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Input PaymentCard, if the payment type is DIRECT, CARD_BOOKING or CARD_CHECK_IN, then is mandatory to specify the payment card information.

input PaymentCardInput {
type: PaymentCardType
holder: HolderInput!
number: String!
CVC: String!
expire: ExpireDateInput!
isVCC: Boolean
virtualCreditCard: VirtualCreditCardInput
threeDomainSecurity: ThreeDomainSecurityInput


PaymentCardInput.type ● PaymentCardType enum

Indicates the supported card type, the supported card for this option is shown in Quote step.

PaymentCardInput.holder ● HolderInput! non-null input

Contains owner's name.

PaymentCardInput.number ● String! non-null scalar

Contains credit card number.

PaymentCardInput.CVC ● String! non-null scalar

Contains credit card CVC.

PaymentCardInput.expire ● ExpireDateInput! non-null input

Contains credit card expiration date.

PaymentCardInput.isVCC ● Boolean scalar

Indicates if it is a virtual card

PaymentCardInput.virtualCreditCard ● VirtualCreditCardInput input

Virtual Credit Card data

PaymentCardInput.threeDomainSecurity ● ThreeDomainSecurityInput input

Three Domain Security data

Member Of

HotelBookInput input ● PaymentInput input