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type AlertConfiguration {
alertType: AlertType!
mode: AlertMode!
windowType: AlertWindowType!
periodicity: Int
window: Int
historicalWindow: Int
offset: Int
timesToAlert: Int!
timesToRecovery: Int!
typeConfiguration: AlertTypeConfiguration
noRecoveries: Boolean!
stateChangesOnly: Boolean!
minNumberRequests: Int
percentageToAlert: Int
variation: AlertVariation
email(type: AlertEmailType): [AlertEmail] @deprecated
notifications: AlertNotifications
hubStatus(isInclusive: Boolean!): [HubStatus!]
errorCode(isInclusive: Boolean!): [Int!]
errorType(isInclusive: Boolean!): [ErrorType!]
alertObjects(isInclusive: Boolean!): [AlertObjectsUnion]
groupBy: [AlertGroups!]
comercialType: AlertComercialType


AlertConfiguration.alertType ● AlertType! non-null enum

alert type

AlertConfiguration.mode ● AlertMode! non-null enum

alert mode

AlertConfiguration.windowType ● AlertWindowType! non-null enum

window type

AlertConfiguration.periodicity ● Int scalar

Frequency of time in which the alert will be reviewed

AlertConfiguration.window ● Int scalar

The time frame in minutes

AlertConfiguration.historicalWindow ● Int scalar

The time frame in minutes to be used to compare with the window time frame

AlertConfiguration.offset ● Int scalar

Time frame in minutes to set the beginning of historicalWindow

AlertConfiguration.timesToAlert ● Int! non-null scalar

The number of times the alert must be triggered in order to notify

AlertConfiguration.timesToRecovery ● Int! non-null scalar

The number of times the alert must be recovered in order to notify

AlertConfiguration.typeConfiguration ● AlertTypeConfiguration object

Specific configuration according to the alert type

AlertConfiguration.noRecoveries ● Boolean! non-null scalar

To allow recoveries notifications

AlertConfiguration.stateChangesOnly ● Boolean! non-null scalar

To allow notifications only if the status change

AlertConfiguration.minNumberRequests ● Int scalar

Minimum number of requests should be in the window to check alert or Number of requests to be checked (According to configuration)

AlertConfiguration.percentageToAlert ● Int scalar

percentage to be considered status ALERTING

AlertConfiguration.variation ● AlertVariation enum

According to percentageToAlert value. Used on Comparative mode alerts ● [AlertEmail] deprecated list scalar


deprecated from 2021-05-03.

Email addresses to send notifications ● AlertEmailType enum

AlertConfiguration.notifications ● AlertNotifications object

Emails & slack to send notifications

AlertConfiguration.hubStatus ● [HubStatus!] list enum

Filter of hub status

AlertConfiguration.hubStatus.isInclusive ● Boolean! non-null scalar

AlertConfiguration.errorCode ● [Int!] list scalar

Filter of error code

AlertConfiguration.errorCode.isInclusive ● Boolean! non-null scalar

AlertConfiguration.errorType ● [ErrorType!] list enum

Filter of error type

AlertConfiguration.errorType.isInclusive ● Boolean! non-null scalar

AlertConfiguration.alertObjects ● [AlertObjectsUnion] list union

filter of Access|Client|Supplier|Operation|Group

AlertConfiguration.alertObjects.isInclusive ● Boolean! non-null scalar

AlertConfiguration.groupBy ● [AlertGroups!] list enum

Group by traffic and calculate its parameters separately

AlertConfiguration.comercialType ● AlertComercialType enum

Indicates if the group configuration is SELLER OR BUYER

Member Of

AlertData object