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Stats information per operation

type OperationDetailed {
operation: Operation!
totalHits: Int64!
detailedHits(type: [StatsInfoTypes!], code: [Int!]): [StatsInfo!]
cache: Boolean! @deprecated
trafficType: TrafficType!


OperationDetailed.operation ● Operation! non-null object

Operation information

OperationDetailed.totalHits ● Int64! non-null scalar

Total hits.

OperationDetailed.detailedHits ● [StatsInfo!] list object

Hits grouped depending on their status

OperationDetailed.detailedHits.type ● [StatsInfoTypes!] list enum
OperationDetailed.detailedHits.code ● [Int!] list scalar

OperationDetailed.cache ● Boolean! deprecated non-null scalar


deprecated from 2019-04-03. Added new field trafficType.

Responsible for the execution of the this stats. If TRUE then cache, else client

OperationDetailed.trafficType ● TrafficType! non-null enum

Responsible for the execution of the this stats. If TRUE then cache, else client

Member Of

StatsData object