Logging: Access your logs via Travelgate
How can I use Logging? 🔍​
Log into our Portal.
Click on APPs > Logging.
Decide if you prefer to search by connection, reference or session ID.
Then, select the connection(s) and adjust the filters:
- Time range (UTC)
- Operation type: Search, Quote, Book, Cancel, Other (Booking List/Booking Read). Please be aware that operation type “Search” will only return results when the searches have been audited first.
- Status/Error code: list of errors.
Click on Search
What information does Logging provide me? 📤​
If your search criteria returns logs, Logging will display the following information:
Duration of the transaction
Status/Error Code
Operation type
Session ID (as unique identifier for this transaction)
Traffic Type (Basic, Optimized, Scheduler, Speed)
Actions: Book Download and Quote Download. You can directly download the Quote transactions used for a specific booking flow. You can also download the logs visible on your screen by clicking the "Download All" button above the table.
If your search returns many results, we recommend you use additional filters on the right: “Filter by Supplier”, “Filter by Access” or “Duration”:
Is it possible to download my Hotel-X logs through Logging?​
Currently, it is not possible to retrieve Hotel-X logs directly from Logging, so we recommend capturing them directly on your end at the request level if necessary. Please make sure not to set the "auditTransactions" value to "true" by default.
Is it possible to obtain the logs from a One Step Book operation?​
Yes, you can retrieve the Quote and Book logs for the One Step Book operation through Logging. Simply use the appropriate filters (connection, reference, or session ID) to locate the logs for the operations you performed.
Please remember that for Buyer connections through our Legacy Pull Buyers API, filtering by Hotel-X Access Code is not available. Connections will be identified through the Buyer's clientname#suppliercode relationship.
Note that some Buyers may be transitioning from the Legacy Pull Buyers API to the Hotel-X API, which means they could have traffic via both APIs. If in doubt, we strongly encourage you to reach out to your Buyers for more detailed information.