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input FerryQuoteWhereInput {
searchToken: String
isResident: Boolean!
departureOfferCode: ID
returnOfferCode: ID
inputSettings: FerryInputSettings!
ferryBusSegment: [Int!]


FerryQuoteWhereInput.searchToken ● String scalar

Is the SearchToken returned in search response.

FerryQuoteWhereInput.isResident ● Boolean! non-null scalar

To get resident rates.

FerryQuoteWhereInput.departureOfferCode ● ID scalar

FerryQuoteWhereInput.returnOfferCode ● ID scalar

FerryQuoteWhereInput.inputSettings ● FerryInputSettings! non-null input

Node that represents the configuration for an specified request

FerryQuoteWhereInput.ferryBusSegment ● [Int!] list scalar

To indicate the number of passengers who are going to use ferryBus by segment.