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Represents a surcharge applied to a rate.

type InventorySurcharge {
chargeType: InventoryChargeType!
taxType: InventoryTaxType!
value: Float!
applyType: InventoryApplyType!
perNight: Boolean!
perPax: Boolean!


InventorySurcharge.chargeType ● InventoryChargeType! non-null enum

Indicates if the surcharge is included or not in the price.

InventorySurcharge.taxType ● InventoryTaxType! non-null enum

The type of tax applied to the surcharge.

InventorySurcharge.value ● Float! non-null scalar

The value of the surcharge.

InventorySurcharge.applyType ● InventoryApplyType! non-null enum

The type of application for the surcharge.

InventorySurcharge.perNight ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Indicates whether the surcharge is applied per night.

InventorySurcharge.perPax ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Indicates whether the surcharge is applied per person.

Member Of

InventoryRateSetup object