Hotel Buyers API - Cancel Policies
In Travelgate Quote (Valuation) response, you'll find a number of fields that offer detailed insights. Among these, we've included specific fields that give you clearer information about cancellation policies, so you can have a more precise understanding of your options.
It will specify the timezone in UTC in which the cancellation policies are located. See the Metadata docs to check all possible values.
If you have any doubts about the timezone returned by your Seller (for example, if TimeZone is set as Unknown) we advise you to add an offset of +14 hours in order to avoid unexpected penalties caused by timezone difference.
Additionally, we have added the "Deadline" field on CancellationPolicies returned in Quote/Valuation response, in order to provide more precise information and avoid losing competitiveness.This field is not subjected to any ambiguity as it is a date in UTC-0 Standard. The conversion of the date is made according to the value specified on the Metadata TimeZone.
Finally, we have also added a "CalculatedDeadline" field to specify if the Deadline has been taken from the Seller’s response or if it has been calculated by Travelgate.Please check the following table for a clear view of how we will treat the Cancellation Policies returned by the Seller according to the TimeZone established on the Metadata:
Metadata TimeZone HoursBefore Deadline Hotel Local Time Bypass Conversion to UTC-0 TimeZone Bypass Conversion to UTC-0 Unknown Bypass +14 hours offset
What do I need to do?
- hoursBefore node (deprecated): Travelgate returns the information as provided by the Seller - no extra hours added on our side. The logic regarding this information should be managed on your side.
- deadline node: Travelgate returns the calculated deadline information - please check above chart. Please make sure you use this node.
The field "HoursBefore" specified the maximum number of hours that could pass before the penalty would apply. To provide more accurate information and maintain competitiveness, we introduced the "Deadline" node, which eliminates any ambiguity as it represents a specific date in UTC-0 Standard.
It is important that you update your logic and discontinue the use of the hoursBefore node. Instead, you should utilize the deadline node. This update is applicable to both Hotel-X and Legacy Hotel Buyers API.