filter) , 1 (Only binding prices), or 2 (Only not binding prices).
      • CUR_EXC: Complex value, it is composed of a Type, a List of currencies and a List of countries and their admitted currencies separated with |:
        • Type: 0 (Allow any currency exchange (you don’t have to add the list of currencies and countries)) , 1 (Do not allow exchange and apply filters), or 2 (Allow currency exchange but only to the given currencies).
        • List of admitted currencies: Example of line: CUR_EXC#U#1|*;GBP;USD#LIST#Agency1;Agency2
        • List of countries and their admitted currencies: CUR_EXC#U#1|*;GBP;USD|ES;EUR#LIST#Agency1;Agency2
      • ADD_MRK_PRC:
        • Values when set for agencies: -1 (Add markup to pricing) , 0 (Use general definition, default value), or 1 (Do not add markup to pricing).
        • Values when set in general: -1 (Add markup to pricing, default value) , or 1 (Do not add markup to pricing).
      • MAX_TQ:
        • Values when set for agencies: -1 (Not limit) , 0 (Use organization limit, default value), or >0 (Defines the limit, integer, represents minutes).
        • Values when set in general: -1 (No limit, default value) , or >0 (Defines the limit,integer, represents minutes).
      • MAX_TB:
        • Values when set for agencies: -1 (Not limit) , 0 (Use organization limit, default value), or >0 (Defines the limit, integer, represents minutes).
        • Values when set in general: -1 (No limit, default value) , or >0 (Defines the limit,integer, represents minutes).
      • MIN_COM: Complex value, it is composed of a Type and a Value separated with ;:
        • Type:
          • Values when set for agencies: -1 (Use Organization Setting) , 0 (Do not set minimum), 1 (Define minimum and discard selling with lower pricing), or 2 (Define a minimum and apply it for sellings with lower pricing).
          • Values when set in general: 0 (Do not set minimum), 1 (Define minimum and discard selling with lower pricing), or 2 (Define a minimum and apply it for sellings with lower pricing).
        • Value (for agencies and in general): It is a decimal. Example of line: MIN_COM#U#2;5.2 - Type 2 and it is set a minimum of 5.2.
    • General Rule or for Concrete Agencies (mandatory)
      • GEN: In general. The rule will be set on the general settings and will affect all agencies (ADD_MRK_PRC, MAX_TQ, MAX_TB, MIN_COM can be a GEN).
      • LIST: A list of concrete agencies. Te rule will be set only to these agencies (All rules can be a LIST).
    • List of agencies (mandatory): If the operation is defined for a list of agencies, this field must contain a list (it cannot be empty). If the operation is defined in general, this field must be empty. Each agency of the list has to be separated using the ; as separator.
  • Note:
    • The first line is not a header line: it contains data directly.
    • The data of the fields is not encapsulated by " or any other character.
    • Each line represents a room.
    • Any blank line will be skipped.
    • If a field’s data is not mandatory and we don’t want to set it then we just keep it empty: e.g. …##…
    • The file and its data have to be encoded using UTF-8. Otherwise there can be stored strange characters.
📹 Learn how to change the format of the csv file in order to edit and save it
  • If there is any problem with the file or its data then the load is cancelled and no rules are modified.
  • If a rule is not referenced on the file then its value is not modified (only rules explicitly referenced on the file are affected).
  • If you want to set the default value of a rule you just have to delete that rule.