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Hotel Info

Distribution Master files contain the product you will buy and sell in our Marketplace: hotels, mealplans and other required data to apply your business rules subsequently.

Add extra information to your hotels: images, descriptions...


On the HotelCode you'll need to add the same codes that you have specified or will specify in the Mapping Files.

Create and Upload your Hotel Info Master File

To get started, create your hotel info master file in the correct format and then upload it to your FTP account. We've provided a template file below ⬇️ to help you with this process. Just click on the file name, add your data, save it in CSV format, and then upload it to the corresponding folder in your FTP.


File Format Specification

  • File Name: Master_HotelInfo.csv
  • Directory: Distribution
  • Delimiter: Hashtag (#)
  • Header Row:
    • Hotel code (mandatory)
    • ResourceType (mandatory):
      • Img = Image
      • Prop = Property Type
      • Note = Additional Notes
      • Attr = Attribute
      • Sdesc = Short Description
      • Ldesc = Long Description
    • AttributeCode: This field is only mandatory it the resource type is “Attr”.
    • AttributeType: This field is only mandatory it the resource type is “Attr”.
    • Value(mandatory)
  • Note:
    • The data of the fields is not encapsulated by " or any other character.
    • Each line represents a resource for a hotel.
    • Any blank line will be skipped.
    • If a field’s data is not mandatory and we don’t want to set it then we just keep it empty: s.g. …||…
    • The file and its data have to be encoded using UTF-8. Otherwise there can be stored strange characters.
📹 Learn how to change the format of the csv file in order to edit and save it
  • If a hotel info exists then it is updated.
  • If a hotel info does not exist then it is created.
  • Existing hotels info that are not referenced are not removed.
  • If an existing hotel info has to be removed from system then you have to contact with Travelgate.
  • If there is any problem with a hotel’s information then it is omitted (and logged) but the load continues.