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Price indicates the value of the room/option. Supplements and/or surcharges can be included into the price and will be verified with nodes supplements/surcharges.

type Price implements Priceable {
currency: Currency!
binding: Boolean!
net: Float!
gross: Float!
exchange: Exchange!
markups: [Markup!]
minimumSellingPrice: Float


Price.currency ● Currency! non-null scalar

Currency code indicating which currency should be paid.

Price.binding ● Boolean! non-null scalar

It indicates whether the gross price must be honored, meaning the customer cannot sell the room/option at a price lower than the supplier's established rate. ● Float! non-null scalar

It indicates the net price that the customer must pay to the supplier. The net price is calculated by substrating the included surcharges from the gross price. (For calculation purposes only)

Price.gross ● Float! non-null scalar

Indicates the retail price that the supplier sells to the customer. ● Exchange! non-null object

Provides currency information and the applicable rate for the results returned by the Supplier

Price.markups ● [Markup!] list object

Informs markup applied over supplier price.

Price.minimumSellingPrice ● Float scalar

Indicates the minimum selling price it can be sold (determined by the Seller). Is is specified (not null), that field takes preference to Gross and Binding.


Priceable interface

Member Of

BookingDetail object ● BookingRoom object ● FerryOfferData object ● FerryOrderPayload object ● HotelBookingAmend object ● HotelBookingDetail object ● HotelCancelDetail object ● HotelOptionQuote object ● HotelOptionSearch object ● PriceBreakdown object ● RoomPrice object ● Supplement object ● Surcharge object