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Represents the update of payment policies for a rate.

input PaymentPoliciesUpdateInput {
currency: Currency
commission: Float
priceIsBinding: Boolean
acceptedPayments: [AcceptedPaymentInput]


PaymentPoliciesUpdateInput.currency ● Currency scalar

Currency of the payment. See Currency.

PaymentPoliciesUpdateInput.commission ● Float scalar

Commission applied for all rooms in this rate, leave value 0 for net price. Only Informative.

PaymentPoliciesUpdateInput.priceIsBinding ● Boolean scalar

Informs if the prices are binding price. Only Informative.

PaymentPoliciesUpdateInput.acceptedPayments ● [AcceptedPaymentInput] list input

Rate Accepted Payments, if not informed it is MerchantPay. See AcceptedPayment.

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RateUpdateInput input