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How to obtain the Hotel Confirmation Number (HCN)

What information does the HCN return?💡

Once a booking has been successfully confirmed in TravelgateX you will have access to the following locators:

  1. The Buyer's locator (client reference).
  2. The Seller's locator (provider reference).

The Seller may also provide a third type of locator, issued by the hotel when it confirms the booking. This is known as the Hotel Confirmation Number (HCN) or Hotel Reference Booking (HRB).

Please note we are only able to provide this code if the Seller returns it in their response, in which case it will be returned in BookRS and BookingQueryRS (Reservation and ReservationRead/List methods):

Hotel-X Pull Buyers API:


Legacy Pull Buyers API - ReservationRS: hotel_confirmation_number_2

How can I identify the Sellers that return HCN information?🔎

You can check if your Seller returns HCN through their Metadata. These are some of the Sellers that currently return the HCN in BookRS:

  • Allbeds
  • GRN Connect
  • Ostrovok
  • Sabre Hospitality Solutions
  • Veturis
  • Smyrooms
  • MagicRooms
  • Expedia

The Seller has confirmed they return HCN information but you are still not receiving it? Please submit a ticket to our Customer Care team for further information.✔️