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Contains the timeout and business rules of a supplier or an access.

input SettingsBaseInput {
timeout: Int
auditTransactions: Boolean
businessRules: BusinessRulesInput
currency: Currency
commitRequired: Boolean


SettingsBaseInput.timeout ● Int scalar

Milliseconds before the connection is closed.

SettingsBaseInput.auditTransactions ● Boolean scalar

Specifies if the exachanged transactions with the supplier have to be logged or not.

SettingsBaseInput.businessRules ● BusinessRulesInput input

Business rules

SettingsBaseInput.currency ● Currency scalar

Currency in ISO 4217 standard

SettingsBaseInput.commitRequired ● Boolean scalar

Indicates if the book will be confirmed in 1 or 2 steps

Member Of

HotelXAccessInput input ● HotelXSupplierInput input