List of errors and warnings
Welcome to this section where we'll provide you with a comprehensive list of errors and warnings that users may come across while using our Hotel Buyers API. These errors and warnings can be received in responses during the booking flow, management, and content methods.
We strongly recommend incorporating the errors and warnings fields into your Hotel-X Queries and Mutations. This will enable you to quickly identify potential issues and take necessary actions based on the errors or warnings you receive. For more details, please refer to our Hotel-X Pull Buyers API Documentation and GraphQL API Reference.
Let's dive right in!
📄️ 101 error - System Exception
What does a 101 error mean?💡
📄️ 102 error - Provider error
What does a 102 error mean?💡
📄️ 103 error - Too many requests to the supplier
What does a 103 error mean?💡
📄️ 104 error - Connection Timeout With Provider
This error occurs when the Seller's response time has exceeded the timeout set in the Buyer's request.
📄️ 105 error - Communication Error
What does a 105 error mean?💡
📄️ 105 error - Payload too high
What does a 105 - "Payload to high" error mean?💡
📄️ 201 error - Error retrieving data
What does a 201 error mean?💡
📄️ 204 error - No results found
What does a 204 error mean?💡
📄️ 205 error - Room Candidate Not Supported
What does a 205 error mean?💡
📄️ 206 error - Dates Not Supported
What does a 206 error mean?💡
📄️ 207 error - Request XML not accepted by Supplier
What does a 207 error mean?💡
📄️ 301 error - Option Not Found In Valuation
What does a 301 error mean?💡
📄️ 302 error - Hotel not found
What does a 302 error mean?💡
📄️ 303 error - Booking not confirmed
What does a 303 error mean?💡
📄️ HubStatus codes and errors
What are the potential hubStatus codes that can be returned in a method response?💡
📄️ HTTP Status Codes
What are HTTP Status Codes?
📄️ ProviderNotActivated warning
What does a ProviderNotActivated warning mean?💡
📄️ OperationImplemented Information
What does the operationImplemented tag mean?💡
What does a "VALIDATION_ERROR" mean?💡
What does a "PLUGIN_ERROR" mean?💡
📄️ PLUGIN_ERROR - Commission Files
Why do I receive this warning in my Hotel-X response?
What does a "MAPPING_ERROR" mean?💡