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Rate setup input data

input InventoryRateSetupCreateInput {
code: String!
name: String!
active: Boolean!
mealPlanIncluded: Int!
agePolicies: AgePoliciesCreateInput!
paymentPolicies: PaymentPoliciesCreateInput!
bookingRules: InventoryBookingRulesInput
cancelPolicies: CancelPoliciesCreateInput!
surcharges: [InventorySurchargeInput]


InventoryRateSetupCreateInput.code ● String! non-null scalar

Code associated with the rate. ● String! non-null scalar

Name of the rate. ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Indicates whether the rate is active.

InventoryRateSetupCreateInput.mealPlanIncluded ● Int! non-null scalar

Indicates if the meal plan is included in the rate.

InventoryRateSetupCreateInput.agePolicies ● AgePoliciesCreateInput! non-null input

Age policies associated with the rate.

InventoryRateSetupCreateInput.paymentPolicies ● PaymentPoliciesCreateInput! non-null input

Payment policies associated with the rate.

InventoryRateSetupCreateInput.bookingRules ● InventoryBookingRulesInput input

Booking rules associated with the rate.

InventoryRateSetupCreateInput.cancelPolicies ● CancelPoliciesCreateInput! non-null input

Cancel policies associated with the rate.

InventoryRateSetupCreateInput.surcharges ● [InventorySurchargeInput] list input

Surcharges associated with the rate.

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InventoryRatesSetupCreateInput input