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Extended Apikeys information

type ApikeysData {
id: ID!
code: ID!
label: String
isActive: Boolean!
organization: OrganizationsData
role: MembersRole!
services: [ServiceRoles!]

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

Apikeys unique ID. Format: integer.

ApikeysData.code ● ID! non-null scalar

Apikeys unique code

ApikeysData.label ● String scalar

Apikeys name

ApikeysData.isActive ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Indicates whether a Apikeys is active.

ApikeysData.organization ● OrganizationsData object

Organization associated to the Apikey

ApikeysData.role ● MembersRole! non-null enum

Role associated to the Apikey ● [ServiceRoles!] list object

Services associated to the Apikey

Member Of

Apikeys object