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API Settings

Welcome to the API Settings section! Here, you'll find everything you need to manage your Hotel-X Pull Buyers API connection with ease. Let's walk through what you can expect to find and how to navigate through it.

What's inside API Settings? 🔍

In API Settings, you have the power to view and tweak your Hotel-X Pull Buyers API account settings effortlessly. Here's a simple guide to get you started:

  1. Begin by logging into our Portal.

  2. Navigate to the "Connections" > "API Settings" section.

  3. Explore the following areas:

    • Organization Settings: Here, you set the baseline. It's where you define your default settings as a Buyer at the organization level. So, if you don't specify these settings in your queries or mutations from the Hotel-X Pull Buyers API, these defaults values will be used in automatically. Check our documentation to know more about Hotel-X Settings.


    • Clients tab: Here you can manage your Hotel-X clients, both existing ones and create new ones. Clients are like tags or labels that help you organize your traffic efficiently.


      • Adding a new client is as simple as hitting the "Create new client" button:


        When creating a new client, just provide a name. By default, new clients inherit all connection accesses. So, if you don't specify any access in your Search query and solely rely on the client, all accesses will be applied:


      • Want to fine-tune accesses for a specific client? No problem! Simply select the "Edit default accesses" option:


        Uncheck the box to grant full access by default, then use the access boxes to specify particular ones:


      • You can also specify default settings for a specific client. By selecting the "Edit default settings" option, you can tailor settings to suit individual clients.


        It's important to note that if a client has its own specific default settings, they will take precedence over the settings set at the organization level.



Using our Legacy Pull Buyers API? Your clients (or 'hub users') come with an associated password. Retrieve it easily with the "Get password" option:


Now that you've got the hang of it, feel free to explore and customize your API settings to suit your needs. Happy configuring! 🎉