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Hotel data

type HotelData {
code: ID!
hotelCode: String!
hotelCodeSupplier: String
giataData: GiataData
hotelName: String
categoryCode: String
property: Property @deprecated
chainCode: String
exclusiveDeal: Boolean!
location: Location!
contact: Contact
rank: [Int!]!
cardTypes: [PaymentCardType!]
amenities: [AmenityStatic!] @deprecated
medias: [Media!]
types: [DescriptionType!]
languages: [Language!]
): [Description!]
rooms: RoomConnection
propertyType: PropertyType
mandatoryFees: [MandatoryFee!]
checkIn: CheckInformation
checkOut: CheckInformation
allAmenities(mapOptions: [HotelXMapOptionInput!]): HotelXAmenityConnection
mappings(contexts: [String!]): [HotelXMappedCode!]


HotelData.code ● ID! non-null scalar

Internal code.

HotelData.hotelCode ● String! non-null scalar

Code to perform availability.

HotelData.hotelCodeSupplier ● String scalar

Native supplier hotel code.

HotelData.giataData ● GiataData object

Giata data stored in giata.

HotelData.hotelName ● String scalar

Name of the hotel in the Supplier selected.

HotelData.categoryCode ● String scalar

Hotel category (for example number of stars). ● Property deprecated object


Deprecated from 2019-10-16. Redundant information

Indicates property type

HotelData.chainCode ● String scalar

Hotel chain code

HotelData.exclusiveDeal ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Indicates that the Hotel has an Exclusive Deal.

HotelData.location ● Location! non-null object

Indicates the location of the hotel ● Contact object

Contact contains information about hotel contact.

HotelData.rank ● [Int!]! non-null scalar

Rank indicates the supplier categorization.

HotelData.cardTypes ● [PaymentCardType!] list enum

List of credit cards

HotelData.amenities ● [AmenityStatic!] deprecated list object


deprecated from 2021-09-17. Please, use allAmenities


HotelData.medias ● [Media!] list object


HotelData.descriptions ● [Description!] list object


HotelData.descriptions.types ● [DescriptionType!] list enum
HotelData.descriptions.languages ● [Language!] list scalar

HotelData.rooms ● RoomConnection object


HotelData.propertyType ● PropertyType object

Indicates property type.

HotelData.mandatoryFees ● [MandatoryFee!] list object

Mandatory fees of property

HotelData.checkIn ● CheckInformation object

CheckIn information

HotelData.checkOut ● CheckInformation object

CheckOut information

HotelData.allAmenities ● HotelXAmenityConnection object

Amenities with mapping

HotelData.allAmenities.mapOptions ● [HotelXMapOptionInput!] list input

HotelData.mappings ● [HotelXMappedCode!] list object

Mapping codes for this property in various contexts, e.g.: TGX, GIATA,...

HotelData.mappings.contexts ● [String!] list scalar

Member Of

Hotel object

Implemented By

DestinationSearchResult union