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Represents the weekdays when a certain price or rate is applicable.

type ApplicableWeekdays {
all: Boolean
monday: Boolean
tuesday: Boolean
wednesday: Boolean
thursday: Boolean
friday: Boolean
saturday: Boolean
sunday: Boolean


ApplicableWeekdays.all ● Boolean scalar

Indicates whether the price or rate is applicable on all days.

ApplicableWeekdays.monday ● Boolean scalar

Indicates whether the price or rate is applicable on Mondays.

ApplicableWeekdays.tuesday ● Boolean scalar

Indicates whether the price or rate is applicable on Tuesdays.

ApplicableWeekdays.wednesday ● Boolean scalar

Indicates whether the price or rate is applicable on Wednesdays.

ApplicableWeekdays.thursday ● Boolean scalar

Indicates whether the price or rate is applicable on Thursdays.

ApplicableWeekdays.friday ● Boolean scalar

Indicates whether the price or rate is applicable on Fridays.

ApplicableWeekdays.saturday ● Boolean scalar

Indicates whether the price or rate is applicable on Saturdays.

ApplicableWeekdays.sunday ● Boolean scalar

Indicates whether the price or rate is applicable on Sundays.

Member Of

MealPlanSupplementLoad object ● RateAvailLoad object ● RatePriceLoad object