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Offer setup input data

input InventoryOfferSetupInput {
nightsType: NightsType!
code: String!
description: String!
mon: Boolean
tue: Boolean
wed: Boolean
thu: Boolean
fri: Boolean
sat: Boolean
sun: Boolean
isActive: Boolean!
applyFrom: DateTime
applyTo: DateTime
numberOfNights: Int!
minLos: Int
maxLos: Int
roomCodes: [String]


InventoryOfferSetupInput.nightsType ● NightsType! non-null enum

The type of the offer.

InventoryOfferSetupInput.code ● String! non-null scalar

The code of the offer.

InventoryOfferSetupInput.description ● String! non-null scalar

The description of the offer.

InventoryOfferSetupInput.mon ● Boolean scalar

Indicates whether the offer applies on Monday.

InventoryOfferSetupInput.tue ● Boolean scalar

Indicates whether the offer applies on Tuesday. ● Boolean scalar

Indicates whether the offer applies on Wednesday.

InventoryOfferSetupInput.thu ● Boolean scalar

Indicates whether the offer applies on Thursday.

InventoryOfferSetupInput.fri ● Boolean scalar

Indicates whether the offer applies on Friday.

InventoryOfferSetupInput.sat ● Boolean scalar

Indicates whether the offer applies on Saturday.

InventoryOfferSetupInput.sun ● Boolean scalar

Indicates whether the offer applies on Sunday.

InventoryOfferSetupInput.isActive ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Indicates whether the offer is active.

InventoryOfferSetupInput.applyFrom ● DateTime scalar

The start date when the offer applies.

InventoryOfferSetupInput.applyTo ● DateTime scalar

The end date when the offer applies.

InventoryOfferSetupInput.numberOfNights ● Int! non-null scalar

The number of nights for the offer.

InventoryOfferSetupInput.minLos ● Int scalar

The minimum length of stay for the offer.

InventoryOfferSetupInput.maxLos ● Int scalar

The maximum length of stay for the offer.

InventoryOfferSetupInput.roomCodes ● [String] list scalar

The room codes associated with the offer. Each code represents a specific room. Code

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InventoryOffersSetupCreateInput input