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Standard Occupancy and Price Calculation in Inventory

What does Standard Occupancy mean?💡

The Standard Occupancy is the standard number of adult paxes of the room.

How can I calculate prices according to the Standard Occupancy?💡

  • Case 1:

    For a Standard Occupancy=2 and the following product loaded:

    <BaseByGuestAmt NumberOfGuests = "2" AmountAfterTax="100.00"/>

    The price of two paxes will be 100 (2*(100⁄2) ), and the price for one pax won't be returned.


    Note that prices per pax under the Standard Occupancy must be specified and prices for babies under the Standard Occupancy will be 0.

  • Case 2:

    The Standard Occupancy is used for calculating prices above it:

    For a Standard Occupancy=2 and the following product loaded:

    <BaseByGuestAmt NumberOfGuests = "2" AmountAfterTax="100.00"/>
    <AdditionalGuestAmount MaxAdditionalGuests = "1" Amount = "40.00" AgeQualifyingCode = "10"/>

    The price of one pax won't be returned, the price of two paxes will be 100 (2*(100⁄2)), and the price for three paxes will be 190 ((100⁄2) + (100⁄2) + ((100⁄2) + 40))


Don't forget to check our 'Availability and Price Load' section in the Inventory Documentation for more examples of price calculation.

Can I Modify the Standard Occupancy in Inventory?

No, the Standard Occupancy cannot be modified. To make changes, follow these steps:

  1. Delete the affected room(s).
  2. Re-add the room(s) with the desired standard occupancy.
  3. Contact the Channel Manager to request a remap and reload based on the updated information.

This ensures the changes are correctly applied and reflected in the system.


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