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How to edit an access

In order to edit an access, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Filter the access to be edited in the "My Connections" screen.
  2. Click on the three dots to the right of the access (actions).
  3. Select "Edit access" from the drop-down menu.
  4. You will be able visualize your current credentials for that specific access and modify your details accordingly (only editable information).

edit_access_1 edit_access_2

Legacy Pull Buyers API

Please remember that when Buyer connections are established through our Legacy Pull Buyers API, updates to a given set of credentials (Hotel-X Access Codes) must be addressed not only through My Connections (at the access level), but also directly between the Buyer and Seller to ensure the information is consistent — it is not sufficient to merely update the Hotel-X Access Code in My Connections.

How can I determine if a Buyer’s connection is Legacy or Hotel-X?
As a general guideline, you can verify if a given connection is Legacy or Hotel-X via our Stats APP. Simply filter by the Buyer and select Actions > View Accesses. If you see “clientname#suppliercode” instead of a Hotel-X Access Code, the connection is utilizing our Hotel Pull Legacy API.

Some Buyers may be transitioning from the Legacy Pull Buyers API to the Hotel-X API, which means they could have traffic via both APIs. If in doubt, we strongly encourage you to reach out to your Buyers for more detailed information.