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Payment Types at TravelgateX

What are the payment types supported by TravelgateX?💡

  1. MERCHANT: The payment is managed by the Seller.
  2. DIRECT: The payment is made straight to the actual payee, without sending it through an intermediary or a third party. Credit card details are required in Book (Reservation) request.
  3. CARD_BOOKING: The payment is managed by the Seller. The payment is made during the booking process. Credit card details required in Book (Reservation) request.
  4. CARD_CHECK_IN: The payment is managed by the Seller. The payment is performed at the check-in in the hotel. Credit card details required in Book (Reservation) request.
  5. PAYX: The payment is managed by TravelgateX. The Buyer may use this payment type if they contract the service of virtual card creation (VCC). This service allows Travelgate to manage the payments that require credit card data in the Booking process (CARD_BOOKING and CARD_CHECK_IN). That way, TravelgateX generates the card with the net price payable to the Seller.

How can I find out which payment types are supported by a Seller?✔️

Since every Seller works with different payment types, you will receive the ones provided by the Seller via the integration for your account. Since payment types should be agreed between Buyers and Sellers, please contact the Seller at a commercial level for further information if necessary.