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The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

scalar Boolean

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AccessCreateInput input ● AccessData object ● AccessFilter input ● AccessInput input ● AccessUpdateInput input ● AccessWhereInput input ● ActivationData object ● AgePoliciesCreateInput input ● AgePoliciesUpdateInput input ● AlertAverageTimeAbsoluteByRequestsInput input ● AlertAverageTimeAbsoluteByTimeInput input ● AlertAverageTimeComparativeByTimeInput input ● AlertAverageTimeRelativeByRequestsInput input ● AlertAverageTimeRelativeByTimeInput input ● AlertBusinessMetricRatioByTimeInput input ● AlertCommonConfigurationInput input ● AlertConfiguration object ● AlertCriteriaInput input ● AlertData object ● AlertEmails object ● AlertEmailsInput input ● AlertErrorCodeInput input ● AlertErrorRateComparativeByTimeInput input ● AlertErrorRateRelativeByRequestsInput input ● AlertErrorRateRelativeByTimeInput input ● AlertErrorTypeInput input ● AlertGroupInput input ● AlertHubStatusInput input ● AlertObjectInput input ● AlertPeakTrafficAbsoluteByTimeInput input ● AlertPeakTrafficComparativeByTimeInput input ● AlertPriceAbsoluteByRequestsInput input ● AlertPriceAbsoluteByTimeInput input ● AlertPriceRelativeByRequestsInput input ● AlertPriceRelativeByTimeInput input ● AlertSlack object ● AlertSlackAdvancedOptions object ● AlertSlackAdvancedOptionsInput input ● AlertSlackInput input ● AlertUpdateAverageTimeAbsoluteByRequestsInput input ● AlertUpdateAverageTimeAbsoluteByTimeInput input ● AlertUpdateAverageTimeComparativeByTimeInput input ● AlertUpdateAverageTimeRelativeByRequestsInput input ● AlertUpdateAverageTimeRelativeByTimeInput input ● AlertUpdateBusinessMetricRatioByTimeInput input ● AlertUpdateCommonConfigurationInput input ● AlertUpdateEmailsInput input ● AlertUpdateErrorRateComparativeByTimeInput input ● AlertUpdateErrorRateRelativeByRequestsInput input ● AlertUpdateErrorRateRelativeByTimeInput input ● AlertUpdatePeakTrafficAbsoluteByTimeInput input ● AlertUpdatePeakTrafficComparativeByTimeInput input ● AlertUpdatePriceAbsoluteByRequestsInput input ● AlertUpdatePriceAbsoluteByTimeInput input ● AlertUpdatePriceRelativeByRequestsInput input ● AlertUpdatePriceRelativeByTimeInput input ● AlertUpdateSlackInput input ● AmendPolicyUpdateInput input ● APIKeyCreateInput input ● ApikeysData object ● ApikeysWhereInput input ● ApplicableWeekdays object ● ApplicableWeekdaysInput input ● AvailDerivedRatesRs object ● AvailOffersRs object ● AvailRatesRs object ● AvailRetrieveRs object ● Bed object ● BedStatic object ● BlacklistRuleValueCodes object ● BlacklistRuleValueCodesInput input ● CancelPenalty object ● CancelPolicy object ● CancelPolicyInput input ● CategoriesRs object ● CertificationData object ● CertificationResult object ● ClientCreateInput input ● ClientData object ● ClientFilter input ● ClientWhereInput input ● ConnectionData object ● ConnectionWhereInput input ● CreateSystemInput input ● DefaultsOrganization input ● DeltaPriceInput input ● DerivedRateAvailLoad object ● DerivedRateAvailLoadInput input ● DestinationData object ● FerryCancelPolicy object ● FerryQuoteWhereInput input ● FerrySegment object ● GetMealPlansRs object ● GiataOrganizationConfiguration object ● GiataOrganizationInput input ● GroupCommonData interface ● GroupData object ● HistoricalActionsWhereInput input ● HotelData object ● HotelRuntimeParameter object ● HotelSettingsInput input ● HotelsRs object ● HotelsSetupRs object ● HotelXHotelFilterInput input ● HubProviderData object ● HubUserData object ● include directive ● InventoryAgePolicies object ● InventoryCancelPolicy object ● InventoryCancelPolicyInput input ● InventoryContextsRs object ● InventoryCreateHotelSetupInput input ● InventoryHotelSetup object ● InventoryOfferSetupInput input ● InventoryOfferSetupUpdateInput input ● InventoryPaymentPolicies object ● InventoryRateSetup object ● InventoryRateSetupCreateInput input ● InventoryRoomSetUp object ● InventoryRoomSetupInput input ● InventorySurcharge object ● InventorySurchargeInput input ● InventoryUpdateHotelSetupInput input ● LegacyAccessData object ● LegacyAccessFilter input ● LegacyAccessInput input ● LocalitiesRs object ● MandatoryFee object ● Markup object ● MemberData object ● MembersData object ● MembersWhereInput input ● OfferDto object ● OffersRs object ● OperationDetailed object ● OrganizationCreateInput input ● OrganizationData object ● OrganizationsData object ● OrganizationsWhereInput input ● PackageCancelPolicy object ● PackagePrice object ● PageInfo object ● PartnerData object ● PartnerWhereInput input ● PaymentCardInput input ● PaymentPoliciesCreateInput input ● PaymentPoliciesUpdateInput input ● PreferenceRuleValue object ● PreferenceRuleValueInput input ● Price object ● Priceable interface ● PriceChange object ● PriceDerivedRatesRs object ● PriceInput input ● PriceMealPlanSupplementsRs object ● PriceRatesRs object ● ProfileData object ● ProfileUpdateInput input ● ProfileWhereInput input ● ProviderCreateInput input ● ProviderData object ● ProviderInput input ● ProviderWhereInput input ● RatesRs object ● RatesSetUpRs object ● RateUpdateInput input ● ReconBookingAnomaly object ● ReconCancellationPolicy object ● ReconCancellationPolicyInput input ● ReferenceFilter input ● ResourceData object ● RestrictionsLoad object ● RestrictionsLoadInput input ● ReviewedBool object ● RoleData object ● Room object ● RoomSetUpUpdateInput input ● RoomsRs object ● RoomsSetUpRs object ● SearchOption object ● SettingsBaseInput input ● skip directive ● SocialSubCategoryData object ● SpeedConfiguration object ● StatsFilterInput input ● StopSales object ● StopSalesInput input ● SubCategoryCreateInput input ● SubCategoryUpdateInput input ● Supplement object ● SupplementInput input ● SupplierCreateInput input ● SupplierData object ● SupplierFilter input ● SupplierWhereInput input ● Surcharge object ● SurchargeInput input ● SystemData object ● TGX object ● TrafficOptimizationConfiguration object ● TrafficOptimizationConnectionConfiguration object ● TrafficOptimizationConnectionConnectionWhereInput input ● TrafficOptimizationConnectionWhereInput input ● TrafficOptimizationHotelBlacklistData object ● Transport object ● UpdateHubProviderInput input ● UpdateHubUserInput input ● UpdateSystemInput input ● UserOnboardingData object ● UserOnboardingUpdateInput input